Package org.drools.core.spi

Examples of org.drools.core.spi.Tuple

            public void evaluate(KnowledgeHelper drools,
                                 WorkingMemory workingMemory) throws ConsequenceException {
                try {
                    RuleImpl rule = drools.getRule();
                    Tuple tuple = drools.getTuple();

                    Context context = (Context) drools.get( contextDeclaration );
                    context.setState( Context.PRINT_RESULTS );

                    drools.update( tuple.get( contextDeclaration ),
                                   context );

                    //                    System.err.println( "We Are Done!!!" );
                } catch ( Exception e ) {
                    throw new ConsequenceException( e );
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            public void evaluate(KnowledgeHelper drools,
                                 WorkingMemory workingMemory) throws ConsequenceException {
                try {
                    RuleImpl rule = drools.getRule();
                    Tuple tuple = drools.getTuple();

                    Context context = (Context) drools.get( contextDeclaration );
                    context.setState( Context.ASSIGN_SEATS );

                    drools.update( tuple.get( contextDeclaration ),
                                   context );

                    //System.err.println( "continue processing" );
                } catch ( Exception e ) {
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                              workingMemory );

        final List asserted = sink.getAsserted();
        assertEquals( 1,
                      asserted.size() );
        Tuple tuple = (Tuple) ((Object[]) asserted.get( 0 ))[0];
        assertSame( person2,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[0].getObject() );
        assertSame( cheese1,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[1].getObject() );

        cheese2.setType( "stilton" );
        final Person person3 = new Person( "xxx2",
                                           30 );
        final FactHandle person3Handle = workingMemory.insert( person3 );
        final LeftTuple tuple3 = new LeftTupleImpl( (DefaultFactHandle) person3Handle,
                                                    true );
        from.assertLeftTuple( tuple3,
                              workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      asserted.size() );
        tuple = (Tuple) ((Object[]) asserted.get( 1 ))[0];
        assertSame( person3,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[0].getObject() );
        assertSame( cheese1,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[1].getObject() );
        tuple = (Tuple) ((Object[]) asserted.get( 2 ))[0];
        assertSame( person3,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[0].getObject() );
        assertSame( cheese2,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[1].getObject() );

        assertNotSame( cheese1,
                       cheese2 );
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                              workingMemory );

        final List asserted = sink.getAsserted();
        assertEquals( 1,
                      asserted.size() );
        Tuple tuple = (Tuple) ((Object[]) asserted.get( 0 ))[0];
        assertSame( person2,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[0].getObject() );
        assertSame( cheese1,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[1].getObject() );

        cheese2.setPrice( 30 );
        final Person person3 = new Person( "xxx2",
                                           30 );
        final FactHandle person3Handle = workingMemory.insert( person3 );
        final LeftTuple tuple3 = new LeftTupleImpl( (DefaultFactHandle) person3Handle,
                                                    true );
        from.assertLeftTuple( tuple3,
                              workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      asserted.size() );
        tuple = (Tuple) ((Object[]) asserted.get( 1 ))[0];
        assertSame( person3,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[0].getObject() );
        assertSame( cheese1,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[1].getObject() );
        tuple = (Tuple) ((Object[]) asserted.get( 2 ))[0];
        assertSame( person3,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[0].getObject() );
        assertSame( cheese2,
                    tuple.toFactHandles()[1].getObject() );

        assertNotSame( cheese1,
                       cheese2 );
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     * @param activation The activation from which the declarations should be extracted
     * @return A String represetation of the declarations of the activation.
    private String extractDeclarations(final Activation activation,  final WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        final Tuple tuple = activation.getTuple();
        final Map<?, ?> declarations = activation.getSubRule().getOuterDeclarations();
        for ( Iterator<?> it = declarations.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            final Declaration declaration = (Declaration);
            final FactHandle handle = tuple.get( declaration );
            if ( handle instanceof InternalFactHandle ) {
                final InternalFactHandle handleImpl = (InternalFactHandle) handle;
                if ( handleImpl.getId() == -1 ) {
                    // This handle is now invalid, probably due to an fact retraction
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     * @return A unique id for the activation
    private static String getActivationId(final Activation activation) {
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( activation.getRule().getName() );
        result.append( " [" );
        final Tuple tuple = activation.getTuple();
        final FactHandle[] handles = tuple.toFactHandles();
        for ( int i = 0; i < handles.length; i++ ) {
            result.append( ((InternalFactHandle) handles[i]).getId() );
            if ( i < handles.length - 1 ) {
                result.append( ", " );
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     * @param activation The activation from which the declarations should be extracted
     * @return A String represetation of the declarations of the activation.
    private String extractDeclarations(final Activation activation,  final WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        final Tuple tuple = activation.getTuple();
        final Map<?, ?> declarations = activation.getSubRule().getOuterDeclarations();
        for ( Iterator<?> it = declarations.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            final Declaration declaration = (Declaration);
            final FactHandle handle = tuple.get( declaration );
            if ( handle instanceof InternalFactHandle ) {
                final InternalFactHandle handleImpl = (InternalFactHandle) handle;
                if ( handleImpl.getId() == -1 ) {
                    // This handle is now invalid, probably due to an fact retraction
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     * @return A unique id for the activation
    private static String getActivationId(final Activation activation) {
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( activation.getRule().getName() );
        result.append( " [" );
        final Tuple tuple = activation.getTuple();
        final FactHandle[] handles = tuple.toFactHandles();
        for ( int i = 0; i < handles.length; i++ ) {
            result.append( ((InternalFactHandle) handles[i]).getId() );
            if ( i < handles.length - 1 ) {
                result.append( ", " );
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.spi.Tuple

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