int salience = stream.readInt();
String pkgName = stream.readUTF();
String ruleName = stream.readUTF();
Package pkg = ruleBase.getPackage( pkgName );
Rule rule = pkg.getRule( ruleName );
RuleTerminalNode ruleTerminalNode = (RuleTerminalNode) leftTuple.getLeftTupleSink();
PropagationContext pc = context.propagationContexts.get( stream.readLong() );
AgendaItem activation;
boolean scheduled = false;
if (rule.getTimer() != null) {
activation = new ScheduledAgendaItem( activationNumber,
(InternalAgenda) wm.getAgenda(),
ruleTerminalNode );
scheduled = true;
} else {
activation = new AgendaItem( activationNumber,
ruleTerminalNode );
leftTuple.setObject( activation );
if (stream.readBoolean()) {
String activationGroupName = stream.readUTF();
( (DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda() ).getActivationGroup( activationGroupName ).addActivation( activation );
boolean activated = stream.readBoolean();
activation.setActivated( activated );
if (stream.readBoolean()) {
InternalFactHandle handle = context.handles.get( stream.readInt() );
activation.setFactHandle( handle );
handle.setObject( activation );
InternalAgendaGroup agendaGroup;
if (rule.getAgendaGroup() == null || rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( "" ) ||
rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( AgendaGroup.MAIN )) {
// Is the Rule AgendaGroup undefined? If it is use MAIN,
// which is added to the Agenda by default
agendaGroup = (InternalAgendaGroup) ( (DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda() ).getAgendaGroup( AgendaGroup.MAIN );
} else {
// AgendaGroup is defined, so try and get the AgendaGroup
// from the Agenda
agendaGroup = (InternalAgendaGroup) ( (DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda() ).getAgendaGroup( rule.getAgendaGroup() );
activation.setAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );
if (!scheduled && activated) {
if (rule.getRuleFlowGroup() == null) {
agendaGroup.add( activation );
} else {
InternalRuleFlowGroup rfg = (InternalRuleFlowGroup) ( (DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda() ).getRuleFlowGroup( rule.getRuleFlowGroup() );
rfg.addActivation( activation );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // MDP need to update as we now have a TMS per EntryPoint