} else if ( tupleSource.getType() == NodeTypeEnums.ConditionalBranchNode ) {
ConditionalBranchMemory branchMem = ( ConditionalBranchMemory ) smem.createNodeMemory( ( ConditionalBranchNode ) tupleSource, wm );
branchMem.setSegmentMemory( smem );
updateNodeBit = false; // nodes after a branch CE can notify, but they cannot impact linking
} else if ( tupleSource.getType() == NodeTypeEnums.FromNode ) {
FromMemory fromMemory = ( FromMemory ) smem.createNodeMemory( ( FromNode ) tupleSource, wm );
fromMemory.getBetaMemory().setSegmentMemory( smem );
} else if ( tupleSource.getType() == NodeTypeEnums.QueryElementNode ) {
// Initialize the QueryElementNode and have it's memory reference the actual query SegmentMemory
QueryElementNode queryNode = ( QueryElementNode ) tupleSource;
LeftInputAdapterNode liaNode = getQueryLiaNode(queryNode.getQueryElement().getQueryName(), getQueryOtn(segmentRoot));
LiaNodeMemory liam = ( LiaNodeMemory ) wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) liaNode );