Package org.drools.core.common

Examples of org.drools.core.common.InternalWorkingMemory

        str += "    rightMemory,[h0];\n";

        NodeTestResult result = executeTest( str );
        Map<String, Object> map = result.context;

        InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) map.get( "WorkingMemory" );
        List<InternalFactHandle> handles = (List<InternalFactHandle>) map.get( "Handles" );

        JoinNode join1 = (JoinNode) map.get( "join1" );

        BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( join1 );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
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        str += "    rightMemory, [h4];\n";

        NodeTestResult result = executeTest( str );
        Map<String, Object> map = result.context;

        InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) map.get( "WorkingMemory" );
        List<InternalFactHandle> handles = (List<InternalFactHandle>) map.get( "Handles" );

        JoinNode join1 = (JoinNode) map.get( "join1" );

        BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( join1 );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
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        str += "    rightMemory, [h4];\n";

        NodeTestResult result = executeTest( str );
        Map<String, Object> map = result.context;

        InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) map.get( "WorkingMemory" );
        List<InternalFactHandle> handles = (List<InternalFactHandle>) map.get( "Handles" );

        JoinNode join1 = (JoinNode) map.get( "join1" );

        BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( join1 );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
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        ReteooRuleBase rbase = new ReteooRuleBase("ID", conf);
        BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext(rbase, rbase

        InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) rbase

        // Overwrite values now taking into account the configuration options.
        context.put(BUILD_CONTEXT, buildContext);
        context.put(WORKING_MEMORY, wm);
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        str += "    rightMemory, [];\n";
        NodeTestResult result = executeTest( str );
        Map<String, Object> map = result.context;

        InternalWorkingMemory wm = (InternalWorkingMemory) map.get( "WorkingMemory" );
        List<InternalFactHandle> handles = (List<InternalFactHandle>) map.get( "Handles" );

        JoinNode join1 = (JoinNode) map.get( "join1" );

        BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( join1 );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
        JoinNode join2 = (JoinNode) map.get( "join2" );

        memory = (BetaMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( join2 );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
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     * @throws IntrospectionException
    public void testLiteralConstraint() throws IntrospectionException {
        final ReteooRuleBase ruleBase = (ReteooRuleBase) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory = (InternalWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class,

        final MvelConstraint constraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "type == \"cheddar\"",
                                                                      FieldFactory.getInstance().getFieldValue( "cheddar" ),
                                                                      extractor );

        final ContextEntry context = constraint.createContextEntry();

        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           5 );

        final InternalFactHandle cheddarHandle = (InternalFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( cheddar );

        // check constraint
        assertTrue( constraint.isAllowed( cheddarHandle,
                                          context ) );

        final Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                           5 );

        final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle = (InternalFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( stilton );

        // check constraint
        assertFalse( constraint.isAllowed( stiltonHandle,
                                           context ) );
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     * @throws IntrospectionException
    public void testPrimitiveLiteralConstraint() throws IntrospectionException {
        final ReteooRuleBase ruleBase = (ReteooRuleBase) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory = (InternalWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final ClassFieldReader extractor = store.getReader(Cheese.class,

        final MvelConstraint constraint = new MvelConstraintTestUtil( "price == 5",
                                                                      FieldFactory.getInstance().getFieldValue( 5 ),
                                                                      extractor );
        final ContextEntry context = constraint.createContextEntry();

        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           5 );

        final InternalFactHandle cheddarHandle = (InternalFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( cheddar );

        // check constraint
        assertTrue( constraint.isAllowed( cheddarHandle,
                                          context ) );

        final Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                           10 );

        final InternalFactHandle stiltonHandle = (InternalFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( stilton );

        // check constraint
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     * @throws IntrospectionException
    public void testPredicateConstraint() throws IntrospectionException {
        final ReteooRuleBase ruleBase = (ReteooRuleBase) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory = (InternalWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final InternalReadAccessor priceExtractor = store.getReader( Cheese.class,
                                                                     getClass().getClassLoader() );

        Pattern pattern = new Pattern( 0,
                                       new ClassObjectType( Cheese.class ) );

        // Bind the extractor to a decleration
        // Declarations know the pattern they derive their value form
        final Declaration price1Declaration = new Declaration( "price1",
                                                               pattern );

        pattern = new Pattern( 1,
                               new ClassObjectType( Cheese.class ) );

        // Bind the extractor to a decleration
        // Declarations know the pattern they derive their value form
        final Declaration price2Declaration = new Declaration( "price2",
                                                               pattern );

        final PredicateExpression evaluator = new PredicateExpression() {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 510l;

            public boolean evaluate(Object object,
                                    Tuple tuple,
                                    Declaration[] previousDeclarations,
                                    Declaration[] localDeclarations,
                                    WorkingMemory workingMemory,
                                    Object context) {
                int price1 = previousDeclarations[0].getIntValue( (InternalWorkingMemory) workingMemory,
                                                                  workingMemory.getObject( tuple.get( previousDeclarations[0] ) ) );
                int price2 = localDeclarations[0].getIntValue( (InternalWorkingMemory) workingMemory,
                                                               object );

                return (price2 == (price1 * 2));


            public Object createContext() {
                return null;

            public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
                                                    ClassNotFoundException {

            public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {

        final PredicateConstraint constraint1 = new PredicateConstraint( evaluator,
                                                                         new Declaration[]{price1Declaration},
                                                                         new Declaration[]{price2Declaration},
                                                                         new String[]{},
                                                                         new String[]{});

        final Cheese cheddar0 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                            5 );
        final InternalFactHandle f0 = (InternalFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( cheddar0 );
        LeftTupleImpl tuple = new LeftTupleImpl( f0,
                                         true );

        final Cheese cheddar1 = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                            10 );
        final InternalFactHandle f1 = (InternalFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( cheddar1 );

        tuple = new LeftTupleImpl( tuple,
                               new RightTuple( f1,
                                               null ),
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    public static void readFactHandles(MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                       org.drools.core.marshalling.impl.ProtobufMessages.EntryPoint _ep,
                                       ObjectStore objectStore,
                                       List<PropagationContextImpl> pctxs) throws IOException,
                                                                          ClassNotFoundException {
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        SessionEntryPoint entryPoint = context.wm.getEntryPoints().get( _ep.getEntryPointId() );
        // load the handles
        for ( ProtobufMessages.FactHandle _handle : _ep.getHandleList() ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context,
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    public static void readFactHandles( MarshallerReaderContext context,
            ObjectStore objectStore ) throws IOException,
            ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        int size = stream.readInt();

        // load the handles
        InternalFactHandle[] handles = new InternalFactHandle[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );

            context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                 handle );
            handles[i] = handle;

            if (handle.getObject() != null) {
                objectStore.addHandle( handle,
                                       handle.getObject() );

            readRightTuples( handle,
                             context );

        readLeftTuples( context ); // object store

        if (stream.readBoolean()) {
            readLeftTuples( context ); // activation fact handles

        // add handles to object type nodes
        for (InternalFactHandle factHandle : handles) {
            Object object = factHandle.getObject();

            EntryPoint ep = ( (InternalWorkingMemoryEntryPoint) factHandle.getEntryPoint() ).getEntryPoint();

            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = ( (InternalWorkingMemoryEntryPoint) factHandle.getEntryPoint() ).getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getObjectTypeConf( ep,
                                                                                                                                                               object );
            ObjectTypeNode[] cachedNodes = typeConf.getObjectTypeNodes();
            for (int i = 0, length = cachedNodes.length; i < length; i++) {
                ObjectHashSet set = (ObjectHashSet) wm.getNodeMemory( cachedNodes[i] );
                set.add( factHandle,
                         false );
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