Package org.drools.core

Examples of org.drools.core.WorkingMemory


    public void testSimpleExpression() {
        WorkingMemory wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final Person p = new Person( "mark",
                                     31 );
        final InternalFactHandle f0 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( p );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple = new LeftTupleImpl( f0,
                                                       true );

        RuleTerminalNode rtn = new RuleTerminalNode();
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        final MVELConsequenceBuilder builder = new MVELConsequenceBuilder(); context, Rule.DEFAULT_CONSEQUENCE_NAME );

        RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        final WorkingMemory wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        MockLeftTupleSink sink = new MockLeftTupleSink();
        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           10 );
        final InternalFactHandle f0 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( cheddar );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple = new LeftTupleImpl( f0,
                                               true );
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        final MVELConsequenceBuilder builder = new MVELConsequenceBuilder(); context, Rule.DEFAULT_CONSEQUENCE_NAME );

        final RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        final WorkingMemory wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           10 );
        final InternalFactHandle f0 = (InternalFactHandle) wm.insert( cheddar );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple = new LeftTupleImpl( f0,
                                               true );

        final AgendaItem item = new AgendaItem( 0,
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                      builder.getErrors().getErrors() );

        final ReteooRuleBase ruleBase = (ReteooRuleBase) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        ruleBase.getGlobals().put( "map",
                                   Map.class );
        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final HashMap map = new HashMap();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "map",
                                 map );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple = new MockTuple( new HashMap() );
        tuple.setLeftTupleSink( new RuleTerminalNode(1, new CompositeObjectSinkAdapterTest.MockBetaNode(), rule,rule.getLhs(), 0,new BuildContext(ruleBase, null) )  );       
        final Activation activation = new MockActivation( rule,
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        newPkg.getDialectRuntimeRegistry().onAdd( ruleBase.getRootClassLoader() );

        ruleBase.getGlobals().put( "map",
                                   Map.class );
        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final HashMap map = new HashMap();

        workingMemory.setGlobal( "map",
                                 map );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple = new MockTuple( new HashMap() );
        tuple.setLeftTupleSink( new RuleTerminalNode(1, new CompositeObjectSinkAdapterTest.MockBetaNode(), newRule,newRule.getLhs(), 0, new BuildContext(ruleBase, null) )  );
        final Activation activation = new MockActivation( newRule,
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        List list;

        final List l = new ArrayList();
        final Person a = new Person( "a" );
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "a",
                                 a );
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "l",
                                 l );

        list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( a.getClass() ) ) );
        assertEquals( "a still in WM",
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( "Rule should not loop",
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        // workingMemory.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
        // workingMemory.addEventListener(new
        // DebugWorkingMemoryEventListener());

        final List list = new ArrayList();

        final Person person = new Person( "person" );
        final Cheese cheese = new Cheese( "cheese",
                                          0 );
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "cheese",
                                 cheese );
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "person",
                                 person );
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "list",
                                 list );


        // not sure about desired state of working memory.
        assertEquals( "Rules have not fired (looped) expected number of times",
                      list.size() );
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    public void testCollectModifyAlphaRestriction() throws Exception {
        // read in the source
        final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_CollectAlphaRestriction.drl" ) );
        RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader );

        final WorkingMemory wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final List results = new ArrayList();

        wm.setGlobal( "results", results );

        final Cheese[] cheese = new Cheese[]{new Cheese( "stilton", 10 ),
                                             new Cheese( "stilton", 2 ),
                                             new Cheese( "stilton", 5 ),
                                             new Cheese( "brie", 15 ),
                                             new Cheese( "brie", 16 ),
                                             new Cheese( "provolone", 8 )};

        final FactHandle[] cheeseHandles = new FactHandle[cheese.length];
        for ( int i = 0; i < cheese.length; i++ ) {
            cheeseHandles[i] = wm.insert( cheese[i] );

        // ---------------- 1st scenario
        int fireCount = 0;
        assertEquals( ++fireCount,  results.size() );
        assertEquals( 3, ((Collection) results.get( fireCount - 1 )).size() );
        assertEquals( ArrayList.class.getName(),  results.get( fireCount - 1 ).getClass().getName() );

        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setType( "brie" );
        wm.update( cheeseHandles[index], cheese[index] );

        assertEquals( ++fireCount, results.size() );
        assertEquals( 2, ((Collection) results.get( fireCount - 1 )).size() );
        assertEquals( ArrayList.class.getName(), results.get( fireCount - 1 ).getClass().getName() );

        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        wm.retract( cheeseHandles[2] );

        assertEquals( ++fireCount,  results.size() );
        assertEquals( 1((Collection) results.get( fireCount - 1 )).size() );
        assertEquals( ArrayList.class.getName(), results.get( fireCount - 1 ).getClass().getName() );
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getSinglethreadRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final List list = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "results",
                                 list );
        int fired = 0;

        // no cheeses, so should fire
        assertEquals( ++fired,
                      list.size() );

        // only stilton, so should not fire again
        FactHandle stilton1 = workingMemory.insert( new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                                10 ) );
        assertEquals( fired,
                      list.size() );

        // only stilton, so should not fire again
        FactHandle stilton2 = workingMemory.insert( new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                                11 ) );
        assertEquals( fired,
                      list.size() );

        // still only stilton, so should not fire 
        workingMemory.retract( stilton1 );
        assertEquals( ++fired, // we need to fix forall to not fire in this situation
                      list.size() );

        // there is a brie, so should not fire 
        FactHandle brie = workingMemory.insert( new Cheese( "brie",
                                                            10 ) );
        assertEquals( fired,
                      list.size() );

        // no brie anymore, so should fire 
        workingMemory.retract( brie );
        assertEquals( ++fired,
                      list.size() );

        // no more cheese, but since it already fired, should not fire again
        workingMemory.retract( stilton2 );
        assertEquals( fired, 
                      list.size() );

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        // read in the source
        final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_MVELCollect.drl" ) );
        final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader );

        final WorkingMemory wm = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final List results = new ArrayList();

        wm.setGlobal( "results",
                      results );

        wm.insert( new Cheese( "stilton",
                               10 ) );
        wm.insert( new Cheese( "stilton",
                               7 ) );
        wm.insert( new Cheese( "stilton",
                               8 ) );
        wm.insert( new Cheese( "brie",
                               5 ) );
        wm.insert( new Cheese( "provolone",
                               150 ) );
        wm.insert( new Cheese( "provolone",
                               20 ) );
        wm.insert( new Person( "Bob",
                               "stilton" ) );
        wm.insert( new Person( "Mark",
                               "provolone" ) );


        assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );
        assertEquals( 6,
                             ((List) results.get( 0 )).size() );
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.WorkingMemory

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