Package org.drools.compiler.lang.dsl

Examples of org.drools.compiler.lang.dsl.DefaultExpander$ConstraintInformation

        DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
        String dsl = "[keyword]key {param}=Foo( attr=={param} )";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );
        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );

        String source = "rule x\nwhen\n key 1 \n key 2 \nthen\nend";
        String drl = ex.expand( source );
        System.out.println( drl );

        assertTrue( drl.contains( "attr==1" ) );
        assertTrue( drl.contains( "attr==2" ) );
        //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' \n when \n foo \n then \n end" ));
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        DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
        String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()\n[then]bar {num}=baz({num});";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );
        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );

        //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' \n when \n foo \n then \n end" ));
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        String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()\n[then]bar {num}=baz({num});";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "rule 'q'\nagenda-group 'x'\nwhen\n    foo  \nthen\n    bar 42\nend";
        String drl = ex.expand( source );
        assertFalse( ex.hasErrors() );

        ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );

        source = "rule 'q' agenda-group 'x'\nwhen\n    foos \nthen\n    bar 42\n end";
        drl = ex.expand( source );
        //System.out.println( drl );
        assertTrue( ex.hasErrors() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ex.getErrors().size() );
        //System.err.println(( (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 )).getMessage());
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        String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()\n[then]bar {num}=baz({num});";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "rule 'q'\nagenda-group 'x'\nwhen\n    foo  \nthen\n    bar 42\nend";
        String drl = ex.expand( source );
        assertFalse( ex.hasErrors() );

        ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );

        source = "rule 'q' agenda-group 'x'\nwhen\n    foos \nthen\n    bar 42\n end";
        drl = ex.expand( source );
        //System.out.println( drl );
        assertTrue( ex.hasErrors() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ex.getErrors().size() );
        //System.err.println(( (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 )).getMessage());
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        String dsl = "[when]Invoke rule executor=ruleExec: RuleExecutor()\n" + "[then]Execute rule \"{id}\"=ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long({id}));";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "package something;\n\nrule \"1\"\nwhen\n    Invoke rule executor\nthen\n    Execute rule \"5\"\nend";
        String expected = "package something;\n\nrule \"1\"\nwhen\n   ruleExec: RuleExecutor()\nthen\n   ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long(5));\nend\n";
        String drl = ex.expand( source );
        //        System.out.println("["+drl+"]" );
        //        System.out.println("["+expected+"]" );
        assertFalse( ex.hasErrors() );
        equalsIgnoreWhiteSpace( expected,
                                drl );

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        String dsl = "[when]Invoke rule executor=ruleExec: RuleExecutor()\n" + "[then]Execute rule \"{id}\"=ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long({id}));";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "package something;\n\nrule \"1\"\nwhen\n    Invoke rule executor\nthen\n    Execute rule \"5\"\nend";
        String expected = "package something;\n\nrule \"1\"\nwhen\n    ruleExec: RuleExecutor()\nthen\n    ruleExec.ExecuteSubRule( new Long(5));\nend";
        String drl = ex.expand( source );
        //        System.out.println("["+drl+"]" );
        //        System.out.println("["+expected+"]" );
        assertFalse( ex.hasErrors() );
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    public void testLineNumberError() throws Exception {
        DSLMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
        String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + "    __  " + NL +
                "then" + NL + "    bar 42" + NL + "\tgoober" + NL + "end";
        ex.expand( source );
        assertTrue( ex.hasErrors() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ex.getErrors().size() );
        ExpanderException err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      err.getLine() );
        err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( 7,
                      err.getLine() );

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    public void testANTLRLineNumberError() throws Exception {
        DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
        String dsl = "[when]foo=Foo()" + NL + "[then]bar {num}=baz({num});";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "rule 'q'" + NL + "agenda-group 'x'" + NL + "when" + NL + "    __  " + NL +
                "then" + NL + "    bar 42" + NL + "\tgoober" + NL + "end";
        ex.expand( source );
        assertTrue( ex.hasErrors() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ex.getErrors().size() );
        ExpanderException err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      err.getLine() );
        err = (ExpanderException) ex.getErrors().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( 7,
                      err.getLine() );

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        DSLTokenizedMappingFile file = new DSLTokenizedMappingFile();
        String dsl = "[when]When the credit rating is {rating:ENUM:Applicant.creditRating} = applicant:Applicant(credit=={rating})";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      file.getErrors().size() );
        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );
        String source = "rule \"TestNewDslSetup\"\ndialect \"mvel\"\nwhen\nWhen the credit rating is AA\nthen \nend";

        //        String source="rule \"TestNewDslSetup\"\n"+
        //                        "dialect \"mvel\"\n"+
        //                        "when\n"+
        //                            "When the credit rating is OK\n"+
        //                        "then\n"+
        //                        "end\n";

        String drl = ex.expand( source );

        String expected = "rule \"TestNewDslSetup\"\n" +
                          "dialect \"mvel\"\n" +
                          "when\n" +
                          "applicant:Applicant(credit==AA)\n" +
                          "then  \nend";

        assertFalse( ex.getErrors().toString(),
                     ex.hasErrors() );
        assertEquals( expected,
                      drl );

        //System.err.println(ex.expand( "rule 'x' \n when \n foo \n then \n end" ));
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                + "[when]-endDate is after {date}=endDate>DateUtils.parseDate(\"{date}\")";
        file.parseAndLoad( new StringReader( dsl ) );
        assertEquals( 0,
                file.getErrors().size() );

        DefaultExpander ex = new DefaultExpander();
        ex.addDSLMapping( file.getMapping() );

        String drl = ex.expand( source );
        assertFalse( ex.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( expected, drl );
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Related Classes of org.drools.compiler.lang.dsl.DefaultExpander$ConstraintInformation

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