Package org.drools.common

Examples of org.drools.common.TruthMaintenanceSystem

     * @see JBRULES-356
    public void testBasicWorkingMemoryActions() {
        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase().newStatefulSession();
        final TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = workingMemory.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        final String string = "test";
        FactHandle fd = workingMemory.insert( string );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        EqualityKey key = tms.get( string );
        assertSame( fd,
                    key.getFactHandle() );
        assertNull( key.getOtherFactHandle() );

        workingMemory.update( fd,
                                    string );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        key = tms.get( string );
        assertSame( fd,
                    key.getFactHandle() );
        assertNull( key.getOtherFactHandle() );

        workingMemory.retract( fd );

        assertEquals( 0,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        key = tms.get( string );
        assertNull( key );

        fd = workingMemory.insert( string );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        key = tms.get( string );
        assertSame( fd,
                    key.getFactHandle() );
        assertNull( key.getOtherFactHandle() );
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        workingMemory.retract( h );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = ((InternalWorkingMemory) workingMemory).getTruthMaintenanceSystem();

        final java.lang.reflect.Field field = tms.getClass().getDeclaredField( "assertMap" );
        field.setAccessible( true );
        final ObjectHashMap m = (ObjectHashMap) field.get( tms );
        field.setAccessible( false );
        assertEquals( "assertMap should be empty",
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        workingMemory.retract( h );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = ((InternalWorkingMemory) workingMemory).getTruthMaintenanceSystem();

        final java.lang.reflect.Field field = tms.getClass().getDeclaredField( "assertMap" );
        field.setAccessible( true );
        final ObjectHashMap m = (ObjectHashMap) field.get( tms );
        field.setAccessible( false );
        assertEquals( "assertMap should be empty",
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     * @see JBRULES-356
    public void testBasicWorkingMemoryActions() {
        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase().newStatefulSession();
        final TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = workingMemory.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        final String string = "test";
        workingMemory.insert( string );
        FactHandle fd = workingMemory.insertLogical( string );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        EqualityKey key = tms.get( string );
        assertSame( fd,
                    key.getFactHandle() );
        assertNull( key.getOtherFactHandle() );

        workingMemory.update( fd,
                                    string );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        key = tms.get( string );
        assertSame( fd,
                    key.getFactHandle() );
        assertNull( key.getOtherFactHandle() );

        workingMemory.retract( fd );

        assertEquals( 0,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        key = tms.get( string );
        assertNull( key );

        fd = workingMemory.insert( string );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      tms.getAssertMap().size() );
        key = tms.get( string );
        assertSame( fd,
                    key.getFactHandle() );
        assertNull( key.getOtherFactHandle() );
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    public static void readTruthMaintenanceSystem(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.EQUALITY_KEY ) {
            int status = stream.readInt();
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
            EqualityKey key = new EqualityKey( handle,
                                               status );
            handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.FACT_HANDLE ) {
                factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
                key.addFactHandle( handle );
                handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            tms.put( key );
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                InternalRuleFlowGroup rfg = (InternalRuleFlowGroup) ((DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda()).getRuleFlowGroup( rule.getRuleFlowGroup() );
                rfg.addActivation( activation );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LOGICAL_DEPENDENCY ) {
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
            tms.addLogicalDependency( handle,
                                      rule );
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    public static void readTruthMaintenanceSystem( MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                                   RuleData _session ) throws IOException {

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        ProtobufMessages.TruthMaintenanceSystem _tms = _session.getTms();
        for( ProtobufMessages.EqualityKey _key : _tms.getKeyList() ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( _key.getHandleId() );

            // ObjectTypeConf state is not marshalled, so it needs to be re-determined
            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = context.wm.getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getObjectTypeConf( ((NamedEntryPoint)handle.getEntryPoint()).getEntryPoint(),
                                                                                                         handle.getObject() );
            if (!typeConf.isTMSEnabled()) {

            EqualityKey key = new EqualityKey( handle,
                                               _key.getStatus() );
            handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            for( Integer factHandleId : _key.getOtherHandleList() ) {
                handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId.intValue() );
                key.addFactHandle( handle );
                handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            tms.put( key );
        for( ProtobufMessages.Justification _justification : _tms.getJustificationList() ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( _justification.getHandleId() );
            for( ProtobufMessages.Activation _activation : _justification.getActivationList() ) {
                Activation activation = (Activation) context.filter.getTuplesCache().get(
                              PersisterHelper.createActivationKey( _activation.getPackageName(),
                                                                   _activation.getTuple() ) ).getObject();
                PropagationContext pc = activation.getPropagationContext();
                tms.addLogicalDependency( handle,
                                          activation.getRule() );
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    public static void readTruthMaintenanceSystem( MarshallerReaderContext context ) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.EQUALITY_KEY) {
            int status = stream.readInt();
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );

            // ObjectTypeConf state is not marshalled, so it needs to be re-determined
            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = context.wm.getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getObjectTypeConf( context.wm.getEntryPoint(),
                                                                                                         handle.getObject() );
            if (!typeConf.isTMSEnabled()) {

            EqualityKey key = new EqualityKey( handle,
                                               status );
            handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.FACT_HANDLE) {
                factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
                key.addFactHandle( handle );
                handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            tms.put( key );
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                InternalRuleFlowGroup rfg = (InternalRuleFlowGroup) ( (DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda() ).getRuleFlowGroup( rule.getRuleFlowGroup() );
                rfg.addActivation( activation );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LOGICAL_DEPENDENCY) {
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = context.wm.getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getObjectTypeConf( ((NamedEntryPoint)handle.getEntryPoint()).getEntryPoint(),
                                                                                                         handle.getObject() );           
            tms.addLogicalDependency( handle,
                                      typeConf );
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    public static void readTruthMaintenanceSystem( MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                                   RuleData _session ) throws IOException {

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        ProtobufMessages.TruthMaintenanceSystem _tms = _session.getTms();
        for( ProtobufMessages.EqualityKey _key : _tms.getKeyList() ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( _key.getHandleId() );

            // ObjectTypeConf state is not marshalled, so it needs to be re-determined
            ObjectTypeConf typeConf = context.wm.getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getObjectTypeConf( ((NamedEntryPoint)handle.getEntryPoint()).getEntryPoint(),
                                                                                                         handle.getObject() );
            if (!typeConf.isTMSEnabled()) {

            EqualityKey key = new EqualityKey( handle,
                                               _key.getStatus() );
            handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            for( Integer factHandleId : _key.getOtherHandleList() ) {
                handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId.intValue() );
                key.addFactHandle( handle );
                handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            tms.put( key );
        for( ProtobufMessages.Justification _justification : _tms.getJustificationList() ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( _justification.getHandleId() );
            for( ProtobufMessages.Activation _activation : _justification.getActivationList() ) {
                Activation activation = (Activation) context.filter.getTuplesCache().get(
                              PersisterHelper.createActivationKey( _activation.getPackageName(),
                                                                   _activation.getTuple() ) ).getObject();
                PropagationContext pc = activation.getPropagationContext();
                ObjectTypeConf typeConf = context.wm.getObjectTypeConfigurationRegistry().getObjectTypeConf( ((NamedEntryPoint)handle.getEntryPoint()).getEntryPoint(),
                                                                                                             handle.getObject() );               
                tms.readLogicalDependency( handle,
                                           typeConf );
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Related Classes of org.drools.common.TruthMaintenanceSystem

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