Package org.drools.common

Examples of org.drools.common.InternalRuleBase

        final RuleBaseConfiguration conf = new RuleBaseConfiguration();
        conf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM );
        final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader,
                                                conf );

        final InternalRuleBase internal = (InternalRuleBase) ruleBase;
        final TimeIntervalParser parser = new TimeIntervalParser();

        Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> objectTypeNodes = internal.getRete().getObjectTypeNodes( EntryPoint.DEFAULT );
        ObjectTypeNode node = objectTypeNodes.get( new ClassObjectType( StockTick.class ) );

        assertNotNull( node );

        // the expiration policy @expires(10m) should override the temporal operator usage
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        final RuleBaseConfiguration conf = new RuleBaseConfiguration();
        conf.setEventProcessingMode( EventProcessingOption.STREAM );
        final RuleBase ruleBase = loadRuleBase( reader,
                                                conf );

        final InternalRuleBase internal = (InternalRuleBase) ruleBase;
        final TimeIntervalParser parser = new TimeIntervalParser();

        Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> objectTypeNodes = internal.getRete().getObjectTypeNodes( EntryPoint.DEFAULT );
        ObjectTypeNode node = objectTypeNodes.get( new ClassObjectType( StockTick.class ) );

        assertNotNull( node );

        // the expiration policy @expires(10m) should override the temporal operator usage
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        // check the consequence never fired
        assertNull( results.get( "fired" ) );

    public void testFocusStack() throws ConsequenceException {
        final InternalRuleBase ruleBase = ( InternalRuleBase ) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();

        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        // create the consequence
        final Consequence consequence = new Consequence() {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 400L;
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    public void testAutoFocus() throws ConsequenceException {
        final InternalRuleBase ruleBase = ( InternalRuleBase ) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();

        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        // create the agendaGroup
        final AgendaGroup agendaGroup = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( "agendaGroup", ruleBase );
        agenda.addAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );
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        assertEquals( 0,
                      agendaGroup.size() );

    public void testAgendaGroupLockOnActive() {
        final InternalRuleBase ruleBase = ( InternalRuleBase ) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();

        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        // create the agendaGroup
        final InternalAgendaGroup agendaGroup = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( "agendaGroup", ruleBase );
        agenda.addAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );
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    public void testSequentialAgenda() {
        RuleBaseConfiguration conf = new RuleBaseConfiguration();
        conf.setSequential( true );
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = ( InternalRuleBase ) RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase( conf );

        // create the consequence
        final Consequence consequence = new Consequence() {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 400L;

            public void evaluate(KnowledgeHelper knowledgeHelper,
                                 WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
                // do nothing

        final ReteTuple tuple = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                      "cheese" ) );

        // create a rule for each agendaGroup
        final Rule rule0 = new Rule( "test-rule0" );
        final RuleTerminalNode node0 = new RuleTerminalNode( 3,
                                                             new MockTupleSource( 2 ),
                                                             rule0.getLhs() );
        node0.setSequence( 72 );
        rule0.setConsequence( consequence );
        final PropagationContext context0 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );

        final Rule rule1 = new Rule( "test-rule1",
                                     "agendaGroup1" );
        final RuleTerminalNode node1 = new RuleTerminalNode( 5,
                                                             new MockTupleSource( 4 ),
                                                             rule1.getLhs() );
        node1.setSequence( 10 );
        rule1.setConsequence( consequence );
        final PropagationContext context1 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );

        final Rule rule2 = new Rule( "test-rule2",
                                     "agendaGroup1" );
        final RuleTerminalNode node2 = new RuleTerminalNode( 7,
                                                             new MockTupleSource( 6 ),
                                                             rule2.getLhs() );
        node2.setSequence( 7 );
        rule2.setConsequence( consequence );
        final PropagationContext context2 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );

        final Rule rule3 = new Rule( "test-rule3",
                                     "agendaGroup2" );
        final RuleTerminalNode node3 = new RuleTerminalNode( 9,
                                                             new MockTupleSource( 8 ),
                                                             rule3.getLhs() );
        node3.setSequence( 0 );
        rule3.setConsequence( consequence );
        final PropagationContext context3 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );
        ruleBase.getAgendaGroupRuleTotals().put( "MAIN", new Integer( 100 ) );
        ruleBase.getAgendaGroupRuleTotals().put( "agendaGroup1", new Integer( 10 ) );
        ruleBase.getAgendaGroupRuleTotals().put( "agendaGroup2", new Integer( 1 ) );

        InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory = new ReteooWorkingMemory(0, ruleBase);

        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

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        return false;

    public static ObjectTypeNode attachObjectTypeNode(BuildContext context,
                                                      ObjectType objectType) {
        final InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.getRuleBase();
        try {
            InternalWorkingMemory[] wms = context.getWorkingMemories();

            EntryPointNode epn = ruleBase.getRete().getEntryPointNode( context.getCurrentEntryPoint() );
            if ( epn == null ) {
                epn = new EntryPointNode( context.getNextId(),
                                          context );
                if ( wms.length > 0 ) {
                    epn.attach( wms );
                } else {

            ObjectTypeNode otn = new ObjectTypeNode( context.getNextId(),
                                                     context );

            long expirationOffset = getExpiratioOffsetForType( context,
                                                               objectType );
            otn.setExpirationOffset( expirationOffset );

            if ( wms.length > 0 ) {
                otn.attach( wms );
            } else {

            return otn;
        } finally {
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    public static void readFactHandles(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException,
                                                                       ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            InternalFactHandle initialFactHandle = wm.getInitialFactHandle();
            int sinkId = stream.readInt();
            ObjectTypeNode initialFactNode = (ObjectTypeNode) context.sinks.get( sinkId );
            ObjectHashSet initialFactMemory = (ObjectHashSet) context.wm.getNodeMemory( initialFactNode );

            initialFactMemory.add( initialFactHandle );
            readRightTuples( initialFactHandle,
                             context );

        int size = stream.readInt();

        // load the handles
        InternalFactHandle[] handles = new InternalFactHandle[size];
        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );

            context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                 handle );
            handles[i] = handle;

            context.wm.getObjectStore().addHandle( handle,
                                                   handle.getObject() );

            readRightTuples( handle,
                             context );

        EntryPointNode node = ruleBase.getRete().getEntryPointNode( EntryPoint.DEFAULT );
        Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> objectTypeNodes = node.getObjectTypeNodes();

        // add handles to object type nodes
        for ( InternalFactHandle handle : handles ) {
            Object object = handle.getObject();
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    public static Activation readActivation(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        long activationNumber = stream.readLong();

        int pos = stream.readInt();
        LeftTuple leftTuple = context.terminalTupleMap.get( pos );

        int salience = stream.readInt();
        String pkgName = stream.readUTF();
        String ruleName = stream.readUTF();
        Package pkg = ruleBase.getPackage( pkgName );
        Rule rule = pkg.getRule( ruleName );

        RuleTerminalNode ruleTerminalNode = (RuleTerminalNode) leftTuple.getLeftTupleSink();

        PropagationContext pc = context.propagationContexts.get( stream.readLong() );
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    public static void readPropagationContext(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;

        int type = stream.readInt();

        Rule rule = null;
        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            String pkgName = stream.readUTF();
            String ruleName = stream.readUTF();
            Package pkg = ruleBase.getPackage( pkgName );
            rule = pkg.getRule( ruleName );

        LeftTuple leftTuple = null;
        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
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Related Classes of org.drools.common.InternalRuleBase

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