Package org.drools.common

Examples of org.drools.common.InternalAgenda

        if ( !this.rule.isEffective( tuple,
                                     workingMemory ) ) {

        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        // if the current Rule is no-loop and the origin rule is the same then return
        if ( this.rule.isNoLoop() && this.rule.equals( context.getRuleOrigin() ) ) {

        final Timer timer = this.rule.getTimer();

        if ( timer != null ) {
            final ScheduledAgendaItem item = agenda.createScheduledAgendaItem( tuple,
                                                                               this );

            agenda.scheduleItem( item,
                                 workingMemory );
            tuple.setObject( item );

            item.setActivated( true );
            ((EventSupport) workingMemory).getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCreated( item,
                                                                                          workingMemory );
        } else {
            if ( this.rule.getCalendars() != null ) {
                // for normal activations check for Calendar inclusion here, scheduled activations check on each trigger point
                long timestamp = workingMemory.getSessionClock().getCurrentTime();
                for ( String cal : this.rule.getCalendars() ) {
                    if ( !workingMemory.getCalendars().get( cal ).isTimeIncluded( timestamp ) ) {
            // -----------------
            // Lazy instantiation and addition to the Agenda of AgendGroup
            // implementations
            // ----------------
            final AgendaItem item = agenda.createAgendaItem( tuple,
                                                             rule.getSalience().getValue( tuple,
                                                                                          workingMemory ),
            item.setSequenence( this.sequence );

            tuple.setObject( item );

            boolean added = agenda.addActivation( item );

            if ( added ) {
                item.setActivated( true );
                ((EventSupport) workingMemory).getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCreated( item,
                                                                                              workingMemory );

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        if ( item != null && item.isActivated() ) {
            // already activated, do nothing

        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        // if the current Rule is no-loop and the origin rule is the same then return
        if ( this.rule.isNoLoop() && this.rule.equals( context.getRuleOrigin() ) ) {

        final Timer timer = this.rule.getTimer();

        if ( timer != null ) {
            if ( item == null ) {
                item = agenda.createScheduledAgendaItem( leftTuple,
                                                         this );
            agenda.scheduleItem( (ScheduledAgendaItem) item,
                                 workingMemory );
            item.setActivated( true );
            //            workingMemory.removeLogicalDependencies( item,
            //                                                     context,
            //                                                     this.rule );

            ((EventSupport) workingMemory).getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCreated( item,
                                                                                          workingMemory );
        } else {
            if ( this.rule.getCalendars() != null ) {
                // for normal activations check for Calendar inclusion here, scheduled activations check on each trigger point
                long timestamp = workingMemory.getSessionClock().getCurrentTime();
                for ( String cal : this.rule.getCalendars() ) {
                    if ( !workingMemory.getCalendars().get( cal ).isTimeIncluded( timestamp ) ) {

            if ( item == null ) {
                // -----------------
                // Lazy instantiation and addition to the Agenda of AgendGroup
                // implementations
                // ----------------
                item = agenda.createAgendaItem( leftTuple,
                                                rule.getSalience().getValue( leftTuple,
                                                                             workingMemory ),
                                                this  );
                item.setSequenence( this.sequence );
            } else {
                item.setSalience( rule.getSalience().getValue( leftTuple,
                                                               workingMemory ) ); // need to re-evaluate salience, as used fields may have changed
                item.setPropagationContext( context ); // update the Propagation Context

            boolean added = agenda.addActivation( item );

            item.setActivated( added );

            if ( added ) {
                ((EventSupport) workingMemory).getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCreated( item,
                                                                                              workingMemory );

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        //we only have to clone the head fact to make sure the graph is not affected during consequence reads after a modify
        final ReteTuple cloned = new ReteTuple( tuple );

        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        final Duration dur = this.rule.getDuration();

        if ( dur != null && dur.getDuration( tuple ) > 0 ) {
            final ScheduledAgendaItem item = new ScheduledAgendaItem( context.getPropagationNumber(),
                                                                      this.subrule );
            final TerminalNodeMemory memory = (TerminalNodeMemory) workingMemory.getNodeMemory( this );
            if ( this.rule.getActivationGroup() != null ) {
                // Lazy cache activationGroup
                if ( memory.getActivationGroup() == null ) {
                    memory.setActivationGroup( workingMemory.getAgenda().getActivationGroup( this.rule.getActivationGroup() ) );
                memory.getActivationGroup().addActivation( item );

            agenda.scheduleItem( item );
            tuple.setActivation( item );

            if ( this.tupleMemoryEnabled ) {
                memory.getTupleMemory().add( tuple );

            item.setActivated( true );
            ((EventSupport) workingMemory).getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCreated( item,
                                                                                          workingMemory );
        } else {
            // -----------------
            // Lazy instantiation and addition to the Agenda of AgendGroup
            // implementations
            // ----------------
            final TerminalNodeMemory memory = (TerminalNodeMemory) workingMemory.getNodeMemory( this );
            InternalAgendaGroup agendaGroup = memory.getAgendaGroup();
            if ( agendaGroup == null ) {
                // @todo: this logic really should be encapsulated inside the Agenda
                if ( this.rule.getAgendaGroup() == null || this.rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( "" ) || this.rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( AgendaGroup.MAIN ) ) {
                    // Is the Rule AgendaGroup undefined? If it is use MAIN,
                    // which is added to the Agenda by default
                    agendaGroup = (InternalAgendaGroup) agenda.getAgendaGroup( AgendaGroup.MAIN );
                } else {
                    // AgendaGroup is defined, so try and get the AgendaGroup
                    // from the Agenda
                    agendaGroup = (InternalAgendaGroup) agenda.getAgendaGroup( this.rule.getAgendaGroup() );

                memory.setAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );

            // set the focus if rule autoFocus is true
            if ( this.rule.getAutoFocus() ) {
                agenda.setFocus( agendaGroup );

            final AgendaItem item = new AgendaItem( context.getPropagationNumber(),
                                                    rule.getSalience().getValue( tuple,
                                                                                 workingMemory ),
                                                    this.subrule );

            item.setSequenence( this.sequence );

            if ( this.rule.getActivationGroup() != null ) {
                // Lazy cache activationGroup
                if ( memory.getActivationGroup() == null ) {
                    memory.setActivationGroup( workingMemory.getAgenda().getActivationGroup( this.rule.getActivationGroup() ) );
                memory.getActivationGroup().addActivation( item );

            item.setAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );
            if ( this.rule.getRuleFlowGroup() == null ) {
                // No RuleFlowNode so add  it directly to  the Agenda

                // do not add the activation if the rule is "lock-on-active" and the AgendaGroup is active
                // we must check the context to determine if its a new tuple or an exist re-activated tuple as part of the retract               
                if ( context.getType() == PropagationContext.MODIFICATION ) {
                    if ( this.rule.isLockOnActive() && agendaGroup.isActive() ) {
                        Activation justifier = context.removeRetractedTuple( this.rule,
                                                                             tuple );
                        if ( justifier == null ) {
                            // This rule is locked and active, do not allow new tuples to activate
                        } else if ( this.rule.hasLogicalDependency() ) {
                            copyLogicalDependencies( context,
                                                     justifier );
                    } else if ( this.rule.hasLogicalDependency() ) {
                        Activation justifier = context.removeRetractedTuple( this.rule,
                                                                             tuple );
                        copyLogicalDependencies( context,
                                                 justifier );
                } else if ( this.rule.isLockOnActive() && agendaGroup.isActive() ) {

                agendaGroup.add( item );
            } else {
                //There is  a RuleFlowNode so add it there, instead  of the Agenda
                RuleFlowGroup rfg = memory.getRuleFlowGroup();
                // Lazy cache ruleFlowGroup
                if ( rfg == null ) {
                    rfg = workingMemory.getAgenda().getRuleFlowGroup( this.rule.getRuleFlowGroup() );
                    memory.setRuleFlowGroup( rfg );

                // do not add the activation if the rule is "lock-on-active" and the RuleFlowGroup is active
                // we must check the context to determine if its a new tuple or an exist re-activated tuple as part of the retract               
                if ( context.getType() == PropagationContext.MODIFICATION ) {
                    if ( this.rule.isLockOnActive() && rfg.isActive() ) {
                        Activation justifier = context.removeRetractedTuple( this.rule,
                                                                             tuple );
                        if ( justifier == null ) {
                            // This rule is locked and active, do not allow new tuples to activate
                        } else if ( this.rule.hasLogicalDependency() ) {
                            copyLogicalDependencies( context,
                                                     justifier );
                    } else if ( this.rule.hasLogicalDependency() ) {
                        Activation justifier = context.removeRetractedTuple( this.rule,
                                                                             tuple );
                        copyLogicalDependencies( context,
                                                 justifier );
                } else if ( this.rule.isLockOnActive() && rfg.isActive() ) {

                ((InternalRuleFlowGroup) memory.getRuleFlowGroup()).addActivation( item );


            tuple.setActivation( item );
            memory.getTupleMemory().add( tuple );

            item.setActivated( true );

            // We only want to fire an event on a truly new Activation and not on an Activation as a result of a modify
            if ( fireActivationCreated ) {
                ((EventSupport) workingMemory).getAgendaEventSupport().fireActivationCreated( item,
                                                                                              workingMemory );

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                                      workingMemory )) ||
             (this.rule.isNoLoop() && this.rule.equals( context.getRuleOrigin() )) ) {

        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        boolean fire = agenda.createActivation( leftTuple,
                                                false );
        if( fire && !fireDirect ) {
            agenda.addActivation( (AgendaItem) leftTuple.getObject() );           
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    public void modifyLeftTuple(LeftTuple leftTuple,
                                PropagationContext context,
                                InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {
      InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();
        // we need the inserted facthandle so we can update the network with new Activation
      Object o = leftTuple.getObject();
      if ( o != Boolean.TRUE) {  // would be true due to lock-on-active blocking activation creation
        AgendaItem match = (AgendaItem) o;      
          if ( match != null && match.isActivated() ) {
              // already activated, do nothing
              // although we need to notify the inserted Activation, as it's declarations may have changed.
              agenda.modifyActivation( match, true );

        // if the current Rule is no-loop and the origin rule is the same then return
        if ( this.rule.isNoLoop() && this.rule.equals( context.getRuleOrigin() ) ) {

        boolean reuseActivation = true;
        if ( o  == Boolean.TRUE ) {
          // set to Boolean.TRUE when lock-on-active stops an Activation being created
          // We set this instead of doing a null check, as it's a little safer due to intent.
          reuseActivation = false;
          leftTuple.setObject( null );
        boolean fire = agenda.createActivation( leftTuple, context, workingMemory, this, reuseActivation );
        if ( fire && !isFireDirect() ) {
            // This activation is currently dormant and about to reactivated, so decrease the dormant count.

            agenda.modifyActivation( (AgendaItem) leftTuple.getObject(), false );
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        activation.setMatched( false );
        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        agenda.cancelActivation( leftTuple,
                                 this );
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                                                            buildContext );
        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        final Consequence consequence = new Consequence() {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 400L;

            public void evaluate(KnowledgeHelper knowledgeHelper,
                                 WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
                // do nothing

        rule1.setConsequence( consequence );

        final DefaultFactHandle handle1 = (DefaultFactHandle) workingMemory.insert( "o1" );
        final ReteTuple tuple1 = new ReteTuple( handle1 );

        final PropagationContext context1 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );

        // Test single activation for a single logical assertions
        node.assertTuple( tuple1,
                          workingMemory );

        final String logicalString = new String( "logical" );
        FactHandle logicalHandle = workingMemory.insert( logicalString,
                                                         tuple1.getActivation() );
        // Retract the tuple and test the logically asserted fact was also retracted
        node.retractTuple( tuple1,
                           workingMemory );


        assertLength( 1,
                      sink.getRetracted() );

        Object[] values = (Object[]) sink.getRetracted().get( 0 );

        assertSame( logicalHandle,
                    values[0] );

        // Test single activation for a single logical assertions. This also
        // tests that logical assertions live on after the related Activation
        // has fired.
        node.assertTuple( tuple1,
                          workingMemory );
        logicalHandle = workingMemory.insert( logicalString,
                                              tuple1.getActivation() );

        agenda.fireNextItem( null );

        node.retractTuple( tuple1,
                           workingMemory );

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    public void testFilters() throws Exception {
        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        final Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule" );
        final RuleTerminalNode node = new RuleTerminalNode( 3,
                                                            new MockTupleSource( 2 ),
                                                            buildContext );

        final Map results = new HashMap();
        // add consequence
        rule.setConsequence( new org.drools.spi.Consequence() {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 400L;

            public void evaluate(final KnowledgeHelper knowledgeHelper,
                                 final WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
                results.put( "fired",
                             new Boolean( true ) );
        } );

        final ReteTuple tuple = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                      "cheese" ) );
        final PropagationContext context = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                       null );

        // test agenda is empty
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        // True filter, activations should always add
        final AgendaFilter filterTrue = new AgendaFilter() {
            public boolean accept(Activation item) {
                return true;

        rule.setNoLoop( false );
        node.assertTuple( tuple,
                          workingMemory );

        // check there is an item to fire
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        agenda.fireNextItem( filterTrue );

        // check focus is empty
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        // make sure it also fired
        assertEquals( new Boolean( true ),
                      results.get( "fired" ) );

        // clear the agenda and the result map

        // False filter, activations should always be denied
        final AgendaFilter filterFalse = new AgendaFilter() {
            public boolean accept(Activation item) {
                return false;

        rule.setNoLoop( false );
        node.assertTuple( tuple,
                          workingMemory );

        // check we have an item to fire
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        agenda.fireNextItem( filterFalse );

        // make sure the focus is empty
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        // check the consequence never fired
        assertNull( results.get( "fired" ) );
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        final PropagationContext context3 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        null );
        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        // create the AgendaGroups
        final AgendaGroup agendaGroup1 = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( "agendaGroup1", ruleBase );
        agenda.addAgendaGroup( agendaGroup1 );

        final AgendaGroup agendaGroup2 = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( "agendaGroup2", ruleBase );
        agenda.addAgendaGroup( agendaGroup2 );

        final AgendaGroup agendaGroup3 = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( "agendaGroup3", ruleBase );
        agenda.addAgendaGroup( agendaGroup3 );       

        // focus at this point is MAIN
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.focusStackSize() );

        node0.assertTuple( tuple,
                           workingMemory );

        // check focus is main
        final AgendaGroup main = agenda.getAgendaGroup( AgendaGroup.MAIN );
        assertEquals( agenda.getFocus(),
                      main );
        // check main got the tuple
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        node2.assertTuple( tuple,
                           workingMemory );

        // main is still focus and this tuple went to agendaGroup 2
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        // check agendaGroup2 still got the tuple
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agendaGroup2.size() );

        // make sure total agenda size reflects this
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // put another one on agendaGroup 2
        node2.assertTuple( tuple,
                           workingMemory );

        // main is still focus so shouldn't have increased
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        // check agendaGroup2 still got the tuple
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agendaGroup2.size() );

        // make sure total agenda size reflects this
        assertEquals( 3,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // set the focus to agendaGroup1, note agendaGroup1 has no activations
        agenda.setFocus( "agendaGroup1" );
        // add agendaGroup2 onto the focus stack
        agenda.setFocus( "agendaGroup2" );
        // finally add agendaGroup3 to the top of the focus stack
        agenda.setFocus( "agendaGroup3" );

        // agendaGroup3, the current focus, has no activations
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        // add to agendaGroup 3
        node3.assertTuple( tuple,
                           workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );

        node3.assertTuple( tuple,
                           workingMemory );

        // agendaGroup3 now has 2 activations
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        // check totalAgendaSize still works
        assertEquals( 5,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // ok now lets check that stacks work with fireNextItem
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );

        // agendaGroup3 should still be the current agendaGroup
        assertEquals( agenda.getFocus(),
                      agendaGroup3 );
        // agendaGroup3 has gone from 2 to one activations
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        // check totalAgendaSize has reduced too
        assertEquals( 4,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // now repeat the process
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );

        // focus is still agendaGroup3, but now its empty
        assertEquals( agenda.getFocus(),
                      agendaGroup3 );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // repeat fire again
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );

        // agendaGroup3 is empty so it should be popped from the stack making````````````````````
        // agendaGroup2
        // the current agendaGroup
        assertEquals( agendaGroup2,
                      agenda.getFocus() );
        // agendaGroup2 had 2 activations, now it only has 1
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // repeat fire again
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );

        assertEquals( agenda.getFocus(),
                      agendaGroup2 );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // this last fire is more interesting as it demonstrates that
        // agendaGroup1 on
        // the stack before agendaGroup2 gets skipped as it has no activations
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );

        assertEquals( agenda.getFocus(),
                      main );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.getFocus().size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

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    public void testAutoFocus() throws ConsequenceException {
        final ReteooWorkingMemory workingMemory = (ReteooWorkingMemory) ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final InternalAgenda agenda = (InternalAgenda) workingMemory.getAgenda();

        // create the agendaGroup
        final AgendaGroup agendaGroup = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( "agendaGroup", ruleBase );
        agenda.addAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );

        // create the consequence
        final Consequence consequence = new Consequence() {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 400L;

            public void evaluate(KnowledgeHelper knowledgeHelper,
                                 WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
                // do nothing

        final ReteTuple tuple = new ReteTuple( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                      "cheese" ) );

        // create a rule for the agendaGroup
        final Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule",
                                    "agendaGroup" );
        final RuleTerminalNode node = new RuleTerminalNode( 2,
                                                            new MockTupleSource( 2 ),
                                                            buildContext );
        rule.setConsequence( consequence );
        final PropagationContext context = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                       null );

        // first test that autoFocus=false works. Here the rule should not fire
        // as its agendaGroup does not have focus.
        rule.setAutoFocus( false );

        node.assertTuple( tuple,
                          workingMemory );

        // check activation as added to the agendaGroup
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agendaGroup.size() );

        // fire next item, agendaGroup should not fire as its not on the focus stack
        // and thus should retain its sinle activation
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agendaGroup.size() );

        // Clear the agenda we we can test again
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agendaGroup.size() );

        // Now test that autoFocus=true works. Here the rule should fire as its
        // agendaGroup gets the focus when the activation is created.
        rule.setAutoFocus( true );

        node.assertTuple( tuple,
                          workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      agendaGroup.size() );
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agendaGroup.size() );
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Related Classes of org.drools.common.InternalAgenda

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