Package org.drools.common

Examples of org.drools.common.DefaultFactHandle

                      f0.hashCode() );

    public void testInvalidate() {
        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle( 134,
                                                            "cheese" );
        assertEquals( 134,
                      f0.getId() );

        assertEquals( 134,
                      f0.getId() );
        assertFalse( f0.isValid() );
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        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedLeft( any( ContextEntry.class ),
                                              any( InternalFactHandle.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );
        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedRight( any( LeftTupleImpl.class ),
                                               any( ContextEntry.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle( 0, "cheese" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple0 = new LeftTupleImpl( f0, this.node, true );

        // assert tuple, should add one to left memory
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple0,
                                   this.workingMemory );
        // check memories, left memory is populated, right memory is emptys
        assertEquals( 1,
                      this.memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      this.memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        // assert tuple, should add left memory should be 2
        final DefaultFactHandle f1 = new DefaultFactHandle( 1, "cheese" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( f1, this.node, true );
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                                   this.workingMemory );
        assertEquals( 2,
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        this.node.addTupleSink( this.sink );

        this.memory = (BetaMemory) this.workingMemory.getNodeMemory( this.node );

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle( 0, "cheese" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple0 = new LeftTupleImpl( f0, this.node, true );

        this.node.assertObject( f0,
                                new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                            PropagationContext.ASSERTION, null, null, f0 ),
                                this.workingMemory );

        // assert tuple
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple0,
                                   new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                               PropagationContext.ASSERTION, null, null, f0 ),
                                   this.workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      this.sink.getAsserted().size() );

        assertNull( this.memory.getLeftTupleMemory() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      this.memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        assertEquals( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple0, f0.getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink,
                                         true ),
                      ( (Object[]) this.sink.getAsserted().get( 0 ) )[0] );
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        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedLeft( any( ContextEntry.class ),
                                              any( InternalFactHandle.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );
        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedRight( any( LeftTupleImpl.class ),
                                               any( ContextEntry.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test0" );

        // assert object, should add one to right memory
        this.node.assertObject( f0,
                                this.workingMemory );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      this.memory.getLeftTupleMemory().size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      this.memory.getRightTupleMemory().size() );

        // check new objects/handles still assert
        final DefaultFactHandle f1 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test1" );
        this.node.assertObject( f1,
                                this.workingMemory );
        assertEquals( 2,
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                                              any( InternalFactHandle.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );
        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedRight( any( LeftTupleImpl.class ),
                                               any( ContextEntry.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );

        // assert first right object
        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test0" );
        this.node.assertObject( f0,
                                this.workingMemory );

        // assert tuple, should add left memory should be 2
        final DefaultFactHandle f1 = new DefaultFactHandle( 1, "cheese" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( f1, this.node, true );
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                                   this.workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      this.sink.getAsserted().size() );

        assertEquals( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple1, f0.getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink,
                                         true ),
                      ( (Object[]) this.sink.getAsserted().get( 0 ) )[0] );

        final DefaultFactHandle f2 = new DefaultFactHandle( 2, "cheese" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple2 = new LeftTupleImpl( f2, this.node, true );
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple2,
                                   this.workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      this.sink.getAsserted().size() );
        assertEquals( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple2, f0.getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink,
                                         true ),
                      ( (Object[]) this.sink.getAsserted().get( 1 ) )[0] );

        final DefaultFactHandle f3 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test2" );
        this.node.assertObject( f3,
                                this.workingMemory );

        assertEquals( 4,
                      this.sink.getAsserted().size() );

        final List tuples = new ArrayList();
        tuples.add( ( (Object[]) this.sink.getAsserted().get( 2 ) )[0] );
        tuples.add( ( (Object[]) this.sink.getAsserted().get( 3 ) )[0] );

        assertTrue( tuples.contains( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple1, f3
                .getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink, true ) ) );
        assertTrue( tuples.contains( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple2, f3
                .getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink, true ) ) );
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                                              any( InternalFactHandle.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );
        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedRight( any( LeftTupleImpl.class ),
                                               any( ContextEntry.class ) ) ).thenReturn( true );

        // setup 2 tuples 3 fact handles
        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test0" );
        this.node.assertObject( f0,
                                this.workingMemory );

        final DefaultFactHandle f1 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test1" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( f1, this.node, true );
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                                   this.workingMemory );

        final DefaultFactHandle f2 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test2" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple2 = new LeftTupleImpl( f2, this.node, true );
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple2,
                                   this.workingMemory );

        final DefaultFactHandle f3 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test3" );
        this.node.assertObject( f3,
                                this.workingMemory );

        final DefaultFactHandle f4 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test4" );
        this.node.assertObject( f4,
                                this.workingMemory );

        assertLength( 6,
                      this.sink.getAsserted() );

        // Double check the item is in memory
        final BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) this.workingMemory
                .getNodeMemory( this.node );
        assertTrue( memory.getRightTupleMemory().contains(
                                                           f0.getFirstRightTuple() ) );

        // Retract an object, check propagations and memory
        this.node.retractRightTuple( f0.getFirstRightTuple(),
                                     this.workingMemory );
        assertLength( 2,
                      this.sink.getRetracted() );

        List tuples = new ArrayList();
        tuples.add( ( (Object[]) this.sink.getRetracted().get( 0 ) )[0] );
        tuples.add( ( (Object[]) this.sink.getRetracted().get( 1 ) )[0] );

        assertTrue( tuples.contains( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple1, f0
                .getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink, true ) ) );
        assertTrue( tuples.contains( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple1, f0
                .getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink, true ) ) );

        // Now check the item is no longer in memory
        assertFalse( memory.getRightTupleMemory().contains(
                                                            f0.getFirstRightTuple() ) );

        this.node.retractLeftTuple( tuple2,
                                    this.workingMemory );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      this.sink.getRetracted().size() );

        tuples = new ArrayList();
        tuples.add( ( (Object[]) this.sink.getRetracted().get( 2 ) )[0] );
        tuples.add( ( (Object[]) this.sink.getRetracted().get( 3 ) )[0] );

        assertTrue( tuples.contains( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple2, f3
                .getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink, true ) ) );
        assertTrue( tuples.contains( new LeftTupleImpl( tuple2, f4
                .getFirstRightTuple(), this.sink, true ) ) );
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                                              any( InternalFactHandle.class ) ) ).thenReturn( false );
        when( constraint.isAllowedCachedRight( any( LeftTupleImpl.class ),
                                               any( ContextEntry.class ) ) ).thenReturn( false );

        // assert first right object
        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = (DefaultFactHandle) this.workingMemory
                .insert( "test0" );
        this.node.assertObject( f0,
                                this.workingMemory );

        // assert tuple, should add left memory should be 2
        final DefaultFactHandle f1 = new DefaultFactHandle( 1, "cheese" );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( f1, this.node, true );
        this.node.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                                   this.workingMemory );
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        // Add the first tuple sink and assert a tuple and object
        // The sink has no memory
        final MockLeftTupleSink sink1 = new MockLeftTupleSink( 2 );
        joinNode.addTupleSink( sink1 );

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle( 0, "string0" );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( f0, this.node, true );

        joinNode.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                                  workingMemory );

        final String string1 = "string1";
        final DefaultFactHandle string1Handle = new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       string1 );

        joinNode.assertObject( string1Handle,
                               workingMemory );
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        // Add the first tuple sink and assert a tuple and object
        // The sink has no memory
        final MockLeftTupleSink sink1 = new MockLeftTupleSink(2);

        final DefaultFactHandle f0 = new DefaultFactHandle(0, "string0");

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl(f0, this.node, true);

        joinNode.assertLeftTuple(tuple1, this.context, workingMemory);

        final String string1 = "string1";
        final DefaultFactHandle string1Handle = new DefaultFactHandle(1, string1);

        ModifyPreviousTuples modifyPreviousTuples = new ModifyPreviousTuples(null, null);

        assertLength(0, sink1.getAsserted());
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     * Class under test for FactHandle newFactHandle()
    public void testNewFactHandle() {
        final ReteooFactHandleFactory factory = new ReteooFactHandleFactory();
        DefaultFactHandle handle = (DefaultFactHandle) factory.newFactHandle( "cheese", null, null, null );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      handle.getId() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      handle.getRecency() );

        // issue  new handle
        handle = (DefaultFactHandle) factory.newFactHandle( "cheese", null, null, null );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      handle.getId() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      handle.getRecency() );

        // issue  new handle, under a different reference so we  can destroy later       
        final DefaultFactHandle handle2 = (DefaultFactHandle) factory.newFactHandle( "cheese", null, null, null );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      handle2.getId() );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      handle2.getRecency() );

        // Check recency increasion works
        factory.increaseFactHandleRecency( handle );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      handle.getRecency() );
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Related Classes of org.drools.common.DefaultFactHandle

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