Package org.drools

Examples of org.drools.Person

        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg1 );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( ruleBase );
        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        // Adding person with null name and likes attributes
        final PersonInterface bob = new Person( null,
                                                null );
        bob.setStatus( "P1" );
        final PersonInterface pete = new Person( null,
                                                 null );
        bob.setStatus( "P2" );
        workingMemory.insert( bob );
        workingMemory.insert( pete );


        assertEquals( "Indexing with null values is not working correctly.",
                      bob.getStatus() );
        assertEquals( "Indexing with null values is not working correctly.",
                      pete.getStatus() );

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        final List list = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "results",
                                 list );

        final Person hola = new Person( "hola" );
        workingMemory.insert( hola );


        assertEquals( 0,
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                                 list );

        final State state = new State( "SP" );
        workingMemory.insert( state );

        final Person bob = new Person( "Bob" );
        bob.setStatus( state.getState() );
        bob.setLikes( "stilton" );
        workingMemory.insert( bob );


        assertEquals( 0,
                      list.size() );

        workingMemory.insert( new Cheese( bob.getLikes(),
                                          10 ) );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      list.size() );
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        final WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
        final List result = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "results",
                                 result );

        final Person person = new Person( "bob" );
        final Cheese cheese = new Cheese( "brie",
                                          10 );

        workingMemory.insert( person );
        workingMemory.insert( cheese );
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                      ((Integer) result.get( brie )).intValue() );

        assertEquals( stilton.getPrice(),
                      ((Integer) result.get( "test3" + stilton.getType() )).intValue() );

        workingMemory.insert( new Person( "bob",
                                          brie.getType() ) );

        assertEquals( 6,
                      result.size() );
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        final Cheese cheese = new Cheese( "brie",
                                          10 );
        final FactHandle handle = workingMemory.insert( cheese );

        final Person bob = new Person( "bob",
                                       "stilton" );
        workingMemory.insert( bob );

        cheese.setType( "stilton" );
        workingMemory.update( handle,
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        final List list = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "results",
                                 list );

        workingMemory.insert( new Person( "bob" ) );
        workingMemory.insert( new Person( null ) );


        assertEquals( 1,
                      list.size() );
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        final List results = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "results",
                                 results );

        final Person youngChili1 = new Person( "young chili1" );
        youngChili1.setAge( 12 );
        youngChili1.setHair( "blue" );
        final Person youngChili2 = new Person( "young chili2" );
        youngChili2.setAge( 25 );
        youngChili2.setHair( "purple" );

        final Person chili1 = new Person( "chili1" );
        chili1.setAge( 35 );
        chili1.setHair( "red" );

        final Person chili2 = new Person( "chili2" );
        chili2.setAge( 38 );
        chili2.setHair( "indigigo" );

        final Person oldChili1 = new Person( "old chili1" );
        oldChili1.setAge( 45 );
        oldChili1.setHair( "green" );

        final Person oldChili2 = new Person( "old chili2" );
        oldChili2.setAge( 48 );
        oldChili2.setHair( "blue" );

        final Person veryold = new Person( "very old" );
        veryold.setAge( 99 );
        veryold.setHair( "gray" );

        workingMemory.insert( youngChili1 );
        workingMemory.insert( youngChili2 );
        workingMemory.insert( chili1 );
        workingMemory.insert( chili2 );
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        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
        List<Person> results = new ArrayList<Person>();
        ksession.setGlobal( "results",
                            results );

        final Person mark = new Person( "Mark" );
        mark.setAlive( true );
        mark.setHappy( true );

        final Person bush = new Person( "Bush" );
        bush.setAlive( true );
        bush.setHappy( false );

        final Person conan = new Person( "Conan" );
        conan.setAlive( false );
        conan.setHappy( true );

        final Person nero = new Person( "Nero" );
        nero.setAlive( false );
        nero.setHappy( false );

        ksession.insert( mark );
        ksession.insert( bush );
        ksession.insert( conan );
        ksession.insert( nero );
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        final List list = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "results",
                                 list );

        final Person bob = new Person( "bob",
                                       "stilton" );
        final Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                           12 );
        workingMemory.insert( bob );
        workingMemory.insert( stilton );
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Related Classes of org.drools.Person

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