Package org.dom4j

Examples of org.dom4j.Node

        Document projectChangeset = SvnUtils.getChangeset(projectPath);
        List changedFilesNodes = projectChangeset.selectNodes("/status/target/entry/@path");
        if (null != changedFilesNodes) {
            for (int i = 0; i < changedFilesNodes.size(); i++) {
                Node changedFilesNode = (Node)changedFilesNodes.get(i);
                final String changedFileName = FilenameUtils.concat(projectPath, changedFilesNode.getText());
                final File changedFile = new File(changedFileName);
                if (changedFile.exists()) {
                    if (changedFile.isDirectory()) {
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      attributeName = name.substring(1);

    public Object get(Object owner) throws HibernateException {
      Element ownerElement = (Element) owner;
      Node attribute = ownerElement.attribute(attributeName);
      return attribute==null ? null :
        super.propertyType.fromXMLNode(attribute, super.factory);
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      elementName = name;

    public Object get(Object owner) throws HibernateException {
      Element ownerElement = (Element) owner;
      Node element = ownerElement.element(elementName);
      return element==null ?
          null : super.propertyType.fromXMLNode(element, super.factory);
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      attributeName = name.substring(1);

    public Object get(Object owner) throws HibernateException {
      Element ownerElement = (Element) owner;
      Node attribute = ownerElement.attribute(attributeName);
      return attribute==null ? null :
        super.propertyType.fromXMLNode(attribute, super.factory);
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      elementName = name;

    public Object get(Object owner) throws HibernateException {
      Element ownerElement = (Element) owner;
      Node element = ownerElement.element(elementName);
      return element==null ?
          null : super.propertyType.fromXMLNode(element, super.factory);
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            DefaultXPath xpath = new DefaultXPath("//j:context-param[j:param-name/text()=\"resteasy.injector.factory\"]");
            Map<String,String> namespaces = new TreeMap<String,String>();

            Node node =  xpath.selectSingleNode(document);
            File filteredWebXml = new File("target/test/filtered/jboss-as-7_0/WEB-INF/web.xml");
            FileWriter writer = null;
            try {
                writer = new FileWriter(filteredWebXml);
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            boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(cloudNode.valueOf("@hidden")) && !cloudId.equals(CloudFactory.DEFAULT_CLOUD);

            Class<? extends Cloud> cloudClass = getClass(classLoader, cloudClassname, Cloud.class);

            Class<? extends NameLookup> usernameClass = getClass(classLoader, usernameClassname, NameLookup.class);
            Node cloudMessageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/Cloud[@id='" + cloudId + "']",
                    "Missing Cloud description for cloud " + cloudId);
            String description = getChildText(cloudMessageNode, "Description").trim();
            String details = getChildText(cloudMessageNode, "Details").trim();
            PropertyBundle properties = new PropertyBundle();
            if (propertiesLocation != null && propertiesLocation.length() > 0) {
                URL properiesURL = classLoader.getResource(propertiesLocation);
                if (properiesURL == null) {
            List<Node> propertyNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(cloudNode, "Property");
            for (Node node : propertyNodes) {
                String key = node.valueOf("@key");
                String value = node.getText().trim();
                properties.setProperty(key, value);

            CloudPlugin cloudPlugin = new CloudPluginBuilder().setFindbugsPluginId(plugin.getPluginId()).setCloudid(cloudId).setClassLoader(classLoader)

        // Create PluginComponents
        try {
            List<Node> componentNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/PluginComponent");
            for (Node componentNode : componentNodeList) {
                @DottedClassName String componentKindname = componentNode.valueOf("@componentKind");
                if (componentKindname == null) {
                    throw new PluginException("Missing @componentKind for " + plugin.getPluginId()
                            + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
                @DottedClassName String componentClassname = componentNode.valueOf("@componentClass");
                if (componentClassname == null) {
                    throw new PluginException("Missing @componentClassname for " + plugin.getPluginId()
                            + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
                String componentId = componentNode.valueOf("@id");
                if (componentId == null) {
                    throw new PluginException("Missing @id for " + plugin.getPluginId()
                            + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);

                try {
                    String propertiesLocation = componentNode.valueOf("@properties");
                    boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(componentNode.valueOf("@disabled"));

                    Node filterMessageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList,
                            "/MessageCollection/PluginComponent[@id='" + componentId + "']",
                            "Missing Cloud description for PluginComponent " + componentId);
                    String description = getChildText(filterMessageNode, "Description").trim();
                    String details = getChildText(filterMessageNode, "Details").trim();
                    PropertyBundle properties = new PropertyBundle();
                    if (propertiesLocation != null && propertiesLocation.length() > 0) {
                        URL properiesURL = classLoaderForResources.getResource(propertiesLocation);
                        if (properiesURL == null) {
                            AnalysisContext.logError("Could not load properties for " + plugin.getPluginId() + " component " + componentId
                                    + " from " + propertiesLocation);
                    List<Node> propertyNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(componentNode, "Property");
                    for (Node node : propertyNodes) {
                        String key = node.valueOf("@key");
                        String value = node.getText();
                        properties.setProperty(key, value);

                    Class<?> componentKind =  classLoader.loadClass(componentKindname);
                    loadComponentPlugin(plugin, componentKind, componentClassname, componentId, disabled, description, details,
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    AnalysisContext.logError("Unable to load ComponentPlugin " + componentId +
                            " : " + componentClassname + " implementing " + componentKindname, e);

            // Create FindBugsMains

            if (!FindBugs.isNoMains()) {
                List<Node> findBugsMainList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/FindBugsMain");
                for (Node main : findBugsMainList) {
                    String className = main.valueOf("@class");
                    if (className == null) {
                        throw new PluginException("Missing @class for FindBugsMain in plugin" + plugin.getPluginId()
                                + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
                    String cmd = main.valueOf("@cmd");
                    if (cmd == null) {
                        throw new PluginException("Missing @cmd for for FindBugsMain in plugin " + plugin.getPluginId()
                                + " loaded from " + loadedFrom);
                    String kind = main.valueOf("@kind");
                    boolean analysis = Boolean.valueOf(main.valueOf("@analysis"));
                    Element mainMessageNode = (Element) findMessageNode(messageCollectionList,
                            "/MessageCollection/FindBugsMain[@cmd='" + cmd
                            // + " and @class='" + className
                            "Missing FindBugsMain description for cmd " + cmd);
                    String description = mainMessageNode.getTextTrim();
                    try {
                        Class<?> mainClass =  classLoader.loadClass(className);
                        plugin.addFindBugsMain(mainClass, cmd, description, kind, analysis);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        String msg = "Unable to load FindBugsMain " + cmd +
                                " : " + className + " in plugin " + plugin.getPluginId()
                                + " loaded from " + loadedFrom;
                        PluginException e2 = new PluginException(msg, e);
                        AnalysisContext.logError(msg, e2);

            List<Node> detectorNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/Detector");
            int detectorCount = 0;
            for (Node detectorNode : detectorNodeList) {
                String className = detectorNode.valueOf("@class");
                String speed = detectorNode.valueOf("@speed");
                String disabled = detectorNode.valueOf("@disabled");
                String reports = detectorNode.valueOf("@reports");
                String requireJRE = detectorNode.valueOf("@requirejre");
                String hidden = detectorNode.valueOf("@hidden");
                if (speed == null || speed.length() == 0) {
                    speed = "fast";
                // System.out.println("Found detector: class="+className+", disabled="+disabled);

                // Create DetectorFactory for the detector
                Class<?> detectorClass = null;
                if (!FindBugs.isNoAnalysis()) {
                    detectorClass = classLoader.loadClass(className);

                    if (!Detector.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass) && !Detector2.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass)) {
                        throw new PluginException("Class " + className + " does not implement Detector or Detector2");
                DetectorFactory factory = new DetectorFactory(plugin, className, detectorClass, !disabled.equals("true"), speed,
                        reports, requireJRE);
                if (Boolean.valueOf(hidden).booleanValue()) {

                // Find Detector node in one of the messages files,
                // to get the detail HTML.
                Node node = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/Detector[@class='" + className
                        + "']/Details", "Missing Detector description for detector " + className);

                Element details = (Element) node;
                String detailHTML = details.getText();
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                buf.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n");
                buf.append("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Detector Description</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n");
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new PluginException("Could not instantiate detector class: " + e, e);

        // Create ordering constraints
        Node orderingConstraintsNode = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode("/FindbugsPlugin/OrderingConstraints");
        if (orderingConstraintsNode != null) {
            // Get inter-pass and intra-pass constraints
            List<Element> elements =  XMLUtil.selectNodes(orderingConstraintsNode, "./SplitPass|./WithinPass");
            for (Element constraintElement : elements) {
                // Create the selectors which determine which detectors are
                // involved in the constraint
                DetectorFactorySelector earlierSelector = getConstraintSelector(constraintElement, plugin, "Earlier");
                DetectorFactorySelector laterSelector = getConstraintSelector(constraintElement, plugin, "Later");

                // Create the constraint
                DetectorOrderingConstraint constraint = new DetectorOrderingConstraint(earlierSelector, laterSelector);

                // Keep track of which constraints are single-source
                constraint.setSingleSource(earlierSelector instanceof SingleDetectorFactorySelector);

                // Add the constraint to the plugin
                if (constraintElement.getName().equals("SplitPass")) {
                } else {

        // register global Category descriptions

        List<Node> categoryNodeListGlobal = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/BugCategory");
        for(Node categoryNode : categoryNodeListGlobal) {
            String key = categoryNode.valueOf("@category");
            if (key.equals("")) {
                throw new PluginException("BugCategory element with missing category attribute");
            BugCategory bc = plugin.addOrCreateBugCategory(key);

            boolean hidden = Boolean.valueOf(categoryNode.valueOf("@hidden"));
            if (hidden) {

        for (Document messageCollection : messageCollectionList) {
            List<Node> categoryNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(messageCollection, "/MessageCollection/BugCategory");
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println("found " + categoryNodeList.size() + " categories in " + plugin.getPluginId());
            for (Node categoryNode : categoryNodeList) {
                String key = categoryNode.valueOf("@category");
                if (key.equals("")) {
                    throw new PluginException("BugCategory element with missing category attribute");
                BugCategory bc = plugin.addOrCreateBugCategory(key);
                String shortDesc = getChildText(categoryNode, "Description");
                try {
                    String abbrev = getChildText(categoryNode, "Abbreviation");
                    if (bc.getAbbrev() == null) {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            System.out.println("category " + key + " abbrev -> " + abbrev);
                    } else if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("rejected abbrev '" + abbrev + "' for category " + key + ": " + bc.getAbbrev());
                } catch (PluginException pe) {
                    if (DEBUG)
                        System.out.println("missing Abbreviation for category " + key + "/" + shortDesc);
                        // do nothing else -- Abbreviation is required, but handle
                        // its omission gracefully
                try {
                    String details = getChildText(categoryNode, "Details");
                    if (bc.getDetailText() == null) {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            System.out.println("category " + key + " details -> " + details);
                    } else if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("rejected details [" + details + "] for category " + key + ": [" + bc.getDetailText()
                                + ']');
                } catch (PluginException pe) {
                    // do nothing -- LongDescription is optional


        // Create BugPatterns
        List<Node> bugPatternNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/BugPattern");
        for (Node bugPatternNode : bugPatternNodeList) {
            String type = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@type");
            String abbrev = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@abbrev");
            String category = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@category");
            String experimental = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@experimental");

            // Find the matching element in messages.xml (or translations)
            String query = "/MessageCollection/BugPattern[@type='" + type + "']";
            Node messageNode = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, query, "messages.xml missing BugPattern element for type "
                    + type);

            String shortDesc = getChildText(messageNode, "ShortDescription");
            String longDesc = getChildText(messageNode, "LongDescription");
            String detailText = getChildText(messageNode, "Details");
            int cweid = 0;
            try {
                String cweString = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@cweid");
                if (cweString.length() > 0) {
                    cweid = Integer.parseInt(cweString);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                assert true; // ignore

            BugPattern bugPattern = new BugPattern(type, abbrev, category, Boolean.valueOf(experimental).booleanValue(),
                    shortDesc, longDesc, detailText, cweid);

            try {
                String deprecatedStr = bugPatternNode.valueOf("@deprecated");
                boolean deprecated = deprecatedStr.length() > 0 && Boolean.valueOf(deprecatedStr).booleanValue();
                if (deprecated) {
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                assert true; // ignore



        // Create BugCodes
        Set<String> definedBugCodes = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Document messageCollection : messageCollectionList) {
            List<Node> bugCodeNodeList = XMLUtil.selectNodes(messageCollection, "/MessageCollection/BugCode");
            for (Node bugCodeNode : bugCodeNodeList) {
                String abbrev = bugCodeNode.valueOf("@abbrev");
                if (abbrev.equals("")) {
                    throw new PluginException("BugCode element with missing abbrev attribute");
                if (definedBugCodes.contains(abbrev)) {
                String description = bugCodeNode.getText();

                String query = "/FindbugsPlugin/BugCode[@abbrev='" + abbrev + "']";
                Node fbNode = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode(query);
                int cweid = 0;
                if (fbNode != null) {
                    try {
                        cweid = Integer.parseInt(fbNode.valueOf("@cweid"));
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                        assert true; // ignore
                BugCode bugCode = new BugCode(abbrev, description, cweid);


        // If an engine registrar is specified, make a note of its classname
        Node node = pluginDescriptor.selectSingleNode("/FindbugsPlugin/EngineRegistrar");
        if (node != null) {
            String engineClassName = node.valueOf("@class");
            if (engineClassName == null) {
                throw new PluginException("EngineRegistrar element with missing class attribute");

            try {
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                AnalysisContext.logError("Plugin " + constructedPlugin.getPluginId() + " has invalid update check URL: " + website, e1);

        // Set short description, if specified
        Node pluginShortDesc = null;
        try {
            pluginShortDesc = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, XPATH_PLUGIN_SHORT_DESCRIPTION,
                    "no plugin description");
        } catch (PluginException e) {
            // Missing description is not fatal, so ignore
        if (pluginShortDesc != null) {
        Node detailedDescription = null;
        try {
            detailedDescription = findMessageNode(messageCollectionList, "/MessageCollection/Plugin/Details",
                    "no plugin description");
        } catch (PluginException e) {
            // Missing description is not fatal, so ignore
        if (detailedDescription != null) {
        List<Node> globalOptionNodes = XMLUtil.selectNodes(pluginDescriptor, "/FindbugsPlugin/GlobalOptions/Property");
        for(Node optionNode : globalOptionNodes) {
            String key = optionNode.valueOf("@key");
            String value = optionNode.getText().trim();
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    private static DetectorFactorySelector getConstraintSelector(Element constraintElement, Plugin plugin,
            String singleDetectorElementName/*
             * , String
             * detectorCategoryElementName
             */) throws PluginException {
        Node node = constraintElement.selectSingleNode("./" + singleDetectorElementName);
        if (node != null) {
            String detectorClass = node.valueOf("@class");
            return new SingleDetectorFactorySelector(plugin, detectorClass);

        node = constraintElement.selectSingleNode("./" + singleDetectorElementName + "Category");
        if (node != null) {
            boolean spanPlugins = Boolean.valueOf(node.valueOf("@spanplugins")).booleanValue();

            String categoryName = node.valueOf("@name");
            if (!categoryName.equals("")) {
                if (categoryName.equals("reporting")) {
                    return new ReportingDetectorFactorySelector(spanPlugins ? null : plugin);
                } else if (categoryName.equals("training")) {
                    return new ByInterfaceDetectorFactorySelector(spanPlugins ? null : plugin, TrainingDetector.class);
                } else if (categoryName.equals("interprocedural")) {
                    return new ByInterfaceDetectorFactorySelector(spanPlugins ? null : plugin,
                } else {
                    throw new PluginException("Invalid category name " + categoryName + " in constraint selector node");

        node = constraintElement.selectSingleNode("./" + singleDetectorElementName + "Subtypes");
        if (node != null) {
            boolean spanPlugins = Boolean.valueOf(node.valueOf("@spanplugins")).booleanValue();

            String superName = node.valueOf("@super");
            if (!superName.equals("")) {
                try {
                    Class<?> superClass = Class.forName(superName);
                    return new ByInterfaceDetectorFactorySelector(spanPlugins ? null : plugin, superClass);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
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    private static Node findMessageNode(List<Document> messageCollectionList, String xpath, String missingMsg)
            throws PluginException {
        for (Document document : messageCollectionList) {
            Node node = document.selectSingleNode(xpath);
            if (node != null) {
                return node;
        throw new PluginException(missingMsg);
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Related Classes of org.dom4j.Node

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