if (vfsQTI==null){
throw new AssertException("qti file did not exist even it should be guaranteed by repositor check-in "
+ ((LocalFileImpl)vfsQTI).getBasefile().getAbsolutePath());
//ensures that InputStream is closed in every case.
Document doc = QTIHelper.getDocument((LocalFileImpl)vfsQTI);
if(doc == null){
//error reading qti file (existence check was made before)
throw new AssertException("qti file could not be read " + ((LocalFileImpl)vfsQTI).getBasefile().getAbsolutePath());
// Extract min, max and cut value
Float minValue = null, maxValue = null, cutValue = null;
Element decvar = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode("questestinterop/assessment/outcomes_processing/outcomes/decvar");
if (decvar != null) {
Attribute minval = decvar.attribute("minvalue");
if (minval != null) {
String mv = minval.getValue();
try {