* 2. still use the headers/footers from this section
boolean ignoreThisSection = false;
SectPr followingSectPr = sectPrs.get(++sectPrIndex);
if ( followingSectPr.getType()!=null
&& followingSectPr.getType().getVal().equals("continuous")) {
log.info("following sectPr is continuous; this section wrapper must include its contents ");
ignoreThisSection = true;
if (ignoreThisSection) {
// In case there are some headers/footers that apply to both this content and the
// content before the continuous sectPr,
// or that need to get inherited by the section after the continuous sectPr
previousHF = new HeaderFooterPolicy(ppr.getSectPr(), previousHF, rels, evenAndOddHeaders);
PgSz pgSzThis = ppr.getSectPr().getPgSz();
PgSz pgSzNext = followingSectPr.getPgSz();
if (insertPageBreak( pgSzThis, pgSzNext)) {
ppr.setPageBreakBefore(new BooleanDefaultTrue());
//ppr.setSectPr(null); // Don't do this, since we have to process the docx (inc sectPrs) multiple times for a single PDF output