try {
String r= part.xpathGetString(xpath, prefixMappings);
log.debug(xpath + " yielded result " + r);
if (r==null) return nullResultParagraph(sdtParent, "[missing!]");
CTSdtDate sdtDate = null;
Node dateNode = dateNodeIt.nextNode();
if (dateNode!=null) {
//sdtDate = (CTSdtDate)XmlUtils.unmarshal(dateNode);
sdtDate = (CTSdtDate)XmlUtils.unmarshal(dateNode, Context.jc, CTSdtDate.class);
<w:date w:fullDate="2012-08-19T00:00:00Z">
<w:dateFormat w:val="d/MM/yyyy"/>
<w:lid w:val="en-AU"/>
<w:storeMappedDataAs w:val="dateTime"/>
<w:calendar w:val="gregorian"/>
Assume our String r contains something like "2012-08-19T00:00:00Z"
We need to convert it to the given dateFormat string.
// Drop the Z
if (r.indexOf("Z")>0) {
r = r.substring(0, r.indexOf("Z")-1);
log.warn("date now " + r);
DateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
String format = sdtDate.getDateFormat().getVal();
log.debug("Using format: " + format);
// C# dddd (eg "Monday') needs translation
// to "EEEE"
if (format.contains("dddd")) {