Package org.dmd.dmc.types

Examples of org.dmd.dmc.types.Modifier

            Iterator<VALUE> it = getMV();
              VALUE current =;
              DmcAttribute<?> mod = getNew();
              mods.add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.ADD, mod));
            for(int index=0; index<getMVSize(); index++){
              if (getMVnth(index) != null){
                DmcAttribute<?> mod = getNew();
                mods.add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.NTH, mod, index));
        if (!adapter.hasValue())
          mods.add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.REM, attrInfo));
          // Have to determine the delta
          if (attrInfo.indexSize == 0){
            Iterator<?> eit = existingValue.getMV();
              Object current =;
              if (!contains(current)){
                // The value no longer exists, delete it
                DmcAttribute<?> mod = getNew();
                mods.add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.DEL, mod));
            Iterator<VALUE> it = getMV();
              VALUE current =;
              if (!existingValue.contains(current)){
                // The existing value is missing this value, add it
                DmcAttribute<?> mod = getNew();
                mods.add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.ADD, mod));
            for(int index=0; index<getMVSize(); index++){
              Object existing = existingValue.getMVnth(index);
              Object current  = getMVnth(index);
              boolean replace = false;
              if (existing == null){
                if (current != null)
                  replace = true;
                if (current == null)
                  replace = true;
                  if (!existing.equals(current))
                    replace = true;
              if (replace){
                DmcAttribute<?> mod = getNew();
                mods.add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.NTH, mod, index));
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    // org.dmd.dms.util.GenUtility.dumpSVType(
    public Modifier set(Object v) throws DmcValueException {
        Modifier rc = typeCheck(v);
        // We only return a value if the value actually changed. This supports
        // the applyModifier() mechanism on DmcObject where we only return true
        // if something changed as a result of the modifier
        if (value == null)
            value = rc;
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          if (DmcOmni.instance().backRefTracking() && DmcOmni.instance().trackThisAttribute(attr.ID)){
            if (attr instanceof DmcTypeNamedObjectREF){
              // We're modifying a reference attribute, so track that puppy
              DmcObject obj = ((DmcObject)((DmcNamedObjectREF<?>)attr.getSV()).getObject());
              if (obj != null){
                Modifier backrefMod = new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.SET,attr,this);
                // Let the reference know the backref modifier - this allows us to
                // easily remove the backref if the reference is deleted
        getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.SET, attr));
//    if ( (getContainer() != null) && (getContainer().getListenerManager() == null) ){
//      // TODO implement attribute change listener hooks
//    }
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                // We're modifying a reference attribute, so track that puppy
                DmcAttribute<?> mod = attr.getNew();
                Modifier backrefMod = new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.ADD,mod,this);
                // Let the reference know the backref modifier - this allows us to
                // easily remove the backref if the reference is deleted
      if (getModifier() != null){
        if (getLastValue() == null){
          // Last value can be null in the case of SET attributes since we don't
          // actually add a value to the SET if it already exists. However, in other
          // cases, this is a code error - so pitch a fit!
          if ( (ai.valueType != ValueTypeEnum.HASHMAPPED) && (ai.valueType != ValueTypeEnum.TREEMAPPED)){
            // This is okay
          else if ( (ai.valueType != ValueTypeEnum.HASHSET) && (ai.valueType != ValueTypeEnum.TREESET)){
            throw(new IllegalStateException("Last value shouldn't be null."));
          // Get an attribute value holder of the same type and hang on to the last
          // value that was added to it
          DmcAttribute<?> mod = attr.getNew();
          getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.ADD, mod));
//    if ( (getContainer() != null) && (getContainer().getListenerManager() == null) ){
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   * @param value The value to be deleted.
  protected void delFromEmptyAttribute(DmcAttribute<?> mod, Object value){
    try {
      getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.DEL, mod));   
    } catch (DmcValueException e) {
      if ( (mod.getAttributeInfo().valueType == ValueTypeEnum.HASHMAPPED) ||
           (mod.getAttributeInfo().valueType == ValueTypeEnum.TREEMAPPED) ){
        throw(new IllegalStateException("Changes to the Modifier shouldn't throw an exception. This is a MAPPED attribute and typeCheck () should accept just the key value as well as the mapped type itself.", e));
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        try {
          DmcAttribute<?> mod = attr.getNew();
          getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.DEL, mod));
        } catch (DmcValueException e) {
          throw(new IllegalStateException("Changes to the Modifier shouldn't throw an exception.", e));
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    synchronized (attributes) {
      T attr = (T) attributes.remove(;
      if (getModifier() != null){
        try {
          getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.REM, ai));
        } catch (DmcValueException e) {
          throw(new IllegalStateException("Changes to the Modifier shouldn't throw an exception.", e));
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   * @param mod The appropriately typed attribute holder.
   * @param value The value to be deleted.
  protected void nthNullFromEmptyAttribute(DmcAttributeInfo ai, int idx){
    try {
      getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.NTH, ai, idx));   
    } catch (DmcValueException e) {
      throw(new IllegalStateException("Changes to the Modifier shouldn't throw an exception.", e));
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                // We're modifying a reference attribute, so track that puppy
                DmcAttribute<?> mod = attr.getNew();
                Modifier backrefMod = new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.NTH,mod,this,index);
            if (attr instanceof DmcTypeNamedObjectREF){
              // And now some tricky stuff. Due to the fact that the nth() mechanisms can
              // result in a previous value being removed and replaced in one operation,
              // we have to take this into account when tracking back references. Any
              // previous value for this index is passed in to us from the generated
              // nth() method so that we can clean up the back reference if required.
              if (previous != null){
                DmcNamedObjectREF<?> ref = (DmcNamedObjectREF<?>) previous;
                if (ref.getObject() != null){
                  if (ref.getBackrefModifier() != null)
      if (getModifier() != null){
        if (getLastValue() == null){
          // Last value can be null in the case of indexed multi-valued attributes since this
          // is how we remove an indexed value.
          if ( (ai.indexSize == 0) || (ai.valueType != ValueTypeEnum.MULTI))
            throw(new IllegalStateException("Code gen error! The nth() interface is not applicable to attribute: " + + " of valueType: " + ai.valueType));
          getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.NTH, ai, index));
          // Get an attribute value holder of the same type and hang on to the last
          // value that was added to it
          DmcAttribute<?> mod = attr.getNew();
          mod.setMVnth(index, getLastValue());
          getModifier().add(new Modifier(ModifyTypeEnum.NTH, mod, index));
      // If there are no longer values stored in the attribute, remove it
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        sb.append("References to: " + ((DmcNamedObjectIF)this).getObjectName() + " (" + System.identityHashCode(this)+ ")\n");
        Iterator<Modifier> modit = mods.getMV();
        if (modit != null){
            Modifier mod =;
            DmcNamedObjectIF referrer   = mod.getReferringObject();
            DmcObject     obj    = (DmcObject) referrer;
            DmcAttribute<?> attr = mod.getAttribute();
            if (attr.getAttributeInfo().valueType == ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE)
              sb.append("  (" + obj.getConstructionClassName() + ") " + referrer.getObjectName() + " via SV " + attr.getName() + "\n");
              if (attr.getAttributeInfo().indexSize == 0)
                sb.append("  (" + obj.getConstructionClassName() + ") " +  referrer.getObjectName() + " via MV " + attr.getName() + "\n");
                sb.append("  (" + obj.getConstructionClassName() + ") " +  referrer.getObjectName() + " via INDEX " + mod.getIndex() + " " + attr.getName() + "\n");
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Related Classes of org.dmd.dmc.types.Modifier

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