public String getOpenTag()
Map<String, Object> rowAttributes = new HtmlAttributeMap();
MultipleHtmlAttribute cssAttribute = new MultipleHtmlAttribute(this.tableModel.getProperties().getCssRow(
if (this.tableModel.getTableDecorator() != null)
String addStyle = this.tableModel.getTableDecorator().addRowClass();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(addStyle))
String id = this.tableModel.getTableDecorator().addRowId();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id))
rowAttributes.put(TagConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ID, id);
catch (NoSuchMethodError e)
// this catch is here to allow decorators compiled with displaytag 1.0 work with 1.1
// since the addRowClass() and addRowId() are new in displaytag 1.1 earlier decorators could throw
// a NoSuchMethodError... be nice with them till a next major release
if (!cssAttribute.isEmpty())
rowAttributes.put(TagConstants.ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, cssAttribute);
StringBuffer tag = new StringBuffer();