
Examples of

    public ScalarExpression getMethod(ScalarExpression expr)
        // mt... = "map table"
        // vt... = "value table"
        IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
        String mtIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();

        DatastoreIdentifier mtRangeVar;
        DatastoreIdentifier ktRangeVar;
        DatastoreIdentifier vtRangeVar;
        int n = 0;
        if (expr instanceof UnboundVariable)
            UnboundVariable var = (UnboundVariable)expr;
            if (var.getVariableType() == null)
                // Set the variable type to be the element type for this collection
            String ktIdentifier = "UNBOUND" + '.' + var.getVariableName();
            String vtIdentifier = "UNBOUNDVALUE" + '.' + var.getVariableName();

            mtRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, mtIdentifier);
            ktRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ktIdentifier);
            vtRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, vtIdentifier);
            mtRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, mtIdentifier);

                String ktJavaName = mtIdentifier + '.' + (++n);
                ktRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ktJavaName);
            } while (qs.getTableExpression(ktRangeVar) != null);

            n = 0;

                String vtIdentifier = mtIdentifier + '.' + (++n);
                vtRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, vtIdentifier);
            } while (qs.getTableExpression(vtRangeVar) != null || vtRangeVar.equals(ktRangeVar));
        /* QueryExpression qexpr = */ getBackingStoreQueryable().getExistsSubquery(qs, mapping, te, mtRangeVar);
        ClassLoaderResolver clr=qs.getClassLoaderResolver();
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     * Executed when the size() method is found in a query filter.
     * @return  The NumericExpression resulting from the size() method.
    public NumericExpression sizeMethod()
        IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
        String ctIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();
        DatastoreIdentifier ctRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ctIdentifier);

        return new ContainerSizeExpression(qs, getBackingStoreQueryable().getSizeSubquery(qs, mapping, te, ctRangeVar));
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     * @param expr The ScalarExpression passed as a parameter to contains().
     * @return The BooleanExpression resulting from the contains() method.
    public BooleanExpression containsMethod(ScalarExpression expr)
        IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
        ClassLoaderResolver clr = qs.getClassLoaderResolver();
        if (expr instanceof NullLiteral)
            // JPOX doesn't currently support querying for nulls in Collections so just return "1 = 0"
            // TODO Add support for querying for nulls in collections
            return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, false).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));
        else if (expr instanceof UnboundVariable)
            UnboundVariable var = (UnboundVariable)expr;
            if (var.getVariableType() == null)
                // Set the variable type to be the element type for this collection
                // implicit variable type. We now set the type to the collection type

            // Get the exists query of the collection table
            String existsTableId = idFactory.newIdentifier(
                idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName), var.getVariableName()).getIdentifierName();
            DatastoreIdentifier existsTableAlias = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, existsTableId);
            QueryExpression qexpr = getBackingStoreQueryable().getExistsSubquery(qs, mapping, te, existsTableAlias);

            // Join from the collection table to the element table
            DatastoreIdentifier elementTableAlias = null;
            if (expr.te == null)
                String elementTableId = "UNBOUND" + '.' + var.getVariableName();
                elementTableAlias = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, elementTableId);
                elementTableAlias = expr.te.getAlias();
            ScalarExpression joinExpr = getBackingStoreQueryable().joinElementsTo(qexpr, qs, mapping, te,
                existsTableAlias, var.getVariableType(), expr, elementTableAlias, true);


            //START see JDOQLContainerTest.testContainsResultVariable
            LogicSetExpression elementTblExpr = qs.getTableExpression(elementTableAlias);
            if (qs.hasCrossJoin(elementTblExpr))
                // Perhaps some description about what this is supposed to be doing and WHY ????
                qexpr.andCondition(joinExpr.eq(expr.mapping.newScalarExpression(qs, elementTblExpr)));
            //END see JDOQLContainerTest.

            return new ExistsExpression(qs, qexpr, true);
            // "contains(Literal)", "contains(Expression)"
            String existsTableId = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();
            DatastoreIdentifier existsTableAlias = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, existsTableId);

            DatastoreIdentifier elementTableAlias;
            if (expr.te == null) // literals
                int n = 0;
                    String elementTableId = existsTableId + '.' + (++n);
                    elementTableAlias = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, elementTableId);
                } while (qs.getTableExpression(elementTableAlias) != null);
            else // expressions
                elementTableAlias = expr.te.getAlias();
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     * Return the BooleanExpression for a query filter in the form "collection.isEmpty()".
     * @return The BooleanExpression for a query filter in the form "collection.isEmpty()".
    public BooleanExpression isEmptyMethod()
        IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
        String existsTableId = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();
        DatastoreIdentifier existsTableAlias = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, existsTableId);
        QueryExpression qexpr = getBackingStoreQueryable().getExistsSubquery(qs, mapping, te, existsTableAlias);

        return new ExistsExpression(qs, qexpr, false);
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    public NumericExpression sizeMethod()
        if (arrayStore != null)
            IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
            String ctIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();
            DatastoreIdentifier ctRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ctIdentifier);

            return new ContainerSizeExpression(qs, getBackingStoreQueryable().getSizeSubquery(qs, mapping, te, ctRangeVar));
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    public BooleanExpression containsMethod(ScalarExpression expr)
        // ct... = "collection table"
        // et... = "element table"

        IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
        if (expr instanceof NullLiteral)
            // JPOX doesn't currently support storing nulls in Collections so just return "1 = 0"
            // TODO Add support for storing nulls in collections and querying for this situation
            return new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, false).eq(new BooleanLiteral(qs, mapping, true));
        else if( exprs != null )
            BooleanExpression bExpr = null;
            for( int i=0; i<exprs.length; i++)
                if( bExpr == null )
                    bExpr = exprs[i].eq(expr);
                    bExpr = bExpr.ior(exprs[i].eq(expr));
            return bExpr;
        else if (expr instanceof UnboundVariable)
            UnboundVariable var = (UnboundVariable)expr;
            if (var.getVariableType() == null)
                //Set the variable type to be the element type for this collection
                //implicit variable type. We now set the type to the collection type
            //ctJavaName += + '.' + var.getVariableName();
            //String etJavaName = qs.getDefaultTableExpression().getRangeVariable().getJavaName() + '.' + var.getVariableName();

            String etIdentifier = "UNBOUND" + '.' + var.getVariableName();
            String ctIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName), var.getVariableName()).getIdentifierName();

            DatastoreIdentifier ctRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ctIdentifier);
            DatastoreIdentifier etRangeVar = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, etIdentifier);
            QueryExpression qexpr = getBackingStoreQueryable().getExistsSubquery(qs, mapping, te, ctRangeVar);
                expr.te == null ? etRangeVar : expr.te.getAlias()));

            return new ExistsExpression(qs, qexpr, true);

        else if (expr instanceof Literal)
            String ctIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();
            DatastoreIdentifier ctRangeVar = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory().newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ctIdentifier);
            DatastoreIdentifier etRangeVar;            
            if (expr.te == null) // literals
                int n = 0;

                    String etIdentifier = ctIdentifier + '.' + (++n);
                    etRangeVar = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory().newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, etIdentifier);
                } while (qs.getTableExpression(etRangeVar) != null);
                etRangeVar = expr.te.getAlias();

            ClassLoaderResolver clr=qs.getClassLoaderResolver();
            QueryExpression qexpr = getBackingStoreQueryable().getExistsSubquery(qs, mapping, te, ctRangeVar);
            ScalarExpression expr1 = getBackingStoreQueryable().joinElementsTo(qexpr,
                expr.te == null ? etRangeVar : expr.te.getAlias());
            return new ExistsExpression(qs, qexpr, true);
            String ctIdentifier = idFactory.newIdentifier(te.getAlias(), fieldName).getIdentifierName();
            DatastoreIdentifier ctRangeVar = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory().newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, ctIdentifier);
            DatastoreIdentifier etRangeVar;            
            if (expr.te == null) // literals
                int n = 0;
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            DatastoreIdentifier identifier;
            IdentifierFactory idFactory = storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory();
            if (colmd.getName() == null || colmd.getName().length() < 1) {
              // No user provided name so generate one
              identifier = idFactory.newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier(
                  ownerFmd, null, refDatastoreMapping.getDatastoreField().getIdentifier(),
            } else {
              // User-defined name
              identifier = idFactory.newDatastoreFieldIdentifier(colmd.getName());
            // When we have an inherited relationship we end up
            // trying to add an owner property twice - once from the super-class
            // and once from the sub-class.  This generates an exception for
            // duplicate property names.  To avoid this we check to see if
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  private JavaTypeMapping addOrderColumn(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd) {
    Class indexType = Integer.class;
    JavaTypeMapping indexMapping = new IndexMapping();
    indexMapping.initialize(dba, indexType.getName());
    IdentifierFactory idFactory = storeMgr.getIdentifierFactory();
    DatastoreIdentifier indexColumnName = null;
    ColumnMetaData colmd = null;

    // Allow for any user definition in OrderMetaData
    OrderMetaData omd = fmd.getOrderMetaData();
    if (omd != null) {
      colmd =
          (omd.getColumnMetaData() != null && omd.getColumnMetaData().length > 0 ? omd
              .getColumnMetaData()[0] : null);
      if (omd.getMappedBy() != null) {
        // User has defined ordering using the column(s) of an existing field.
        JavaTypeMapping orderMapping = getMemberMapping(omd.getMappedBy());
        if (orderMapping == null) {
          throw new NucleusUserException(String.format(
              "Field \"{0}\" has an <order> defined to be persisted into the columns in the element table for element field \"{1}\". This field is not found in the element class.",
              fmd.getFullFieldName(), omd.getMappedBy()));
        if (!(orderMapping instanceof IntegerMapping) && !(orderMapping instanceof LongMapping)) {
          throw new NucleusUserException(
                  "Field \"{0}\" has an <order> defined to be persisted into the column of field \"{1}\". This field is of an invalid type. Must be an int/Integer.",
                  fmd.getFullFieldName(), omd.getMappedBy()));
        return orderMapping;

      String colName;
      if (omd.getColumnMetaData() != null && omd.getColumnMetaData().length > 0
          && omd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getName() != null) {
        // User-defined name so create an identifier using it
        colName = omd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getName();
        indexColumnName = idFactory.newDatastoreFieldIdentifier(colName);
    if (indexColumnName == null) {
      // No name defined so generate one
      indexColumnName = idFactory.newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier(
          fmd, null, null,

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             * So even though the caller may have been looking for column FOO
             * relative to rangevar THIS he may actually get back something like
             * THIS_1.FOO.
            IdentifierFactory idFactory = qs.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
            alias = idFactory.newIdentifier(mainAlias, String.valueOf(aliasesByTable.size()));
            aliasesByTable.put(table, alias);

            /* mt... = "main table" */
            /* st... = "secondary table" */
            DatastoreClass mt = (DatastoreClass)mainTable;
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        LogicSetExpression discriminatorTableExpr = null;
        if (sourceTableIsJoinTable())
            // * Selecting the join table of a JoinTable relationship, and joining to the element table
            stmt = dba.newQueryStatement(sourceTable, candidateId, clr);
            IdentifierFactory idFactory = stmt.getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();

            // Add join from the join table to the root element table
            DatastoreIdentifier targetTableIdentifier = null;
            DatastoreIdentifier rootElementTblId = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, "ELEMENT");
            LogicSetExpression rootElementTblExpr = stmt.newTableExpression(candidateTable, rootElementTblId);
            ScalarExpression sourceExpr = sourceMapping.newScalarExpression(stmt, stmt.getMainTableExpression());
            ScalarExpression rootElementExpr =
                candidateTable.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(stmt, rootElementTblExpr);
            if (allowNull)
                stmt.leftOuterJoin(sourceExpr, rootElementExpr, rootElementTblExpr, true);
                stmt.innerJoin(sourceExpr, rootElementExpr, rootElementTblExpr, true);
            targetTableIdentifier = rootElementTblId;

            if (targetElementTable != candidateTable)
                // Add join from the root element table to the target element table
                DatastoreIdentifier tgtElementTblId = idFactory.newIdentifier(IdentifierType.TABLE, "ELMNTSUB");
                LogicSetExpression tgtElementTblExpr = stmt.newTableExpression(targetElementTable, tgtElementTblId);
                ScalarExpression targetExpr =
                    targetElementTable.getIDMapping().newScalarExpression(stmt, tgtElementTblExpr);
                if (allowNull)
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