// Go through the fields for this class and add columns for them
for (int fieldNumber=0; fieldNumber<mmds.length; fieldNumber++)
// Primary key fields are added by the initialisePK method
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = mmds[fieldNumber];
if (!mmd.isPrimaryKey())
if (managesMember(mmd.getFullFieldName()))
if (!mmd.getClassName(true).equals(theCmd.getFullClassName()))
// Field already managed by this table so maybe we are overriding a superclass
JavaTypeMapping fieldMapping = getMappingForMemberName(mmd.getFullFieldName());
ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData();
if (colmds != null && colmds.length > 0)
// Apply this set of ColumnMetaData to the existing mapping
int colnum = 0;
IdentifierFactory idFactory = getStoreManager().getIdentifierFactory();
for (int i=0;i<fieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();i++)
Column col = (Column)fieldMapping.getDatastoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField();
if (colnum == colmds.length)
// Reached end of specified metadata
if (NucleusLogger.DATASTORE.isDebugEnabled())
// TODO Change this to reflect that we have updated the previous mapping
// Provide field->column mapping debug message
StringBuffer columnsStr = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0;i<fieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();i++)
if (i > 0)
if (fieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings() == 0)
StringBuffer datastoreMappingTypes = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0;i<fieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();i++)
if (i > 0)
mmd.getFullFieldName(), columnsStr.toString(), fieldMapping.getClass().getName(), datastoreMappingTypes.toString()));
// Manage the field if not already managed (may already exist if overriding a superclass field)
if (mmd.getPersistenceModifier() == FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT)
boolean isPrimary = true;
if (mmd.getTable() != null && mmd.getJoinMetaData() == null)
// Field has a table specified and is not a 1-N with join table
// so is mapped to a secondary table
isPrimary = false;
if (isPrimary)
// Add the field to this table
JavaTypeMapping fieldMapping = storeMgr.getMappingManager().getMapping(this, mmd, clr, FieldRole.ROLE_FIELD);
if (theCmd != cmd &&
theCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE &&
fieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings() > 0)
// Field is for a subclass and so column(s) has to either allow nulls, or have default
int numCols = fieldMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
for (int colNum = 0;colNum < numCols; colNum++)
Column col = (Column) fieldMapping.getDatastoreMapping(colNum).getDatastoreField();
if (col.getDefaultValue() == null && !col.isNullable())
// Column needs to be nullable
NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.debug("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() +
" uses superclass-table yet the field is not marked as nullable " +
" nor does it have a default value, so setting the column as nullable");
// Add the field to the appropriate secondary table
if (secondaryTables == null)
secondaryTables = new HashMap();
SecondaryTable secTable = secondaryTables.get(mmd.getTable());
if (secTable == null)
// Secondary table doesnt exist yet so create it to users specifications.
JoinMetaData[] joinmds = theCmd.getJoinMetaData();
JoinMetaData joinmd = null;
if (joinmds != null)
for (int j=0;j<joinmds.length;j++)
if (joinmds[j].getTable().equalsIgnoreCase(mmd.getTable()) &&
(joinmds[j].getCatalog() == null || (joinmds[j].getCatalog() != null && joinmds[j].getCatalog().equalsIgnoreCase(mmd.getCatalog()))) &&
(joinmds[j].getSchema() == null || (joinmds[j].getSchema() != null && joinmds[j].getSchema().equalsIgnoreCase(mmd.getSchema()))))
joinmd = joinmds[j];
DatastoreIdentifier secTableIdentifier =
// Use specified catalog, else take catalog of the owning table
String catalogName = mmd.getCatalog();
if (catalogName == null)
catalogName = getCatalogName();
// Use specified schema, else take schema of the owning table
String schemaName = mmd.getSchema();
if (schemaName == null)
schemaName = getSchemaName();
secTable = new SecondaryTable(secTableIdentifier, storeMgr, this, joinmd, clr);
secondaryTables.put(mmd.getTable(), secTable);
secTable.addMemberMapping(storeMgr.getMappingManager().getMapping(secTable, mmd,
clr, FieldRole.ROLE_FIELD));
else if (mmd.getPersistenceModifier() != FieldPersistenceModifier.TRANSACTIONAL)
throw new NucleusException(LOCALISER.msg("057006",mmd.getName())).setFatal();
// Calculate if we need a FK adding due to a 1-N (FK) relationship
boolean needsFKToContainerOwner = false;
int relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr);
if (relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_MANY_BI)
AbstractMemberMetaData[] relatedMmds = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr);
if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() == null && relatedMmds[0].getJoinMetaData() == null)
needsFKToContainerOwner = true;
else if (relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_MANY_UNI)
if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() == null)
needsFKToContainerOwner = true;
if (needsFKToContainerOwner)
// 1-N uni/bidirectional using FK, so update the element side with a FK
if ((mmd.getCollection() != null && !SCOUtils.collectionHasSerialisedElements(mmd)) ||
(mmd.getArray() != null && !SCOUtils.arrayIsStoredInSingleColumn(mmd, storeMgr.getMetaDataManager())))
// 1-N ForeignKey collection/array, so add FK to element table
AbstractClassMetaData elementCmd = null;
if (mmd.hasCollection())
// Collection
elementCmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr);
// Array
elementCmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getType().getComponentType(), clr);
if (elementCmd == null)
// Elements that are reference types or non-PC will come through here
if (mmd.hasCollection())
theCmd.getFullClassName(), mmd.getCollection().getElementType()));
theCmd.getFullClassName(), mmd.getType().getComponentType().getName()));
AbstractClassMetaData[] elementCmds = null;
// TODO : Cater for interface elements, and get the metadata for the implementation classes here
if (elementCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
elementCmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(elementCmd, clr);
elementCmds = new ClassMetaData[1];
elementCmds[0] = elementCmd;
// Run callbacks for each of the element classes.
for (int i=0;i<elementCmds.length;i++)
storeMgr.addSchemaCallback(elementCmds[i].getFullClassName(), mmd);
DatastoreClass dc = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(elementCmds[i].getFullClassName(), clr);
if (dc == null)
throw new NucleusException("Unable to add foreign-key to " +
elementCmds[i].getFullClassName() + " to " + this + " since element has no table!");
ClassTable ct = (ClassTable) dc;
if (ct.isInitialized())
// if the target table is already initialized, run the callbacks
else if (mmd.getMap() != null && !SCOUtils.mapHasSerialisedKeysAndValues(mmd))
// 1-N ForeignKey map, so add FK to value table
if (mmd.getKeyMetaData() != null && mmd.getKeyMetaData().getMappedBy() != null)
// Key is stored in the value table so add the FK to the value table
AbstractClassMetaData valueCmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getMap().getValueType(), clr);
if (valueCmd == null)
// Interface elements will come through here and java.lang.String and others as well
theCmd.getFullClassName(), mmd.getMap().getValueType()));
AbstractClassMetaData[] valueCmds = null;
// TODO : Cater for interface values, and get the metadata for the implementation classes here
if (valueCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
valueCmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(valueCmd, clr);
valueCmds = new ClassMetaData[1];
valueCmds[0] = valueCmd;
// Run callbacks for each of the value classes.
for (int i=0;i<valueCmds.length;i++)
storeMgr.addSchemaCallback(valueCmds[i].getFullClassName(), mmd);
DatastoreClass dc = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(valueCmds[i].getFullClassName(), clr);
ClassTable ct = (ClassTable) dc;
if (ct.isInitialized())
// if the target table is already initialized, run the callbacks
else if (mmd.getValueMetaData() != null && mmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy() != null)
// Value is stored in the key table so add the FK to the key table
AbstractClassMetaData keyCmd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getMap().getKeyType(), clr);
if (keyCmd == null)
// Interface elements will come through here and java.lang.String and others as well
theCmd.getFullClassName(), mmd.getMap().getKeyType()));
AbstractClassMetaData[] keyCmds = null;
// TODO : Cater for interface keys, and get the metadata for the implementation classes here