Document document = getDOM();
return new DocumentReport( validator.validate(dURI, document, applyFix), document );
private Document parse() throws IOException, SAXException, TransformerException {
final DOMParser parser = new DOMParser() {
private QName currentQName;
private Augmentations currentAugmentations;
protected Element createElementNode(QName qName) {
final Element created = super.createElementNode(qName);
if (qName.equals(currentQName) && currentAugmentations != null) {
final ElementLocation elementLocation = createElementLocation(
created.setUserData(ELEMENT_LOCATION, elementLocation, null);
return created;
public void startElement(QName qName, XMLAttributes xmlAttributes, Augmentations augmentations)
throws XNIException {
super.startElement(qName, xmlAttributes, augmentations);
currentQName = qName;
currentAugmentations = augmentations;
private ElementLocation createElementLocation(Object obj) {
if(obj == null) return null;
String pattern = null;
try {
pattern = obj.toString();
if( "synthesized".equals(pattern) ) return null;
final String[] parts = pattern.split(":");
return new ElementLocation(
} catch (Exception e) {
String.format("Unexpected string format for given augmentation: [%s]", pattern),
return null;
parser.setFeature("", false);
parser.setFeature("", true);
parser.setFeature(AUGMENTATIONS_FEATURE, true);
if (this.encoding != null)
parser.setProperty("", this.encoding);
* NOTE: the SpanCloserInputStream has been added to wrap the stream passed to the CyberNeko
* parser. This will ensure the correct handling of inline HTML SPAN tags.
* This fix is documented at issue #78.
parser.parse(new InputSource( new SpanCloserInputStream(input)));
return parser.getDocument();