public Collection<SourceLocation> getLocations() {
return locations;
public void update(Event event) {
CallVertex vertex;
if (context.main
&& event.type == EventType.METHOD_MISSING
&& (vertex = (CallVertex) event.vertex) != null
&& vertex.getName().startsWith(prefix)
&& vertex.getReceiverVertex() != null) {
String realName = vertex.getName().substring(prefix.length());
for (IRubyObject receiver : vertex.getReceiverVertex().getTypeSet()) {
RubyClass receiverType = receiver.getMetaClass();
if (receiverType != null) {
SourceLocation location = null;
// Try to find method
// TODO callSuper
Method method = (Method) receiverType.searchMethod(realName);
if (method != null) {
if (method.getLocation() != null)
} else {
// Try to find constant
RubyModule klass = null;
if (receiverType instanceof MetaClass) {
MetaClass metaClass = (MetaClass) receiverType;
if (metaClass.getAttached() instanceof RubyModule)
klass = (RubyModule) metaClass.getAttached();
} else
klass = context.project.getGraph().getRuntime().getContext().getCurrentScope().getModule();
if (klass != null) {
IRubyObject constant = klass.getConstant(realName);
if (constant instanceof VertexHolder)
location = SourceLocation.of(((VertexHolder) constant).getVertex().getNode());
else if (constant instanceof RubyModule)
location = ((RubyModule) constant).getLocation();
if (location != null)