Package org.codehaus.stax2.ri.evt

Examples of org.codehaus.stax2.ri.evt.AttributeEventImpl

                    System.out.print("  ("+entCount+" entities, "+notCount
                                       +" notations), sysid ");
                    if (notCount > 0) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < notCount; ++i) {
                            NotationDeclaration2 nd = (NotationDeclaration2)notations.get(i);
                            System.out.println(" notation '"+nd.getName()+"', base: ["+nd.getBaseURI()+"]");
                    System.out.print(", declaration = <<");
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            try {
    /* 11-Nov-2008, TSa: Let's add optimized handling for byte-block
     *   source
    if (src instanceof Stax2ByteArraySource) {
        Stax2ByteArraySource bas = (Stax2ByteArraySource) src;
        bs = StreamBootstrapper.getInstance(pubId, sysId, bas.getBuffer(), bas.getBufferStart(), bas.getBufferEnd());
    } else {
        in = ss.constructInputStream();
        if (in == null) {
      r = ss.constructReader();
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        boolean autoCloseInput;

        InputBootstrapper bs = null;

        if (src instanceof Stax2Source) {
            Stax2Source ss = (Stax2Source) src;
            sysId = ss.getSystemId();
            pubId = ss.getPublicId();
            encoding = ss.getEncoding();

            try {
    /* 11-Nov-2008, TSa: Let's add optimized handling for byte-block
     *   source
    if (src instanceof Stax2ByteArraySource) {
        Stax2ByteArraySource bas = (Stax2ByteArraySource) src;
        bs = StreamBootstrapper.getInstance(pubId, sysId, bas.getBuffer(), bas.getBufferStart(), bas.getBufferEnd());
    } else {
        in = ss.constructInputStream();
        if (in == null) {
      r = ss.constructReader();
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new WstxIOException(ioe);
            /* Caller has no direct access to stream/reader, Woodstox
             * owns it and thus has to close too
            autoCloseInput = true;
        } else  if (src instanceof StreamSource) {
            StreamSource ss = (StreamSource) src;
            sysId = ss.getSystemId();
            pubId = ss.getPublicId();
            in = ss.getInputStream();
            if (in == null) {
                r = ss.getReader();
            /* Caller still has access to stream/reader; no need to
             * force auto-close-input
            autoCloseInput = cfg.willAutoCloseInput();
        } else if (src instanceof SAXSource) {
            SAXSource ss = (SAXSource) src;
            /* 28-Jan-2006, TSa: Not a complete implementation, but maybe
             *   even this might help...
            sysId = ss.getSystemId();
            InputSource isrc = ss.getInputSource();
            if (isrc != null) {
                encoding = isrc.getEncoding();
                in = isrc.getByteStream();
                if (in == null) {
                    r = isrc.getCharacterStream();
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    public XMLStreamReader createFilteredReader(XMLStreamReader reader, StreamFilter filter)
        throws XMLStreamException
        Stax2FilteredStreamReader fr = new Stax2FilteredStreamReader(reader, filter);
        /* [WSTX-111] As per Stax 1.0 TCK, apparently the filtered
         *   reader is expected to be automatically forwarded to the first
         *   acceptable event. This is different from the way RI works, but
         *   since specs don't say anything about filtered readers, let's
         *   consider TCK to be "more formal" for now, and implement that
         *   behavior.
        if (!filter.accept(fr)) { // START_DOCUMENT ok?
            // Ok, nope, this should do the trick:
        return fr;
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    public Attribute constructAttr(String[] raw, int rawIndex, boolean isDef)
        return new AttributeEventImpl(mLocation, raw[rawIndex], raw[rawIndex+1],
                                      raw[rawIndex+2], raw[rawIndex+3], isDef);
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    public Attribute constructAttr(String[] raw, int rawIndex, boolean isDef)
        return new AttributeEventImpl(mLocation, raw[rawIndex], raw[rawIndex+1],
                                      raw[rawIndex+2], raw[rawIndex+3], isDef);
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    // // // Filtered reader factory methods

    public XMLEventReader createFilteredReader(XMLEventReader reader, EventFilter filter)
        return new Stax2FilteredEventReader(Stax2EventReaderAdapter.wrapIfNecessary(reader), filter);
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             * data:
            int ptr = 0;
            do {
                int chunkLen = 1 + (r.nextInt() & 0x7);
                AsciiValueEncoder enc = new ValueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(b64variant, data, ptr, chunkLen);
                ptr += chunkLen;
                int len = enc.encodeMore(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
                b64.append(buffer, 0, len);
            } while (b64.length() < SIZE);
            // And then create document, with split content
            final int byteLen = ptr;
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        // So first we'll encode 1 to 6 bytes as base64
        for (int bv = 0; bv < sPaddingVariants.length; ++bv) {
            Base64Variant b64variant = sPaddingVariants[bv];
            for (int i = 1; i <= data.length; ++i) {
                AsciiValueEncoder enc = new ValueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(b64variant, data, 0, i);
                char[] cbuf = new char[20];
                int clen = enc.encodeMore(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length);
                // and use all byte last 1, 2 or 3 chars
                for (int j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) {
                    int testLen = clen-j;
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
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                Base64Variant b64variant = sBase64Variants[bv];
                for (int i = 0; i < LEN_ATTR.length; ++i) {
                    int size = LEN_ATTR[i];
                    byte[] data = generateData(new Random(size), size);
                    char[] buffer = new char[4 + (data.length * 3 / 2)];
                    AsciiValueEncoder enc = new ValueEncoderFactory().getEncoder(b64variant, data, 0, data.length);
                    int len = enc.encodeMore(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(buffer.length + 32);
                    sb.append("<root attr='");
                    sb.append(buffer, 0, len);
                    sb.append("' />");
                    XMLStreamReader2 sr = getElemReader(sb.toString());
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.stax2.ri.evt.AttributeEventImpl

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