Package org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline$Argument

        catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
            throw new CommandExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        Commandline cl = createBaseCommandLine( putty, sshExecutable, privateKey );

        int port =
            repository.getPort() == WagonConstants.UNKNOWN_PORT ? ScpHelper.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT : repository.getPort();
        if ( port != ScpHelper.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT )
            if ( putty )
                cl.createArg().setLine( "-P " + port );
                cl.createArg().setLine( "-p " + port );

        if ( sshArgs != null )
            cl.createArg().setLine( sshArgs );

        String remoteHost = this.buildRemoteHost();

        cl.createArg().setValue( remoteHost );

        cl.createArg().setValue( command );

        fireSessionDebug( "Executing command: " + cl.toString() );

            CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer out = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
            CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer err = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
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        return sshExecutable.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).indexOf( "plink" ) >= 0;

    private Commandline createBaseCommandLine( boolean putty, String executable, File privateKey )
        Commandline cl = new Commandline();

        cl.setExecutable( executable );

        if ( privateKey != null )
            cl.createArg().setValue( "-i" );
            cl.createArg().setFile( privateKey );

        String password = authenticationInfo.getPassword();
        if ( putty && password != null )
            cl.createArg().setValue( "-pw" );
            cl.createArg().setValue( password );

        // should check interactive flag, but scpexe never works in interactive mode right now due to i/o streams
        if ( putty )
            cl.createArg().setValue( "-batch" );
            cl.createArg().setValue( "-o" );
            cl.createArg().setValue( "BatchMode yes" );
        return cl;
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            throw new AuthorizationException( e.getMessage() );
        Commandline cl = createBaseCommandLine( putty, scpExecutable, privateKey );

        cl.setWorkingDirectory( localFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() );

        int port =
            repository.getPort() == WagonConstants.UNKNOWN_PORT ? ScpHelper.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT : repository.getPort();
        if ( port != ScpHelper.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT )
            cl.createArg().setLine( "-P " + port );

        if ( scpArgs != null )
            cl.createArg().setLine( scpArgs );

        String resourceName = normalizeResource( resource );
        String remoteFile = getRepository().getBasedir() + "/" + resourceName;

        remoteFile = StringUtils.replace( remoteFile, " ", "\\ " );

        String qualifiedRemoteFile = this.buildRemoteHost() + ":" + remoteFile;
        if ( put )
            cl.createArg().setValue( localFile.getName() );
            cl.createArg().setValue( qualifiedRemoteFile );
            cl.createArg().setValue( qualifiedRemoteFile );
            cl.createArg().setValue( localFile.getName() );

        fireSessionDebug( "Executing command: " + cl.toString() );

            CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer err = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
            int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cl, null, err );
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            authInfo.setUserName( "guest" );
            File sshKeysTarget = new File( "target/ssh-keys" );
            FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( "src/test/ssh-keys" ), sshKeysTarget );
            // ssh keys need to 700 permissions
            // to prevent WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!
            Commandline commandline = new Commandline( "chmod" );
            commandline.createArg().setValue( "-R" );
            commandline.createArg().setValue( "700" );
            commandline.createArg().setValue( sshKeysTarget.getCanonicalPath() );
            CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer out = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
            CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer err = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();
            int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( commandline, out, err );
            Streams streams = new Streams();
            streams.setOut( out.getOutput() );
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     * @return The exit status of {@code protoc}.
     * @throws CommandLineException
    public int compile() throws CommandLineException {
        Commandline cl = new Commandline();
        cl.addArguments(buildProtocCommand().toArray(new String[]{}));
        return CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine(cl, null, output, error);
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    private static void executeLs( File dir, String options, LoggerStreamConsumer loggerConsumer,
                                   StreamConsumer parser, Logger logger )
        throws IOException, CommandLineException
        Commandline numericCli = new Commandline();

        numericCli.getShell().setQuotedArgumentsEnabled( true );
        numericCli.getShell().setQuotedExecutableEnabled( false );

        numericCli.setExecutable( "ls" );

        numericCli.createArg().setLine( options );

        numericCli.createArg().setValue( dir.getAbsolutePath() );

        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
            logger.debug( "Executing:\n\n" + numericCli.toString() + "\n" );

            int result = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( numericCli, parser, loggerConsumer );

            if ( result != 0 )
                throw new IOException( "Failed to retrieve numeric file attributes using: '" + numericCli.toString()
                    + "'" );
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            IOException error =
                new IOException( "Failed to retrieve numeric file attributes using: '" + numericCli.toString() + "'" );
            error.initCause( e );

            throw error;
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    private Map<String, ClassDescription> runJavadoc() throws MavenReportException
        getLog().info("Running JavaDoc to collect component parameter data ...");

        Commandline command = new Commandline();

        catch (IOException ex)
            throw new MavenReportException("Unable to locate javadoc command: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);

        String parametersPath = workDirectory + File.separator + "component-parameters.xml";

        String[] arguments = { "-private", "-o", parametersPath,

                "-subpackages", rootPackage,

                "-doclet", ParametersDoclet.class.getName(),

                "-docletpath", docletPath(),

                "-sourcepath", sourcePath(),

                "-classpath", classPath() };



        return readXML(parametersPath);
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    public ExecutionResult executeShellCommand( File workingDirectory, String executable, String[] arguments,
                                                File output, long idCommand, Map<String, String> environments )
        throws Exception

        Commandline cl = createCommandline( workingDirectory, executable, arguments, idCommand, environments ); "Executing: " + cl ); "Working directory: " + cl.getWorkingDirectory().getAbsolutePath() );
        log.debug( "EnvironmentVariables " + Arrays.asList( cl.getEnvironmentVariables() ) );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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    public void executeGoals( File workingDirectory, String executable, String goals, boolean interactive,
                              String arguments, ReleaseResult relResult, Map<String, String> environments )
        throws Exception
        Commandline cl = new Commandline();

        Commandline.Argument argument = cl.createArgument();

        argument.setLine( arguments );

        executeGoals( workingDirectory, executable, goals, interactive, argument.getParts(), relResult, environments );
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        if ( executable == null )
            executable = "mvn";

        Commandline cl = createCommandline( workingDirectory, executable, arguments, -1, environments );

        if ( goals != null )
            // accept both space and comma, so the old way still work
            String[] tokens = StringUtils.split( goals, ", " );

            for ( String token : tokens )
                cl.createArgument().setValue( token );

        cl.createArgument().setValue( "--no-plugin-updates" );

        if ( !interactive )
            cl.createArgument().setValue( "--batch-mode" );

        StreamConsumer stdOut = new TeeConsumer( System.out );

        StreamConsumer stdErr = new TeeConsumer( System.err );

            relResult.appendInfo( "Executing: " + cl.toString() );
   "Executing: " + cl.toString() );

            int result = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cl, stdOut, stdErr );

            if ( result != 0 )
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline$Argument

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