Package org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.StringSearchInterpolator

    File file = new File(value).getCanonicalFile();
    properties.put(name, file.getPath());

  private void interpolate() throws Exception {
    Interpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
    interpolator.addValueSource(new MapBasedValueSource(properties));
    interpolator.addValueSource(new MapBasedValueSource(System.getProperties()));
    interpolator.addValueSource(new EnvarBasedValueSource());

    for (Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
      properties.put(entry.getKey(), interpolator.interpolate(entry.getValue()));
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    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        return interpolator;
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    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        return interpolator;
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    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        return interpolator;
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    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        return interpolator;
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    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );
        return interpolator;
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    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        return interpolator;
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    public static Interpolator buildInterpolator( final MavenProject project,
                                                  final AssemblerConfigurationSource configSource )
        final StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        final MavenSession session = configSource.getMavenSession();

        if ( session != null )
            Properties userProperties = null;
                userProperties = session.getExecutionProperties();
            catch ( final NoSuchMethodError nsmer )
                // OK, so user is using Maven <= 2.0.8. No big deal.

            if ( userProperties != null )
                // 4
                interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( userProperties ) );

        interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource(
                                                                        project.getProperties(), true ) );
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( InterpolationConstants.PROJECT_PREFIXES, project,
                                                                    true ) );

        final Properties settingsProperties = new Properties();
        if ( configSource.getLocalRepository() != null )
            settingsProperties.setProperty( "localRepository", configSource.getLocalRepository().getBasedir() );
            settingsProperties.setProperty( "settings.localRepository", configSource.getLocalRepository().getBasedir() );
        else if ( session != null && session.getSettings() != null )
            settingsProperties.setProperty( "localRepository", session.getSettings().getLocalRepository() );
            settingsProperties.setProperty( "settings.localRepository", configSource.getLocalRepository().getBasedir() );

        interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( settingsProperties ) );

        Properties commandLineProperties = System.getProperties();
        if ( session != null )
            commandLineProperties = new Properties();
            if ( session.getExecutionProperties() != null )
                commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getExecutionProperties() );
            if ( session.getUserProperties() != null )
                commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getUserProperties() );

        // 7
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( commandLineProperties ) );
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( Collections.singletonList( "env." ),
                                                                        ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES, true ) );

        interpolator.addPostProcessor( new PathTranslatingPostProcessor( project.getBasedir() ) );
        return interpolator;
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        if ( value == null )
            value = "";

        final StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();

        final Properties specialExpressionOverrides = new Properties();

        if ( finalName != null )
            specialExpressionOverrides.setProperty( "finalName", finalName );
            specialExpressionOverrides.setProperty( "build.finalName", finalName );

        // 1
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( specialExpressionOverrides ) );

        if ( moduleProject != null )
            // 2
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject ) );
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                            moduleProject.getProperties() ) );
            if ( moduleProject.getArtifact() != null )
                interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject.getArtifact() ) );

        if ( artifactProject != null )
            // 3
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject ) );
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                            artifactProject.getProperties() ) );
            if ( artifactProject.getArtifact() != null )
                interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject.getArtifact() ) );

        MavenSession session = null;

        if ( configSource != null )
            session = configSource.getMavenSession();

            if ( session != null )
                Properties userProperties = null;
                    userProperties = session.getExecutionProperties();
                catch ( final NoSuchMethodError nsmer )
                    // OK, so user is using Maven <= 2.0.8. No big deal.

                if ( userProperties != null )
                    // 4
                    interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( userProperties ) );

        if ( mainProject != null )
            // 5
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( InterpolationConstants.PROJECT_PREFIXES,
                                                                        mainProject, true ) );

            // 6
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource(
                                                                            mainProject.getProperties(), true ) );

        Properties commandLineProperties = System.getProperties();
        if ( session != null )
            commandLineProperties = new Properties();
            if ( session.getExecutionProperties() != null )
                commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getExecutionProperties() );

            if ( session.getUserProperties() != null )
                commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getUserProperties() );

        // 7
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( commandLineProperties ) );

            // 8
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( Collections.singletonList( "env." ),
                                                                            CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars( false ),
                                                                            true ) );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to retrieve OS environment variables. Reason: "
                            + e.getMessage(), e );

            value = interpolator.interpolate( value );
        catch ( final InterpolationException e )
            throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to interpolate output directory. Reason: " + e.getMessage(),
                                                   e );
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        // TODO: This is BAD! Accessors SHOULD NOT change the behavior of the object.
        // [jdcasey; 16-Aug-1007] This is fixed in SVN, just waiting for it to pass out of legacy.

        final StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();

        if ( moduleArtifact != null )
            // 1A
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleArtifact ) );

            // 1B
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleArtifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.handler.",
                                                                        moduleArtifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );

        // 1C
        if ( moduleProject != null )
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject ) );
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                            moduleProject.getProperties() ) );
            if ( moduleProject.getArtifact() != null )
                interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "module.", moduleProject.getArtifact() ) );

        // 2A
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifact ) );

        // 2B
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.handler.", artifact.getArtifactHandler() ) );

        // 2C
        if ( artifactProject != null )
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject ) );
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( "",
                                                                            artifactProject.getProperties() ) );
            if ( artifactProject.getArtifact() != null )
                interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( "artifact.", artifactProject.getArtifact() ) );

        if ( mainProject != null )
            // 3
            // 4
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedObjectValueSource( InterpolationConstants.PROJECT_PREFIXES,
                                                                        mainProject, true ) );

        final Properties specialRules = new Properties();

        final String classifier = ProjectUtils.getClassifier( artifact );
        if ( classifier != null )
            specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier?", "-" + classifier );
            specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier", "-" + classifier );
            specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier?", "" );
            specialRules.setProperty( "dashClassifier", "" );

        // 5
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( specialRules ) );

        MavenSession session = null;
        if ( configSource != null )
            session = configSource.getMavenSession();

            if ( session != null )
                Properties userProperties = null;
                    userProperties = session.getExecutionProperties();
                catch ( final NoSuchMethodError nsmer )
                    // OK, so user is using Maven <= 2.0.8. No big deal.

                if ( userProperties != null )
                    // 6
                    interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( userProperties ) );

        if ( mainProject != null )
            // 7
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource(
                                                                            mainProject.getProperties(), true ) );

        Properties commandLineProperties = System.getProperties();
        if ( session != null )
            commandLineProperties = new Properties();
            if ( session.getExecutionProperties() != null )
                commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getExecutionProperties() );

            if ( session.getUserProperties() != null )
                commandLineProperties.putAll( session.getUserProperties() );

        // 8
        interpolator.addValueSource( new PropertiesBasedValueSource( commandLineProperties ) );

            // 9
            interpolator.addValueSource( new PrefixedPropertiesValueSource( Collections.singletonList( "env." ),
                                                                            CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars( false ),
                                                                            true ) );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to retrieve OS environment variables. Reason: "
                            + e.getMessage(), e );

            value = interpolator.interpolate( value );
        catch ( final InterpolationException e )
            throw new AssemblyFormattingException( "Failed to interpolate output filename mapping. Reason: "
                            + e.getMessage(), e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.StringSearchInterpolator

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