XmlPlexusConfiguration result = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( fromPom.getName() );
result.setValue( fromPom.getValue( null ) );
if ( mojoDescriptor.getParameters() != null )
PlexusConfiguration fromMojo = mojoDescriptor.getMojoConfiguration();
for ( Iterator it = mojoDescriptor.getParameters().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Parameter parameter = (Parameter) it.next();
String paramName = parameter.getName();
String alias = parameter.getAlias();
String implementation = parameter.getImplementation();
PlexusConfiguration pomConfig = fromPom.getChild( paramName );
PlexusConfiguration aliased = null;
if ( alias != null )
aliased = fromPom.getChild( alias );
PlexusConfiguration mojoConfig = fromMojo.getChild( paramName, false );
// first we'll merge configurations from the aliased and real params.
// TODO: Is this the right thing to do?
if ( aliased != null )
if ( pomConfig == null )
pomConfig = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( paramName );
pomConfig = buildTopDownMergedConfiguration( pomConfig, aliased );
PlexusConfiguration toAdd = null;
if ( pomConfig != null )
pomConfig = buildTopDownMergedConfiguration( pomConfig, mojoConfig );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pomConfig.getValue( null ) ) || ( pomConfig.getChildCount() > 0 ) )
toAdd = pomConfig;
if ( ( toAdd == null ) && ( mojoConfig != null ) )
toAdd = copyConfiguration( mojoConfig );
if ( toAdd != null )
if ( ( implementation != null ) && ( toAdd.getAttribute( "implementation", null ) == null ) )
XmlPlexusConfiguration implementationConf = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( paramName );
implementationConf.setAttribute( "implementation", parameter.getImplementation() );