Package org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression.ExpressionEvaluationException

            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getProjects();
        else if ( "mojoExecution".equals( expression ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
            value = project;
        else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
            value = project.getExecutionProject();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) || expression.startsWith( "pom" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "repositorySystemSession" ) )
            value = session.getRepositorySession();
        else if ( expression.equals( "mojo" ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "mojo" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, mojoExecution );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), mojoExecution );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "plugin" ) )
            value = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getSettings();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, session.getSettings() );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), session.getSettings() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
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        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
        if ( BANNED_EXPRESSIONS.containsKey( expression ) )
            throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "The parameter expression: \'" + expression +
                "\' used in mojo: \'" + mojoDescriptor.getGoal() + "\' is banned. Use \'" +
                BANNED_EXPRESSIONS.get( expression ) + "\' instead." );
        else if ( DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS.containsKey( expression ) )
            logger.warn( "The parameter expression: \'" + expression + "\' used in mojo: \'" +
                mojoDescriptor.getGoal() + "\' has been deprecated. Use \'" + DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS.get( expression ) +
                "\' instead." );

        if ( "localRepository".equals( expression ) )
            value = context.getLocalRepository();
        else if ( "session".equals( expression ) )
            value = context;
        else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
            value = context.getSortedProjects();
        else if ( "reports".equals( expression ) )
            value = mojoExecution.getReports();
        else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
            value = project;
        else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
            value = project.getExecutionProject();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
            value = context.getSettings();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, context.getSettings() );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), context.getSettings() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
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        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
        if ( BANNED_EXPRESSIONS.containsKey( expression ) )
            throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "The parameter expression: \'" + expression +
                "\' used in mojo: \'" + mojoDescriptor.getGoal() + "\' is banned. Use \'" +
                BANNED_EXPRESSIONS.get( expression ) + "\' instead." );
        else if ( DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS.containsKey( expression ) )
            logger.warn( "The parameter expression: \'" + expression + "\' used in mojo: \'" +
                mojoDescriptor.getGoal() + "\' has been deprecated. Use \'" + DEPRECATED_EXPRESSIONS.get( expression ) +
                "\' instead." );

        if ( "localRepository".equals( expression ) )
            value = context.getLocalRepository();
        else if ( "session".equals( expression ) )
            value = context;
        else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
            value = context.getSortedProjects();
        else if ( "reports".equals( expression ) )
            value = mojoExecution.getReports();
        else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
            value = project;
        else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
            value = project.getExecutionProject();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
            value = context.getSettings();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, context.getSettings() );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), context.getSettings() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
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        EvaluateBeanshell rule = new EvaluateBeanshell();
        rule.condition = "${env} == null";
        rule.message = "We have a variable : ${env}";

        ExpressionEvaluator eval = mock( ExpressionEvaluator.class );
        when( eval.evaluate( rule.condition ) ).thenThrow( new ExpressionEvaluationException( "expected error" ) );
            EnforcerRuleHelper helper = EnforcerTestUtils.getHelper( project, eval );
            rule.execute( helper );
            fail( "Expected an exception." );
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                    return preprocessor.preprocessValue( expression, type );
                catch ( BeanConfigurationException e )
                    throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( e.getMessage(), e );
            return expression;
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            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getProjects();
        else if ( "mojoExecution".equals( expression ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
            value = project;
        else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
            value = project.getExecutionProject();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) || expression.startsWith( "pom" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "repositorySystemSession" ) )
            value = session.getRepositorySession();
        else if ( expression.equals( "mojo" ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "mojo" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, mojoExecution );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), mojoExecution );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "plugin" ) )
            value = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getSettings();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, session.getSettings() );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), session.getSettings() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
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            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getProjects();
        else if ( "mojoExecution".equals( expression ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
            value = project;
        else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
            value = project.getExecutionProject();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) || expression.startsWith( "pom" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "mojo" ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "mojo" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, mojoExecution );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), mojoExecution );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "plugin" ) )
            value = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression, e );
        else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getSettings();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, session.getSettings() );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), session.getSettings() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
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        MockControl evalControl = MockControl.createControl( ExpressionEvaluator.class );
            ExpressionEvaluator eval = (ExpressionEvaluator) evalControl.getMock();
            eval.evaluate( rule.condition );
            evalControl.expectAndDefaultThrow( null, new ExpressionEvaluationException( "expected error" ) );

            EnforcerRuleHelper helper = EnforcerTestUtils.getHelper( project, eval );
            rule.execute( helper );
            fail( "Expected an exception." );
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            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "reactorProjects".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getProjects();
        else if ( "mojoExecution".equals( expression ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( "project".equals( expression ) )
            value = project;
        else if ( "executedProject".equals( expression ) )
            value = project.getExecutionProject();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "project" ) || expression.startsWith( "pom" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 0, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, project );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), project );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "repositorySystemSession" ) )
            value = session.getRepositorySession();
        else if ( expression.equals( "mojo" ) )
            value = mojoExecution;
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "mojo" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, mojoExecution );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), mojoExecution );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( expression.equals( "plugin" ) )
            value = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "plugin" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, pluginDescriptor );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), pluginDescriptor );
            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "settings".equals( expression ) )
            value = session.getSettings();
        else if ( expression.startsWith( "settings" ) )
                int pathSeparator = expression.indexOf( "/" );

                if ( pathSeparator > 0 )
                    String pathExpression = expression.substring( 1, pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( pathExpression, session.getSettings() );
                    value = value + expression.substring( pathSeparator );
                    value = ReflectionValueExtractor.evaluate( expression.substring( 1 ), session.getSettings() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // TODO: don't catch exception
                throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Error evaluating plugin parameter expression: " + expression,
                                                         e );
        else if ( "basedir".equals( expression ) )
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            return interpolator.interpolate( expression, interceptor );
        catch ( InterpolationException e )
            throw new ExpressionEvaluationException( "Interpolation failed for archiver expression: " + expression, e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression.ExpressionEvaluationException

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