Package org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm

        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        Mojo mojo = null;

        ClassRealm pluginRealm;
            pluginRealm = getPluginRealm( session, mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor() );
        catch ( PluginResolutionException e )
            throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, e );

        ClassRealm oldLookupRealm = container.getLookupRealm();
        ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

        MavenSession oldSession = legacySupport.getSession();

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     * @throws PluginResolutionException
    public ClassRealm getPluginRealm( MavenSession session, PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
        throws PluginResolutionException, PluginManagerException
        ClassRealm pluginRealm = pluginDescriptor.getClassRealm();
        if ( pluginRealm != null )
            return pluginRealm;

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    public static void attachToThread( MavenProject currentProject )
        ClassRealm projectRealm = currentProject.getClassRealm();
        if ( projectRealm != null )
            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( projectRealm );
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    public synchronized ProjectRealmCache.CacheRecord createProjectRealm( MavenProject project, Model model,
                                                                          ProjectBuildingRequest request )
        throws PluginResolutionException, PluginVersionResolutionException
        ClassRealm projectRealm = null;

        List<Plugin> extensionPlugins = new ArrayList<Plugin>();

        Build build = model.getBuild();

        if ( build != null )
            for ( Extension extension : build.getExtensions() )
                Plugin plugin = new Plugin();
                plugin.setGroupId( extension.getGroupId() );
                plugin.setArtifactId( extension.getArtifactId() );
                plugin.setVersion( extension.getVersion() );
                extensionPlugins.add( plugin );

            for ( Plugin plugin : build.getPlugins() )
                if ( plugin.isExtensions() )
                    extensionPlugins.add( plugin );

        if ( extensionPlugins.isEmpty() )
            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
                logger.debug( "Extension realms for project " + model.getId() + ": (none)" );

            return new ProjectRealmCache.CacheRecord( null, null );

        List<ClassRealm> extensionRealms = new ArrayList<ClassRealm>();

        Map<ClassRealm, List<String>> exportedPackages = new HashMap<ClassRealm, List<String>>();

        Map<ClassRealm, List<String>> exportedArtifacts = new HashMap<ClassRealm, List<String>>();

        List<Artifact> publicArtifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>();

        for ( Plugin plugin : extensionPlugins )
            if ( plugin.getVersion() == null )
                PluginVersionRequest versionRequest =
                    new DefaultPluginVersionRequest( plugin, request.getRepositorySession(),
                                                     project.getRemotePluginRepositories() );
                plugin.setVersion( pluginVersionResolver.resolve( versionRequest ).getVersion() );

            List<Artifact> artifacts;

            PluginArtifactsCache.Key cacheKey =
                pluginArtifactsCache.createKey( plugin, null, project.getRemotePluginRepositories(),
                                                request.getRepositorySession() );

            PluginArtifactsCache.CacheRecord recordArtifacts = pluginArtifactsCache.get( cacheKey );

            if ( recordArtifacts != null )
                artifacts = recordArtifacts.artifacts;
                artifacts = resolveExtensionArtifacts( plugin, project.getRemotePluginRepositories(), request );

                recordArtifacts = pluginArtifactsCache.put( cacheKey, artifacts );

            pluginArtifactsCache.register( project, recordArtifacts );

            ClassRealm extensionRealm;
            ExtensionDescriptor extensionDescriptor = null;

            ExtensionRealmCache.CacheRecord recordRealm = extensionRealmCache.get( artifacts );

            if ( recordRealm != null )
                extensionRealm = recordRealm.realm;
                extensionDescriptor = recordRealm.desciptor;
                extensionRealm = classRealmManager.createExtensionRealm( plugin, artifacts );

                    container.discoverComponents( extensionRealm );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    throw new IllegalStateException( "Failed to discover components in extension realm "
                        + extensionRealm.getId(), e );

                Artifact extensionArtifact = artifacts.get( 0 );
                    extensionDescriptor = extensionArtifact.getFile() );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    String message = "Invalid extension descriptor for " + plugin.getId() + ": " + e.getMessage();
                    if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
                        logger.error( message, e );
                        logger.error( message );

                recordRealm = extensionRealmCache.put( artifacts, extensionRealm, extensionDescriptor );

            extensionRealmCache.register( project, recordRealm );

            extensionRealms.add( extensionRealm );
            if ( extensionDescriptor != null )
                exportedPackages.put( extensionRealm, extensionDescriptor.getExportedPackages() );
                exportedArtifacts.put( extensionRealm, extensionDescriptor.getExportedArtifacts() );

            if ( !plugin.isExtensions() && artifacts.size() == 2 && artifacts.get( 0 ).getFile() != null
                && "plexus-utils".equals( artifacts.get( 1 ).getArtifactId() ) )
                 * This is purely for backward-compat with 2.x where <extensions> consisting of a single artifact where
                 * loaded into the core and hence available to plugins, in contrast to bigger extensions that were
                 * loaded into a dedicated realm which is invisible to plugins (MNG-2749).
                publicArtifacts.add( artifacts.get( 0 ) );

        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
            logger.debug( "Extension realms for project " + model.getId() + ": " + extensionRealms );

        ProjectRealmCache.CacheRecord record = projectRealmCache.get( extensionRealms );

        if ( record == null )
            projectRealm = classRealmManager.createProjectRealm( model, publicArtifacts );

            Set<String> exclusions = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

            for ( ClassRealm extensionRealm : extensionRealms )
                List<String> excludes = exportedArtifacts.get( extensionRealm );

                if ( excludes != null )
                    exclusions.addAll( excludes );

                List<String> exports = exportedPackages.get( extensionRealm );

                if ( exports == null || exports.isEmpty() )
                     * Most existing extensions don't define exported packages, i.e. no classes are to be exposed to
                     * plugins, yet the components provided by the extension (e.g. artifact handlers) must be
                     * accessible, i.e. we still must import the extension realm into the project realm.
                    exports = Arrays.asList( extensionRealm.getId() );

                for ( String export : exports )
                    projectRealm.importFrom( extensionRealm, export );
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    private ClassRealm setupContainerRealm( CliRequest cliRequest )
        throws Exception
        ClassRealm containerRealm = null;

        String extClassPath = cliRequest.userProperties.getProperty( EXT_CLASS_PATH );
        if ( extClassPath == null )
            extClassPath = cliRequest.systemProperties.getProperty( EXT_CLASS_PATH );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( extClassPath ) )
            String[] jars = StringUtils.split( extClassPath, File.pathSeparator );

            if ( jars.length > 0 )
                ClassRealm coreRealm = cliRequest.classWorld.getClassRealm( "plexus.core" );
                if ( coreRealm == null )
                    coreRealm = (ClassRealm) cliRequest.classWorld.getRealms().iterator().next();

                ClassRealm extRealm = cliRequest.classWorld.newRealm( "maven.ext", null );

                logger.debug( "Populating class realm " + extRealm.getId() );

                for ( String jar : jars )
                    File file = resolveFile( new File( jar ), cliRequest.workingDirectory );

                    logger.debug( "  Included " + file );

                    extRealm.addURL( file.toURI().toURL() );

                extRealm.setParentRealm( coreRealm );

                containerRealm = extRealm;
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    public static void attachToThread( MavenProject currentProject )
        ClassRealm projectRealm = currentProject.getClassRealm();
        if ( projectRealm != null )
            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( projectRealm );
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    private ClassRealm setupContainerRealm( CliRequest cliRequest )
        throws Exception
        ClassRealm containerRealm = null;

        String extClassPath = cliRequest.userProperties.getProperty( EXT_CLASS_PATH );
        if ( extClassPath == null )
            extClassPath = cliRequest.systemProperties.getProperty( EXT_CLASS_PATH );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( extClassPath ) )
            String[] jars = StringUtils.split( extClassPath, File.pathSeparator );

            if ( jars.length > 0 )
                ClassRealm coreRealm = cliRequest.classWorld.getClassRealm( "plexus.core" );
                if ( coreRealm == null )
                    coreRealm = (ClassRealm) cliRequest.classWorld.getRealms().iterator().next();

                ClassRealm extRealm = cliRequest.classWorld.newRealm( "maven.ext", null );

                logger.debug( "Populating class realm " + extRealm.getId() );

                for ( String jar : jars )
                    File file = resolveFile( new File( jar ), cliRequest.workingDirectory );

                    logger.debug( "  Included " + file );

                    extRealm.addURL( file.toURI().toURL() );

                extRealm.setParentRealm( coreRealm );

                containerRealm = extRealm;
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        List<org.sonatype.aether.artifact.Artifact> pluginArtifacts = nlg.getArtifacts( true );

        ClassRealm pluginRealm =
            classRealmManager.createPluginRealm( plugin, parent, null, foreignImports, pluginArtifacts );

        pluginDescriptor.setClassRealm( pluginRealm );
        pluginDescriptor.setArtifacts( exposedPluginArtifacts );
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        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

        ClassRealm pluginRealm = pluginDescriptor.getClassRealm();

        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
            logger.debug( "Configuring mojo " + mojoDescriptor.getId() + " from plugin realm " + pluginRealm );

        // We are forcing the use of the plugin realm for all lookups that might occur during
        // the lifecycle that is part of the lookup. Here we are specifically trying to keep
        // lookups that occur in contextualize calls in line with the right realm.
        ClassRealm oldLookupRealm = container.setLookupRealm( pluginRealm );

        ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( pluginRealm );

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        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        Mojo mojo = null;

        ClassRealm pluginRealm;
            pluginRealm = getPluginRealm( session, mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor() );
        catch ( PluginResolutionException e )
            throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, e );

        ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( pluginRealm );

        MavenSession oldSession = legacySupport.getSession();

            mojo = mavenPluginManager.getConfiguredMojo( Mojo.class, session, mojoExecution );

            legacySupport.setSession( session );

            // NOTE: DuplicateArtifactAttachmentException is currently unchecked, so be careful removing this try/catch!
            // This is necessary to avoid creating compatibility problems for existing plugins that use
            // MavenProjectHelper.attachArtifact(..).
            catch ( ClassCastException e )
                // to be processed in the outer catch block
                throw e;
            catch ( RuntimeException e )
                throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, e );
        catch ( PluginContainerException e )
            throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, e );
        catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e )
            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( os );
            ps.println( "A required class was missing while executing " + mojoDescriptor.getId() + ": "
                + e.getMessage() );
            pluginRealm.display( ps );

            Exception wrapper = new PluginContainerException( mojoDescriptor, pluginRealm, os.toString(), e );

            throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, wrapper );
        catch ( LinkageError e )
            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( os );
            ps.println( "An API incompatibility was encountered while executing " + mojoDescriptor.getId() + ": "
                + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage() );
            pluginRealm.display( ps );

            Exception wrapper = new PluginContainerException( mojoDescriptor, pluginRealm, os.toString(), e );

            throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, wrapper );
        catch ( ClassCastException e )
            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 1024 );
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( os );
            ps.println( "A type incompatibility occured while executing " + mojoDescriptor.getId() + ": "
                + e.getMessage() );
            pluginRealm.display( ps );

            throw new PluginExecutionException( mojoExecution, project, os.toString(), e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm

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