Package org.codehaus.plexus

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer

    private boolean isAuthorized( ProjectSummary project )
        // do the authz bit
        ActionContext context = ActionContext.getContext();

        PlexusContainer container = (PlexusContainer) context.getApplication().get( PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_KEY );
        SecuritySession securitySession = (SecuritySession) context.getSession().get(
            SecuritySystemConstants.SECURITY_SESSION_KEY );

            SecuritySystem securitySystem = (SecuritySystem) container.lookup( SecuritySystem.ROLE );

            if ( !securitySystem.isAuthorized( securitySession, ContinuumRoleConstants.CONTINUUM_VIEW_GROUP_OPERATION,
                                               project.getProjectGroupName() ) )
                return false;
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    public void testDependencyInjection()
        throws Exception
        PlexusContainer container = getContainer();

        ComponentDescriptor cd =
            new ComponentDescriptor( InjectDependencyLifecycleListener.class, container.getContainerRealm() );
        cd.setRoleClass( AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant.class );
        container.addComponentDescriptor( cd );

        Maven maven = container.lookup( Maven.class );
        File pom = getProject( "lifecycle-listener-dependency-injection" );
        MavenExecutionRequest request = createMavenExecutionRequest( pom );
        request.setGoals( Arrays.asList( "validate" ) );
        MavenExecutionResult result = maven.execute( request );
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    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory#getClassInstance(java.lang.String)
    public Class getClassInstance(String className)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {
        PlexusContainer pc = PlexusThreadLocal.getPlexusContainer();

        if (pc == null) {
            pc = base;

        try {
            return pc.lookup(className).getClass();
        catch (Exception e1) {
            try {
                return pc.lookup(Action.class.getName(), className).getClass();
            catch (Exception e2) {
                try {
                    return pc.lookup(Interceptor.class.getName(), className).getClass();
                catch (Exception e3) {
                    try {
                        return pc.lookup(Validator.class.getName(), className).getClass();
                    catch (Exception e4) {
                        try {
                            return pc.lookup(Result.class.getName(), className).getClass();
                        catch (Exception e5) {
                            return super.getClassInstance(className);
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     * @return The object
     * @throws Exception If the lookup fails
    private Object lookup(String role, String roleHint, Map extraContext)
            throws Exception {
        PlexusContainer pc = PlexusThreadLocal.getPlexusContainer();

        if (pc == null) {
            pc = base;

        try {
            return pc.lookup(role, roleHint);
        catch (Exception e) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Can't load component (" + role + "/" + roleHint + ") with plexus, try now with struts.", e);
            Object o = super.buildBean(super.getClassInstance(role), extraContext);
            return o;
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            pluginArtifact = project.replaceWithActiveArtifact( pluginArtifact );

            artifactResolver.resolve( pluginArtifact, project.getPluginArtifactRepositories(), localRepository );

            PlexusContainer pluginContainer = container.getChildContainer( plugin.getKey() );

            File pluginFile = pluginArtifact.getFile();

            if ( !pluginCollector.isPluginInstalled( plugin ) || pluginContainer == null )
                addPlugin( plugin, pluginArtifact, project, localRepository );
            else if ( pluginFile.lastModified() > pluginContainer.getCreationDate().getTime() )
                    "Reloading plugin container for: " + plugin.getKey() + ". The plugin artifact has changed." );


                pluginCollector.flushPluginDescriptor( plugin );

                addPlugin( plugin, pluginArtifact, project, localRepository );
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                              Artifact pluginArtifact,
                              MavenProject project,
                              ArtifactRepository localRepository )
        throws PluginManagerException, InvalidPluginException
        PlexusContainer child;

            child = container.createChildContainer( plugin.getKey(),
                                                    Collections.singletonList( pluginArtifact.getFile() ),
                                                    Collections.singletonList( pluginCollector ) );
                child.getContainerRealm().importFrom( "plexus.core", "org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom" );
                child.getContainerRealm().importFrom( "plexus.core", "org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull" );
            catch ( NoSuchRealmException e )
                // won't happen
        catch ( PlexusContainerException e )
            throw new PluginManagerException(
                "Failed to create plugin container for plugin '" + plugin + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

        // this plugin's descriptor should have been discovered in the child creation, so we should be able to
        // circle around and set the artifacts and class realm
        PluginDescriptor addedPlugin = pluginCollector.getPluginDescriptor( plugin );

        if ( addedPlugin == null )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "The PluginDescriptor for the plugin " + plugin + " was not found." );

        addedPlugin.setClassRealm( child.getContainerRealm() );

        // we're only setting the plugin's artifact itself as the artifact list, to allow it to be retrieved
        // later when the plugin is first invoked. Retrieving this artifact will in turn allow us to
        // transitively resolve its dependencies, and add them to the plugin container...
        addedPlugin.setArtifacts( Collections.singletonList( pluginArtifact ) );
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            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( oldClassLoader );

                PlexusContainer pluginContainer = getPluginContainer( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor() );

                pluginContainer.release( plugin );
            catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
                if ( getLogger().isErrorEnabled() )
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    private PlexusContainer getPluginContainer( PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
        throws PluginManagerException
        String pluginKey = pluginDescriptor.getPluginLookupKey();

        PlexusContainer pluginContainer = container.getChildContainer( pluginKey );

        if ( pluginContainer == null )
            throw new PluginManagerException( "Cannot find Plexus container for plugin: " + pluginKey );
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        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

        PlexusContainer pluginContainer = getPluginContainer( pluginDescriptor );

        // if this is the first time this plugin has been used, the plugin's container will only
        // contain the plugin's artifact in isolation; we need to finish resolving the plugin's
        // dependencies, and add them to the container.
        ensurePluginContainerIsComplete( pluginDescriptor, pluginContainer, project, session );

        Mojo plugin;
            plugin = (Mojo) pluginContainer.lookup( Mojo.ROLE, mojoDescriptor.getRoleHint() );
            if ( report && !( plugin instanceof MavenReport ) )
                // TODO: the mojoDescriptor should actually capture this information so we don't get this far
                return null;
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                                      String roleHint )
        throws PluginManagerException, ComponentLookupException
        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = pluginCollector.getPluginDescriptor( plugin );

        PlexusContainer pluginContainer = getPluginContainer( pluginDescriptor );

        return pluginContainer.lookup( role, roleHint );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer

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