result = create(PRIMITIVES.get(type));
} else if (type.equals("record") || type.equals("error")) { // record
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
result = new RecordSchema(name, doc, type.equals("error"));
if (name != null) names.add(result);
JsonNode fieldsNode = schema.get("fields");
if (fieldsNode == null || !fieldsNode.isArray())
throw new SchemaParseException("Record has no fields: "+schema);
for (JsonNode field : fieldsNode) {
String fieldName = getRequiredText(field, "name", "No field name");
String fieldDoc = getOptionalText(field, "doc");
JsonNode fieldTypeNode = field.get("type");
if (fieldTypeNode == null)
throw new SchemaParseException("No field type: "+field);
if (fieldTypeNode.isTextual()
&& names.get(fieldTypeNode.getTextValue()) == null)
throw new SchemaParseException
(fieldTypeNode+" is not a defined name."
+" The type of the \""+fieldName+"\" field must be"
+" a defined name or a {\"type\": ...} expression.");
Schema fieldSchema = parse(fieldTypeNode, names);
Field.Order order = Field.Order.ASCENDING;
JsonNode orderNode = field.get("order");
if (orderNode != null)
order = Field.Order.valueOf(orderNode.getTextValue().toUpperCase());
JsonNode defaultValue = field.get("default");
if (defaultValue != null
&& (Type.FLOAT.equals(fieldSchema.getType())
|| Type.DOUBLE.equals(fieldSchema.getType()))
&& defaultValue.isTextual())
defaultValue =
new DoubleNode(Double.valueOf(defaultValue.getTextValue()));
Field f = new Field(fieldName, fieldSchema,
fieldDoc, defaultValue, order);
Iterator<String> i = field.getFieldNames();
while (i.hasNext()) { // add field props
String prop =;
if (!FIELD_RESERVED.contains(prop))
f.addProp(prop, field.get(prop));
f.aliases = parseAliases(field);
} else if (type.equals("enum")) { // enum
JsonNode symbolsNode = schema.get("symbols");
if (symbolsNode == null || !symbolsNode.isArray())
throw new SchemaParseException("Enum has no symbols: "+schema);
LockableArrayList<String> symbols = new LockableArrayList<String>();
for (JsonNode n : symbolsNode)
result = new EnumSchema(name, doc, symbols);
if (name != null) names.add(result);
} else if (type.equals("array")) { // array
JsonNode itemsNode = schema.get("items");
if (itemsNode == null)
throw new SchemaParseException("Array has no items type: "+schema);
result = new ArraySchema(parse(itemsNode, names));
} else if (type.equals("map")) { // map
JsonNode valuesNode = schema.get("values");
if (valuesNode == null)
throw new SchemaParseException("Map has no values type: "+schema);
result = new MapSchema(parse(valuesNode, names));
} else if (type.equals("fixed")) { // fixed
JsonNode sizeNode = schema.get("size");
if (sizeNode == null || !sizeNode.isInt())
throw new SchemaParseException("Invalid or no size: "+schema);
result = new FixedSchema(name, doc, sizeNode.getIntValue());
if (name != null) names.add(result);
} else
throw new SchemaParseException("Type not supported: "+type);
Iterator<String> i = schema.getFieldNames();
while (i.hasNext()) { // add properties