Package org.codehaus.groovy.reflection

Examples of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass$LongCachedClass

        final CachedClass[] paramClasses = metaMethod.getParameterTypes();
        if (paramClasses.length != args.length)
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < paramClasses.length; i++) {
            CachedClass paramClass = paramClasses[i];
            if (args[i] != null && !paramClass.isDirectlyAssignable(args[i]))
                return true;
        return false;
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    public static Constructor compilePogoMethod(CachedMethod cachedMethod) {
        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);

        final CachedClass declClass = cachedMethod.getDeclaringClass();
        final CallSiteClassLoader callSiteLoader = declClass.getCallSiteLoader();
        final String name = callSiteLoader.createClassName(cachedMethod.setAccessible());

        final byte[] bytes = genPogoMetaMethodSite(cachedMethod, cw, name);
        return callSiteLoader.defineClassAndGetConstructor(name, bytes);
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    public static Constructor compilePojoMethod(CachedMethod cachedMethod) {
        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);

        final CachedClass declClass = cachedMethod.getDeclaringClass();
        final CallSiteClassLoader callSiteLoader = declClass.getCallSiteLoader();
        final String name = callSiteLoader.createClassName(cachedMethod.setAccessible());

        final byte[] bytes = genPojoMetaMethodSite(cachedMethod, cw, name);
        return callSiteLoader.defineClassAndGetConstructor(name, bytes);
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    public static Constructor compileStaticMethod(CachedMethod cachedMethod) {
        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);

        final CachedClass declClass = cachedMethod.getDeclaringClass();
        final CallSiteClassLoader callSiteLoader = declClass.getCallSiteLoader();
        final String name = callSiteLoader.createClassName(cachedMethod.setAccessible());

        final byte[] bytes = genStaticMetaMethodSite(cachedMethod, cw, name);
        return callSiteLoader.defineClassAndGetConstructor(name, bytes);
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    public MetaMethodIndex(CachedClass theCachedClass) {

        CachedClass last = null;
        if (!theCachedClass.isInterface()) {
            for (CachedClass c = theCachedClass; c != null; c = c.getCachedSuperClass()) {
              final SingleKeyHashMap.Entry e = methodHeaders.getOrPut(c.getTheClass());
              e.value = new Header (c.getTheClass(), last == null ? null : last.getTheClass());
              last = c;
        else {
            final SingleKeyHashMap.Entry e = methodHeaders.getOrPut(Object.class);
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                    // Note: private methods from parent classes are not shown here,
                    // but when doing the multimethod connection step, we overwrite
                    // methods of the parent class with methods of a subclass and
                    // in that case we want to keep the private methods
                } else {
                    CachedClass methodC = method.getDeclaringClass();
                    CachedClass matchC = match.getDeclaringClass();
                    if (methodC == matchC) {
                        if (isNonRealMethod(method)) {
                            return method;
                    } else if (!methodC.isAssignableFrom(matchC.getTheClass())) {
                        return method;
            return o;

        if (o instanceof FastArray) {
            FastArray list = (FastArray) o;
            int found = findMatchingMethod(list, method);

            if (found == -1) {
            } else {
                MetaMethod match = (MetaMethod) list.get(found);
                if (match==method) return o;
                if (match.isPrivate()
                        || (!isNonRealMethod(match) && match.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface())) {
                    // do not overwrite interface methods with instance methods
                    // do not overwrite private methods
                    // Note: private methods from parent classes are not shown here,
                    // but when doing the multimethod connection step, we overwrite
                    // methods of the parent class with methods of a subclass and
                    // in that case we want to keep the private methods
                } else {
                    CachedClass  methodC = method.getDeclaringClass();
                    CachedClass matchC = match.getDeclaringClass();
                    if (methodC == matchC) {
                        if (isNonRealMethod(method)) {
                            list.set(found, method);
                    } else if (!methodC.isAssignableFrom(matchC.getTheClass())) {
                        list.set(found, method);
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        if (arguments.length == parameters.length) {
            // case C&D, we use baseType to calculate and set it
            // to the value we need according to case C and D
            CachedClass baseType = parameters[noVargsLength]; // case C
            if (!parameters[noVargsLength].isAssignableFrom(arguments[noVargsLength])) {
                baseType = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(baseType.getTheClass().getComponentType()); // case D
                ret += 2l << VARGS_SHIFT; // penalty for vargs
            ret += calculateParameterDistance(arguments[noVargsLength], baseType);
        } else if (arguments.length > parameters.length) {
            // case B
            // we give our a vargs penalty for each exceeding argument and iterate
            // by using parameters[noVargsLength].getComponentType()
            ret += (2l + arguments.length - parameters.length) << VARGS_SHIFT; // penalty for vargs
            CachedClass vargsType = ReflectionCache.getCachedClass(parameters[noVargsLength].getTheClass().getComponentType());
            for (int i = noVargsLength; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                ret += calculateParameterDistance(arguments[i], vargsType);
        } else {
            // case A
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     *         object (e.g. Object) ignoring primitve types
    public static Object chooseMostGeneralMethodWith1NullParam(FastArray methods) {
        // let's look for methods with 1 argument which matches the type of the
        // arguments
        CachedClass closestClass = null;
        CachedClass closestVargsClass = null;
        Object answer = null;
        int closestDist = -1;
        final int len = methods.size();
        for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
            final Object[] data = methods.getArray();
            Object method = data[i];
            final ParameterTypes pt = (ParameterTypes) method;
            CachedClass[] paramTypes = pt.getParameterTypes();
            int paramLength = paramTypes.length;
            if (paramLength == 0 || paramLength > 2) continue;

            CachedClass theType = paramTypes[0];
            if (theType.isPrimitive) continue;

            if (paramLength == 2) {
                if (!pt.isVargsMethod(ARRAY_WITH_NULL)) continue;
                if (closestClass == null) {
                    closestVargsClass = paramTypes[1];
                    closestClass = theType;
                    answer = method;
                } else if (closestClass.getTheClass() == theType.getTheClass()) {
                    if (closestVargsClass == null) continue;
                    CachedClass newVargsClass = paramTypes[1];
                    if (isAssignableFrom(newVargsClass.getTheClass(), closestVargsClass.getTheClass())) {
                        closestVargsClass = newVargsClass;
                        answer = method;
                } else if (isAssignableFrom(theType.getTheClass(), closestClass.getTheClass())) {
                    closestVargsClass = paramTypes[1];
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    public String getMopName() {
        if (mopName == null) {
          String name = getName();
          CachedClass declaringClass = getDeclaringClass();
          if (Modifier.isPrivate(getModifiers()))
            mopName = new StringBuffer().append("this$").append(declaringClass.getSuperClassDistance()).append("$").append(name).toString();
            mopName = new StringBuffer().append("super$").append(declaringClass.getSuperClassDistance()).append("$").append(name).toString();
        return mopName;
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    private void connectMultimethods(List superClasses, CachedClass firstGroovyClass) {
        superClasses = DefaultGroovyMethods.reverse(superClasses);
        MetaMethodIndex.Header last = null;
        for (Iterator iter = superClasses.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            CachedClass c = (CachedClass);
            MetaMethodIndex.Header methodIndex = metaMethodIndex.getHeader(c.getTheClass());
            // We don't copy DGM methods to superclasses' indexes
            // The reason we can do that is particular set of DGM methods in use,
            // if at some point we will define DGM method for some Groovy class or
            // for a class derived from such, we will need to revise this condition.
            // It saves us a lot of space and some noticeable time
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass$LongCachedClass

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