* @deprecated
public static Object chooseMostGeneralMethodWith1NullParam(FastArray methods) {
// let's look for methods with 1 argument which matches the type of the
// arguments
CachedClass closestClass = null;
CachedClass closestVargsClass = null;
Object answer = null;
int closestDist = -1;
final int len = methods.size();
for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
final Object[] data = methods.getArray();
Object method = data[i];
final ParameterTypes pt = (ParameterTypes) method;
CachedClass[] paramTypes = pt.getParameterTypes();
int paramLength = paramTypes.length;
if (paramLength == 0 || paramLength > 2) continue;
CachedClass theType = paramTypes[0];
if (theType.isPrimitive) continue;
if (paramLength == 2) {
if (!pt.isVargsMethod(ARRAY_WITH_NULL)) continue;
if (closestClass == null) {
closestVargsClass = paramTypes[1];
closestClass = theType;
answer = method;
} else if (closestClass.getTheClass() == theType.getTheClass()) {
if (closestVargsClass == null) continue;
CachedClass newVargsClass = paramTypes[1];
if (isAssignableFrom(newVargsClass.getTheClass(), closestVargsClass.getTheClass())) {
closestVargsClass = newVargsClass;
answer = method;
} else if (isAssignableFrom(theType.getTheClass(), closestClass.getTheClass())) {
closestVargsClass = paramTypes[1];