Package org.codehaus.groovy.control

Examples of org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit


    protected void addError(String msg, ASTNode expr) {
        int line = expr.getLineNumber();
        int col = expr.getColumnNumber();
        SourceUnit source = getSourceUnit();
                new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(msg + '\n', line, col), source)
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        ClassNode stored = classes.get(name);
        if (stored != null && stored != node) {
            // we have a duplicate class!
            // One possibility for this is, that we declared a script and a
            // class in the same file and named the class like the file
            SourceUnit nodeSource = node.getModule().getContext();
            SourceUnit storedSource = stored.getModule().getContext();
            String txt = "Invalid duplicate class definition of class " + node.getName() + " : ";
            if (nodeSource == storedSource) {
                // same class in same source
                txt += "The source " + nodeSource.getName() + " contains at least two definitions of the class " + node.getName() + ".\n";
                if (node.isScriptBody() || stored.isScriptBody()) {
                    txt += "One of the classes is a explicit generated class using the class statement, the other is a class generated from" +
                            " the script body based on the file name. Solutions are to change the file name or to change the class name.\n";
            } else {
                txt += "The sources " + nodeSource.getName() + " and " + storedSource.getName() + " are containing both a class of the name " + node.getName() + ".\n";
                    new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(txt, node.getLineNumber(), node.getColumnNumber()), nodeSource)
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         Class target = (Class)sourceCache.get(fileName);
         if (target == null)
            CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(getCodeSource(), ([])null);
            CompilationUnit cunit = createCompilationUnit(config, cs);
            SourceUnit targetSunit = cunit.addSource(fileName, in);
            if (files != null)
               for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
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         Class clazz = cl.defineClass(classNode.getName(), code, cunit.getAST().getCodeSource());
         if (target == null)
            ClassNode targetClassNode = null;
            SourceUnit targetSunit = null;
            ModuleNode module = classNode.getModule();
            if (module != null)
               targetClassNode = (ClassNode)module.getClasses().get(0);
               targetSunit = module.getContext();
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         Class clazz = cl.defineClass(classNode.getName(), code, cunit.getAST().getCodeSource());
         ModuleNode module = classNode.getModule();
         if (module != null)
            SourceUnit currentSunit = module.getContext();
            if (sunitSet.contains(currentSunit))
         return clazz;
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    protected void addError(String msg, ASTNode expr) {
        int line = expr.getLineNumber();
        int col = expr.getColumnNumber();
        SourceUnit source = getSourceUnit();
          new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(msg + '\n', line, col), source)
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        ClassNode stored = (ClassNode) classes.get(name);
        if (stored != null && stored != node) {
            // we have a duplicate class!
            // One possibility for this is, that we delcared a script and a
            // class in the same file and named the class like the file
            SourceUnit nodeSource = node.getModule().getContext();
            SourceUnit storedSource = stored.getModule().getContext();
            String txt = "Invalid duplicate class definition of class "+node.getName()+" : ";
            if (nodeSource==storedSource) {
                // same class in same source
                txt += "The source "+nodeSource.getName()+" contains at last two defintions of the class "+node.getName()+".\n";
                if (node.isScriptBody() || stored.isScriptBody()) {
                    txt += "One of the classes is a explicit generated class using the class statement, the other is a class generated from"+
                           " the script body based on the file name. Solutions are to change the file name or to change the class name.\n";
            } else {
                txt += "The sources "+nodeSource.getName()+" and "+storedSource.getName()+" are containing both a class of the name "+node.getName()+".\n";
                    new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(txt, node.getLineNumber(), node.getColumnNumber()), nodeSource)
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    public void compile( String name, String code ) throws CompilationFailedException
        CompilationUnit unit = new CompilationUnit( configuration );
        unit.addSource( new SourceUnit(name, code, configuration, unit.getClassLoader(), unit.getErrorCollector()) );
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    public void write( PrintWriter writer, Janitor janitor )
        SourceUnit source = (SourceUnit) owner;
        String name   = source.getName();
        int    line   = context.getStartLine();
        int    column = context.getStartColumn();
        String sample = source.getSample( line, column, janitor );
        if( sample != null )
            writer.println( source.getSample(line, column, janitor) );
        writer.println( name + ": " + line + ": " + this.message );
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      return root.create(source);

   private BlockStatement parseSource(String source)
      SourceUnit sourceUnit = SourceUnit.create("script", source);
      ModuleNode moduleNode = sourceUnit.getAST();
      return moduleNode.getStatementBlock();
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit

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