Package org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt

Examples of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement


                protected void addConstructor(Parameter[] newParams, ConstructorNode ctor, Statement code, ClassNode node) {
                    if (code instanceof ExpressionStatement) {//GROOVY-4508
                        Statement temp = code;
                        code = new BlockStatement();
                        ((BlockStatement) code).addStatement(temp);
                    ConstructorNode ctrNode = new ConstructorNode(ctor.getModifiers(), newParams, ctor.getExceptions(), code);
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    private ConstructorCallExpression getConstructorCallExpression(ConstructorNode constructorNode) {
        Statement code = constructorNode.getCode();
        if (!(code instanceof BlockStatement))
            return null;

        BlockStatement block = (BlockStatement) code;
        List stats = block.getStatements();
        if (stats == null || stats.size() == 0)
            return null;

        Statement stat = (Statement) stats.get(0);
        if (!(stat instanceof ExpressionStatement))
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        ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode("Foo", ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE);
        classNode.addConstructor(new ConstructorNode(ACC_PUBLIC, null));

        Parameter[] parameters = {new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "coll1"), new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "coll2"), new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "coll3")};

        BlockStatement statement = new BlockStatement();
        statement.addStatement(createPrintlnStatement(new VariableExpression("coll1")));
        statement.addStatement(createPrintlnStatement(new VariableExpression("coll2")));
        statement.addStatement(createPrintlnStatement(new VariableExpression("coll3")));

        classNode.addMethod(new MethodNode("manyParamDemo", ACC_PUBLIC, ClassHelper.VOID_TYPE, parameters, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, statement));

        Class fooClass = loadClass(classNode);
        assertTrue("Loaded a new class", fooClass != null);
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        // simulate "Hello ${user}!"
        GStringExpression compositeStringExpr = new GStringExpression("hello ${user}!");
        compositeStringExpr.addString(new ConstantExpression("Hello "));
        compositeStringExpr.addValue(new VariableExpression("user"));
        compositeStringExpr.addString(new ConstantExpression("!"));
        BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
                new ExpressionStatement(
                        new DeclarationExpression(
                                new VariableExpression("user"),
                                Token.newSymbol("=", -1, -1),
                                new ConstantExpression("World"))));
                new ExpressionStatement(
                        new DeclarationExpression(new VariableExpression("str"), Token.newSymbol("=", -1, -1), compositeStringExpr)));
                new ExpressionStatement(
                        new MethodCallExpression(VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION, "println", new VariableExpression("str"))));

                new ExpressionStatement(
                        new DeclarationExpression(
                                new VariableExpression("text"),
                                Token.newSymbol("=", -1, -1),
                                new MethodCallExpression(new VariableExpression("str"), "toString", MethodCallExpression.NO_ARGUMENTS))));

                new AssertStatement(
                        new BooleanExpression(
                                new BinaryExpression(
                                        new VariableExpression("text"),
                                        Token.newSymbol("==", -1, -1),
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                            new Parameter(p.getType(), p.getName(), p.getInitialExpression()) :
                            new Parameter(p.getType(), p.getName());
                    args.add(new VariableExpression(p.getName(), p.getType()));
                if (isClashing(cNode, pcopy)) continue;
                BlockStatement body = new BlockStatement();
                body.addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(new ConstructorCallExpression(ClassNode.SUPER, new ArgumentListExpression(args))));
                cNode.addConstructor(cn.getModifiers(), pcopy, cn.getExceptions(), body);
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    private MethodNode getOrAddStaticConstructorNode() {
        MethodNode method = null;
        List declaredMethods = getDeclaredMethods("<clinit>");
        if (declaredMethods.isEmpty()) {
            method =
                    addMethod("<clinit>", ACC_STATIC, ClassHelper.VOID_TYPE, Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY, ClassNode.EMPTY_ARRAY, new BlockStatement());
        else {
            method = (MethodNode) declaredMethods.get(0);
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        return method;
    public void addStaticInitializerStatements(List<Statement> staticStatements, boolean fieldInit) {
        MethodNode method = getOrAddStaticConstructorNode();
        BlockStatement block = null;
        Statement statement = method.getCode();
        if (statement == null) {
            block = new BlockStatement();
        else if (statement instanceof BlockStatement) {
            block = (BlockStatement) statement;
        else {
            block = new BlockStatement();

        // while anything inside a static initializer block is appended
        // we don't want to append in the case we have a initialization
        // expression of a static field. In that case we want to add
        // before the other statements
        if (!fieldInit) {
        } else {
            List<Statement> blockStatements = block.getStatements();
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    public void positionStmtsAfterEnumInitStmts(List<Statement> staticFieldStatements) {
        MethodNode method = getOrAddStaticConstructorNode();
        Statement statement = method.getCode();
        if (statement instanceof BlockStatement) {
            BlockStatement block = (BlockStatement) statement;
            // add given statements for explicitly declared static fields just after enum-special fields
            // are found - the $VALUES binary expression marks the end of such fields.
            List<Statement> blockStatements = block.getStatements();
            ListIterator<Statement> litr = blockStatements.listIterator();
            while (litr.hasNext()) {
                Statement stmt =;
                if (stmt instanceof ExpressionStatement &&
                        ((ExpressionStatement) stmt).getExpression() instanceof BinaryExpression) {
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        System.arraycopy(params, 0, newParams, 1, params.length);
        Parameter thisPara = new Parameter(classNode.getOuterClass(), getUniqueName(params, node));
        newParams[0] = thisPara;

        BlockStatement block = null;
        if (code == null) {
            block = new BlockStatement();
        } else if (!(code instanceof BlockStatement)) {
            block = new BlockStatement();
        } else {
            block = (BlockStatement) code;
        BlockStatement newCode = new BlockStatement();
        addFieldInit(thisPara, thisField, newCode);
        ConstructorCallExpression cce = getFirstIfSpecialConstructorCall(block);
        if (cce == null) {
            cce = new ConstructorCallExpression(ClassNode.SUPER, new TupleExpression());
            block.getStatements().add(0, new ExpressionStatement(cce));
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        boolean isStatic = scope.isInStaticContext();
        // expressions = constructor call arguments
        List<Expression> expressions = ((TupleExpression) call.getArguments()).getExpressions();
        // block = init code for the constructor we produce
        BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
        // parameters = parameters of the constructor
        final int additionalParamCount = 1 + scope.getReferencedLocalVariablesCount();
        List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>(expressions.size() + additionalParamCount);
        // superCallArguments = arguments for the super call == the constructor call arguments
        List<Expression> superCallArguments = new ArrayList<Expression>(expressions.size());

        // first we add a super() call for all expressions given in the
        // constructor call expression
        int pCount = additionalParamCount;
        for (Expression expr : expressions) {
            // add one parameter for each expression in the
            // constructor call
            Parameter param = new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "p" + pCount);
            // add to super call
            superCallArguments.add(new VariableExpression(param));

        // add the super call
        ConstructorCallExpression cce = new ConstructorCallExpression(
                new TupleExpression(superCallArguments)

        block.addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(cce));

        // we need to add "this" to access unknown methods/properties
        // this is saved in a field named this$0
        pCount = 0;
        expressions.add(pCount, VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION);
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement

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