insertThis0ToSuperCall(call, innerClass);
if (!innerClass.getDeclaredConstructors().isEmpty()) return;
if ((innerClass.getModifiers() & ACC_STATIC) != 0) return;
VariableScope scope = innerClass.getVariableScope();
if (scope == null) return;
// expressions = constructor call arguments
List<Expression> expressions = ((TupleExpression) call.getArguments()).getExpressions();
// block = init code for the constructor we produce
BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
// parameters = parameters of the constructor
final int additionalParamCount = 1 + scope.getReferencedLocalVariablesCount();
List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>(expressions.size() + additionalParamCount);
// superCallArguments = arguments for the super call == the constructor call arguments
List<Expression> superCallArguments = new ArrayList<Expression>(expressions.size());
// first we add a super() call for all expressions given in the
// constructor call expression
int pCount = additionalParamCount;
for (Expression expr : expressions) {
// add one parameter for each expression in the
// constructor call
Parameter param = new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "p" + pCount);
// add to super call
superCallArguments.add(new VariableExpression(param));
// add the super call
ConstructorCallExpression cce = new ConstructorCallExpression(
new TupleExpression(superCallArguments)
block.addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(cce));
// we need to add "this" to access unknown methods/properties
// this is saved in a field named this$0
pCount = 0;
expressions.add(pCount, VariableExpression.THIS_EXPRESSION);
boolean isStatic = isStaticThis(innerClass,scope);
ClassNode outerClassType = getClassNode(outerClass, isStatic);
if (!isStatic && inClosure) outerClassType = ClassHelper.CLOSURE_TYPE;
outerClassType = outerClassType.getPlainNodeReference();
Parameter thisParameter = new Parameter(outerClassType, "p" + pCount);
parameters.add(pCount, thisParameter);
thisField = innerClass.addField("this$0", PUBLIC_SYNTHETIC, outerClassType, null);
addFieldInit(thisParameter, thisField, block);
// for each shared variable we add a reference and save it as field
for (Iterator it = scope.getReferencedLocalVariablesIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Variable var = (org.codehaus.groovy.ast.Variable);
VariableExpression ve = new VariableExpression(var);