AtomicLong sequenceId, long nonceGroup, long nonce) throws IOException {
if (edits.isEmpty()) return this.unflushedEntries.get();
if (this.closed) {
throw new IOException("Cannot append; log is closed");
TraceScope traceScope = Trace.startSpan("FSHlog.append");
try {
long txid = 0;
synchronized (this.updateLock) {
// get the sequence number from the passed Long. In normal flow, it is coming from the
// region.
long seqNum = sequenceId.incrementAndGet();
// The 'lastSeqWritten' map holds the sequence number of the oldest
// write for each region (i.e. the first edit added to the particular
// memstore). . When the cache is flushed, the entry for the
// region being flushed is removed if the sequence number of the flush
// is greater than or equal to the value in lastSeqWritten.
// Use encoded name. Its shorter, guaranteed unique and a subset of
// actual name.
byte [] encodedRegionName = info.getEncodedNameAsBytes();
if (isInMemstore) this.oldestUnflushedSeqNums.putIfAbsent(encodedRegionName, seqNum);
HLogKey logKey = makeKey(
encodedRegionName, tableName, seqNum, now, clusterIds, nonceGroup, nonce);
synchronized (pendingWritesLock) {
doWrite(info, logKey, edits, htd);
txid = this.unflushedEntries.incrementAndGet();
if (htd.isDeferredLogFlush()) {
lastUnSyncedTxid = txid;
this.latestSequenceNums.put(encodedRegionName, seqNum);
// TODO: note that only tests currently call append w/sync.
// Therefore, this code here is not actually used by anything.
// Sync if catalog region, and if not then check if that table supports
// deferred log flushing
if (doSync &&
(info.isMetaRegion() ||
!htd.isDeferredLogFlush())) {
// sync txn to file system
return txid;
} finally {