new AllErrorReportGenerator(this.log);
GraphReportGenerator origGraphGen =
new GraphReportGenerator(this.log);
AnnotatedGraphReportGenerator graphGen =
new AnnotatedGraphReportGenerator(this.log);
ReadMeReportGenerator readmeGen =
new ReadMeReportGenerator(this.log);
* execute the tests, and provide the results to the
* report generators
System.out.println("Executing tests...");
ConverterTester2 ct = new ConverterTester2(log);
if (testAllConvs) {
new ReportGenerator[]
{allGen, allConvGen, allErrGen,
graphGen, origGraphGen, readmeGen},
cContext, bContext,
new HopFilter(numHops));
} else {
new ReportGenerator[]
{allGen, allConvGen, allErrGen,
graphGen, origGraphGen, readmeGen},
cContext, bContext,
new ConvAndHopFilter(selectedConvName, numHops));
* report generators have now been supplied with the test
* results, and their reports can now be extracted.
System.out.println("Returning reports...");
//return readme report
ReadMeReport readmeReport = readmeGen.getReadMe();
File readmeFile = readmeReport.getReportFile();
Data readMeData = createReportData(readmeFile,
readmeReport.getName(), null);