Interface specification for performance caches as used in Castor. Please implement this interface if you wish to provide your own cache implementation.
At initialization each cache implementation gets passed a properties map containing key/value pairs. Apart of 3 reserved standard properties, individual once can be used to configure the cache behavier. The standard properties are:
type which is evaluated by the CacheFactoryRegistry and defines the requested cache type. If not set count-limited cahce will be used as default.
debug is also evaluated by the CacheFactoryRegistry and defines if the cache instance will be wrapped by a DebuggingCacheProxy to log debug messages at every access to the cache. If not set no debugging will take place.
name is used by AbstractBaseCache to set the name of the cache instance. At the moment every cache type available extends this AbstractBaseCache. The name does not influence internal behavier of the cache but is usefull to identify from which cache instance debug messages are coming from. By default castor uses the classname of the cached objects as name for the cache. If not present the name will be empty.
For a description of the individual properties you should have a look at the javadoc of the different cache types. It needs to be noted that only string keys and values are allowed.
@author Werner Guttmann
@author Ralf Joachim
@version $Revision: 7950 $ $Date: 2006-04-25 16:09:10 -0600 (Tue, 25 Apr 2006) $
@since 1.0