// sunny test - real rules not invoked here. Can only be sure the counts are recorded.
// Rule tests already exist for quantity filter.
// Will use spec tests to see if quantity rules are followed in this scenario.
public void testEntitlementQuantityChange() throws EntitlementRefusedException {
Entitlement ent = poolManager.entitleByPool(consumer, pool, 3);
assertTrue(ent.getQuantity() == 3);
poolManager.adjustEntitlementQuantity(consumer, ent, 5);
Entitlement ent2 = entitlementCurator.find(ent.getId());
assertTrue(ent2.getQuantity() == 5);
Pool pool2 = poolCurator.find(pool.getId());
assertTrue(pool2.getConsumed() == 5);
assertTrue(pool2.getEntitlements().size() == 1);