throw new ForbiddenException("Insufficient permissions"));
if (!keyStrings.isEmpty()) {
if (ownerKey == null) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"Must specify an org to register with activation keys."));
if (userName != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Cannot specify username with activation keys."));
Owner owner = setupOwner(principal, ownerKey);
// Raise an exception if none of the keys specified exist for this owner.
List<ActivationKey> keys = new ArrayList<ActivationKey>();
for (String keyString : keyStrings) {
ActivationKey key = null;
try {
key = findKey(keyString, owner);
catch (NotFoundException e) {
if ((principal instanceof NoAuthPrincipal) && keys.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"None of the activation keys specified exist for this org."));
userName = setUserName(consumer, principal, userName);
ConsumerType type = lookupConsumerType(consumer.getType().getLabel());
if (type.isType(ConsumerTypeEnum.PERSON)) {
if (keys.size() > 0) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"A unit type of 'person' cannot be used with activation keys"));
if (!isConsumerPersonNameValid(consumer.getName())) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"System name cannot contain most special characters."));
verifyPersonConsumer(consumer, type, owner, userName, principal);
if (type.isType(ConsumerTypeEnum.SYSTEM) &&
!isConsumerSystemNameValid(consumer.getName())) {
throw new BadRequestException("System name cannot contain most special characters."));
consumer.setAutoheal(true); // this is the default
if (consumer.getServiceLevel() == null) { consumer.setServiceLevel(""); }
// If no service level was specified, and the owner has a default set, use it:
if (consumer.getServiceLevel().equals("") &&
owner.getDefaultServiceLevel() != null) {
updateCapabilities(consumer, null);
logNewConsumerDebugInfo(consumer, keys, type);
if (consumer.getInstalledProducts() != null) {
for (ConsumerInstalledProduct p : consumer.getInstalledProducts()) {
if (consumer.getGuestIds() != null) {
for (GuestId g : consumer.getGuestIds()) {
HypervisorId hvsrId = consumer.getHypervisorId();
if (hvsrId != null && hvsrId.getHypervisorId() != null && !hvsrId.getHypervisorId().isEmpty()) {
// If a hypervisorId is supplied, make sure the consumer and owner are correct
consumerBindUtil.validateServiceLevel(owner, consumer.getServiceLevel());
try {
consumer = consumerCurator.create(consumer);
IdentityCertificate idCert = generateIdCert(consumer, false);
if (keys.size() > 0) {
consumerBindUtil.handleActivationKeys(consumer, keys);
// Don't allow complianceRules to update entitlementStatus, because we're about to perform
// an update unconditionally.
complianceRules.getStatus(consumer, null, false, false);
consumerCurator.update(consumer);"Consumer " + consumer.getUuid() + " created in org " + consumer.getOwner().getKey());
return consumer;
catch (CandlepinException ce) {
// If it is one of ours, rethrow it.
throw ce;
catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Problem creating unit:", e);
throw new BadRequestException(
"Problem creating unit {0}", consumer));