An {@link Authorization} assigns a set of {@link Permission Permissions}to an identity to interact with a given {@link Resource}.
camunda BPM distinguished two types of identities: users and groups. Authorizations can either range over all users (userId = {@link #ANY}), an individual {@link User} or a {@link Group} of users.
A {@link Permission} defines the way an identity is allowed to interactwith a certain resource. Examples of permissions are {@link Permissions#CREATE CREATE}, {@link Permissions#READ READ}, {@link Permissions#UPDATE UPDATE}, {@link Permissions#DELETE DELETE}, ... See {@link Permissions} for a set ofbuilt-in permissions.
A single authorization object may assign multiple permissions to a single user and resource:
authorization.addPermission(Permissions.READ); authorization.addPermission(Permissions.WRITE); authorization.addPermission(Permissions.DELETE);
On top of the built-in permissions, camunda BPM allows using custom permission types.
Resources are the entities the user interacts with. Examples of resources are {@link Resources#GROUP GROUPS}, {@link Resources#USER USERS}, process-definitions, process-instances, tasks ... See {@link Resources} for a setof built-in resource. The camunda BPM framework supports custom resources.
There are three types of authorizations:
Authorizations may range over all users, an individual user or a group of users or . They may apply to an individual resource instance or all instances of the same type (resourceId = {@link #ANY}). The precedence is as follows: