if (description==null) {
// Prevent NPE from happening in the next line
throw new ProcessEngineException("Timer '"+execution.getActivityId()+"' was not configured with a valid duration/time");
String dueDateString = null;
Date duedate = null;
// ACT-1415: timer-declaration on start-event may contain expressions NOT
// evaluating variables but other context, evaluating should happen nevertheless
VariableScope scopeForExpression = execution;
if(scopeForExpression == null) {
scopeForExpression = StartProcessVariableScope.getSharedInstance();
Object dueDateValue = description.getValue(scopeForExpression);
if (dueDateValue instanceof String) {
dueDateString = (String)dueDateValue;
else if (dueDateValue instanceof Date) {
duedate = (Date)dueDateValue;
else {
throw new ProcessEngineException("Timer '"+execution.getActivityId()+"' was not configured with a valid duration/time, either hand in a java.util.Date or a String in format 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'");
if (duedate==null) {
duedate = businessCalendar.resolveDuedate(dueDateString);