return new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/spring/xaTransaction-context.xml");
public void testTransactedRolledBack() throws InterruptedException {
AuditLogDao auditLogDao = getMandatoryBean(AuditLogDao.class, "auditLogDao");
String message = "this message will explode";
assertEquals(0, auditLogDao.getAuditCount(message));
MockEndpoint mockOut = getMockEndpoint("mock:out");
mockOut.whenAnyExchangeReceived(new ExceptionThrowingProcessor());
// even though the route throws an exception, we don't have to deal with it here as we
// don't send the message to the route directly, but to the broker, which acts as a middleman.
template.sendBody("nonTxJms:inbound", message);
// the consumption of the message is transacted, so a message should end up in the DLQ
assertEquals(message, consumer.receiveBody("jms:ActiveMQ.DLQ", MAX_WAIT_TIME, String.class));
// the send operation is performed while a database transaction is going on, so it is rolled back
// on exception
assertNull(consumer.receiveBody("jms:outbound", MAX_WAIT_TIME, String.class));
assertEquals(0, auditLogDao.getAuditCount(message)); // the insert is rolled back