// take if, if player still has it - yes, there are exploits, but I do
// not want to handle them ;-)
// We have to find the shovel item - it might have been used and its damage number be lowered due to use... So we have to
// find the shovel that has been used most and delete that one...
Inventory inventory = player.getInventory();
Material shovelMaterial = MaterialHelper.getMaterialFromString(configuration.getString("shovelItem", "DIAMOND_SPADE"));
// find all shovel items, if there are more than one to be removed
for (int i = 0; i < shovelItem.getAmount(); i++) {
int indexFound = -1; // keeps found shovels
short durability = Short.MIN_VALUE; // keeps status of worst shovel found
// get all possible shovel items
for (Integer index : inventory.all(shovelMaterial).keySet()) {
ItemStack current = inventory.getItem(index);
short currentDurability = current.getDurability();
if (currentDurability > durability) { // is this the worst shovel found?
indexFound = index;
durability = currentDurability;
// worst shovel found?
if (indexFound > -1) {
// get item
ItemStack stack = inventory.getItem(indexFound);
if (stack.getAmount() > 1) { // shovels should only come in packs of one, but who knows?
stack.setAmount(stack.getAmount() - 1); // reduce amount by one
inventory.setItem(indexFound, stack);
} else
inventory.setItem(indexFound, null); // remove item completely
return true;