public void signCommand(PlayerInteractEvent event)
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (event.hasBlock() && event.getClickedBlock().getState() instanceof Sign)
Sign sign = (Sign) event.getClickedBlock().getState();
String[] lines = sign.getLines();
// if the first line isn't the AutoReferee tag, not our sign, not our business
if (lines[0] == null || !"[AutoReferee]".equals(lines[0])) return;
if (player.getWorld() == plugin.getLobbyWorld())
Long lastLoadTime = lastMapLoad.get(player.getName());
long time = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime();
if (lastLoadTime != null && time < lastLoadTime + MAP_LOAD_COOLDOWN)
long secs = (lastLoadTime + MAP_LOAD_COOLDOWN - time) / 1000L;
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You must wait " +
secs + "s before attempting to load another map.");
// load the world named on the sign
else if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)
// if the last line is a version string, make sure it isn't included in the name
boolean hasVersion = lines[3].isEmpty() ||
(lines[3].trim().startsWith("[") && lines[3].trim().endsWith("]"));
String mapname = lines[1] + " " + lines[2];
if (!hasVersion) mapname += " " + lines[3];
AutoRefMap map = AutoRefMap.getMap(mapname.trim());
if (map != null)
if (player.isSneaking()) map.install();
else this.lobbyLoadMap(player, map);
// if the sign is fit to have a version string listed, add/update it
if (hasVersion && map.getVersion().length() <= 13)
sign.setLine(3, String.format("[v%s]", map.getVersion()));