if( SCAC.DEBUG ) { logger.info("Assembling " + activeRegion.getLocation() + " with " + activeRegion.size() + " reads: (with overlap region = " + activeRegion.getExtendedLoc() + ")"); }
// Loop through the reads hard clipping the adaptor and low quality tails
final List<GATKSAMRecord> readsToUse = new ArrayList<>(activeRegion.getReads().size());
for( final GATKSAMRecord myRead : activeRegion.getReads() ) {
GATKSAMRecord clippedRead;
if (errorCorrectReads)
clippedRead = ReadClipper.hardClipLowQualEnds( myRead, MIN_TAIL_QUALITY_WITH_ERROR_CORRECTION );
else // default case: clip low qual ends of reads
clippedRead= ReadClipper.hardClipLowQualEnds( myRead, MIN_TAIL_QUALITY );
if ( dontUseSoftClippedBases || ! ReadUtils.hasWellDefinedFragmentSize(clippedRead) ) {
// remove soft clips if we cannot reliably clip off adapter sequence or if the user doesn't want to use soft clips at all
clippedRead = ReadClipper.hardClipSoftClippedBases(clippedRead);
} else {
// revert soft clips so that we see the alignment start and end assuming the soft clips are all matches
// TODO -- WARNING -- still possibility that unclipping the soft clips will introduce bases that aren't
// TODO -- truly in the extended region, as the unclipped bases might actually include a deletion
// TODO -- w.r.t. the reference. What really needs to happen is that kmers that occur before the
// TODO -- reference haplotype start must be removed
clippedRead = ReadClipper.revertSoftClippedBases(clippedRead);
clippedRead = ( clippedRead.getReadUnmappedFlag() ? clippedRead : ReadClipper.hardClipAdaptorSequence( clippedRead ) );
if( !clippedRead.isEmpty() && clippedRead.getCigar().getReadLength() > 0 ) {
clippedRead = ReadClipper.hardClipToRegion( clippedRead, activeRegion.getExtendedLoc().getStart(), activeRegion.getExtendedLoc().getStop() );
if( activeRegion.readOverlapsRegion(clippedRead) && clippedRead.getReadLength() > 0 ) {
//logger.info("Keeping read " + clippedRead + " start " + clippedRead.getAlignmentStart() + " end " + clippedRead.getAlignmentEnd());