Package org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.haplotype

Examples of org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.haplotype.Haplotype$Event

      Event[] events = history.getLatestPage();

      System.out.println("Events In the latestPage are : ");
      for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
        Event anEvent = events[i];
        System.out.println("Event: " + anEvent.getClass().getName()
            + "  FullFormattedMessage: "
            + anEvent.getFullFormattedMessage());
    } catch (Exception e)
      System.out.println("Caught Exception : " + " Name : "
          + e.getClass().getName() + " Message : " + e.getMessage()
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                    ArrayOfEvent aoe = (ArrayOfEvent) value;
                    Event[] evts = aoe.getEvent();
                    for (int evtID = 0; evtID < evts.length; ++evtID)
                        Event anEvent = evts[evtID];
                        System.out.println("\n----------" + "\n Event ID: "
                                + anEvent.getKey() + "\n Event: "
                                + anEvent.getClass().getName()
                                + "\n FullFormattedMessage: "
                                + anEvent.getFullFormattedMessage()
                                + "\n VM Reference: "
                                + anEvent.getVm().getVm().get_value()
                                + "\n----------\n");
                } else if (value instanceof VmEvent)
                    VmEvent anEvent = (VmEvent) value;
                    System.out.println("\n----------" + "\n Event ID: "
                            + anEvent.getKey() + "\n Event: "
                            + anEvent.getClass().getName()
                            + "\n FullFormattedMessage: "
                            + anEvent.getFullFormattedMessage()
                            + "\n VM Reference: "
                            + anEvent.getVm().getVm().get_value()
                            + "\n----------\n");
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      Event[] events = ehc.getLatestPage();

      for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
        Event anEvent = events[i];
        System.out.println("Event: " +
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    ServiceInstance si = new ServiceInstance(
        new URL(args[0]), args[1], args[2], true);

    // get the latest event and print it out
    EventManager evtMgr = si.getEventManager();
    Event latestEvent = evtMgr.getLatestEvent();

    // create a filter spec for querying events
    EventFilterSpec efs = new EventFilterSpec();
    // limit to only error and warning
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            final Iterator<KBestHaplotype> bestHaplotypes = haplotypeFinder.iterator(numBestHaplotypesPerGraph);

            while (bestHaplotypes.hasNext()) {
                final KBestHaplotype kBestHaplotype =;
                final Haplotype h = kBestHaplotype.haplotype();
                if( !returnHaplotypes.contains(h) ) {
                    final Cigar cigar = CigarUtils.calculateCigar(refHaplotype.getBases(),h.getBases());

                    if ( cigar == null ) {
                        failedCigars++; // couldn't produce a meaningful alignment of haplotype to reference, fail quietly
                    } else if( cigar.isEmpty() ) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Smith-Waterman alignment failure. Cigar = " + cigar + " with reference length " + cigar.getReferenceLength() +
                                " but expecting reference length of " + refHaplotype.getCigar().getReferenceLength());
                    } else if ( pathIsTooDivergentFromReference(cigar) || cigar.getReferenceLength() < MIN_HAPLOTYPE_REFERENCE_LENGTH ) {
                        // N cigar elements means that a bubble was too divergent from the reference so skip over this path
                    } else if( cigar.getReferenceLength() != refHaplotype.getCigar().getReferenceLength() ) { // SW failure
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Smith-Waterman alignment failure. Cigar = " + cigar + " with reference length "
                                + cigar.getReferenceLength() + " but expecting reference length of " + refHaplotype.getCigar().getReferenceLength()
                                + " ref = " + refHaplotype + " path " + new String(h.getBases()));

                    assemblyResultSet.add(h, assemblyResultByGraph.get(graph));

                    if ( debug )
              "Adding haplotype " + h.getCigar() + " from graph with kmer " + graph.getKmerSize());

        // Make sure that the ref haplotype is amongst the return haplotypes and calculate its score as
        // the first returned by any finder.
        if (!returnHaplotypes.contains(refHaplotype)) {
            double refScore = Double.NaN;
            for (final KBestHaplotypeFinder finder : finders) {
                final double candidate = finder.score(refHaplotype);
                if (Double.isNaN(candidate)) continue;
                refScore = candidate;

        if (failedCigars != 0)
            logger.debug(String.format("failed to align some haplotypes (%d) back to the reference (loc=%s); these will be ignored.",failedCigars,refLoc.toString()));

        if( debug ) {
            if( returnHaplotypes.size() > 1 ) {
      "Found " + returnHaplotypes.size() + " candidate haplotypes of " + returnHaplotypes.size() + " possible combinations to evaluate every read against.");
            } else {
      "Found only the reference haplotype in the assembly graph.");
            for( final Haplotype h : returnHaplotypes ) {
       h.toString() );
       "> Cigar = " + h.getCigar() + " : " + h.getCigar().getReferenceLength() + " score " + h.getScore() + " ref " + h.isReference());

        return new ArrayList<>(returnHaplotypes);
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        haplotypes = new ArrayList<>(assemblyResultSet.getHaplotypeList());
        Collections.sort(haplotypes, Haplotype.ALPHANUMERICAL_COMPARATOR);

        // make sure that kmerSize is not bigger than the smallest haplotype. It can well happen when there are cycles and kmerSize inflates.
        final Haplotype referenceHaplotype = assemblyResultSet.getReferenceHaplotype();
        int minHaplotypeLength = referenceHaplotype.length();
        for (final Haplotype h : haplotypes)
            if (minHaplotypeLength > h.length())
                minHaplotypeLength = h.length();

        // Determine the kmerSize to use for the unified haplotype assembly graph
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     * @param costsEndingByVertex       read costs assorted by their end vertex.
    private void calculatePerReadAlleleLikelihoodMapHaplotypeProcessing(final int haplotypeIndex,
                                                                        final ReadLikelihoods.Matrix<Haplotype> likelihoods,
                                                                        final Map<MultiDeBruijnVertex, Set<ReadSegmentCost>> costsEndingByVertex) {
        final Haplotype haplotype = likelihoods.alleleAt(haplotypeIndex);
        final HaplotypeRoute haplotypeRoute = haplotypeGraph.getHaplotypeRoute(haplotype);
        final Set<MultiDeBruijnVertex> haplotypeVertices = haplotypeRoute.vertexSet();
        final Map<GATKSAMRecord, ReadCost> readCostByRead = new HashMap<>();
        final Set<MultiDeBruijnVertex> visitedVertices = new HashSet<>(haplotypeVertices.size());
        final List<MultiSampleEdge> edgeList = haplotypeRoute.getEdges();
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        for( final VariantContext compVC : givenHaplotypes ) {
            if (!GATKVariantContextUtils.overlapsRegion(compVC, activeRegionWindow))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(" some variant provided does not overlap with active region window");
            for( final Allele compAltAllele : compVC.getAlternateAlleles() ) {
                final Haplotype insertedRefHaplotype = refHaplotype.insertAllele(compVC.getReference(), compAltAllele, activeRegionStart + compVC.getStart() - activeRegionWindow.getStart(), compVC.getStart());
                if( insertedRefHaplotype != null ) { // can be null if the requested allele can't be inserted into the haplotype
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        final Collection<ReadLikelihoods<Haplotype>.BestAllele> bestAlleles = originalReadLikelihoods.bestAlleles();
        final Map<GATKSAMRecord,GATKSAMRecord> result = new HashMap<>(bestAlleles.size());

        for (final ReadLikelihoods<Haplotype>.BestAllele bestAllele : bestAlleles) {
            final GATKSAMRecord originalRead =;
            final Haplotype bestHaplotype = bestAllele.allele;
            final boolean isInformative = bestAllele.isInformative();
            final GATKSAMRecord realignedRead = AlignmentUtils.createReadAlignedToRef(originalRead,bestHaplotype,paddedReferenceLoc.getStart(),isInformative);
        return result;
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        // Create the reference haplotype which is the bases from the reference that make up the active region
        finalizeActiveRegion(activeRegion); // handle overlapping fragments, clip adapter and low qual tails

        final byte[] fullReferenceWithPadding = activeRegion.getActiveRegionReference(referenceReader, REFERENCE_PADDING);
        final GenomeLoc paddedReferenceLoc = getPaddedLoc(activeRegion);
        final Haplotype referenceHaplotype = createReferenceHaplotype(activeRegion, paddedReferenceLoc);

        // Create ReadErrorCorrector object if requested - will be used within assembly engine.
        ReadErrorCorrector readErrorCorrector = null;
        if (errorCorrectReads)
            readErrorCorrector = new ReadErrorCorrector(kmerLengthForReadErrorCorrection, MIN_TAIL_QUALITY_WITH_ERROR_CORRECTION, minObservationsForKmerToBeSolid, SCAC.DEBUG, fullReferenceWithPadding);
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Related Classes of org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.haplotype.Haplotype$Event

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