if ( haplotypeMap == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input allele to haplotype map cannot be null");
final LinkedHashMap<Allele, Haplotype> trimmedHaplotypeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (final Allele a: haplotypeMap.keySet()) {
final Haplotype haplotype = haplotypeMap.get(a);
if (stopLocationInRefForHaplotypes > haplotype.getStopPosition())
stopLocationInRefForHaplotypes = haplotype.getStopPosition();
if (startLocationInRefForHaplotypes < haplotype.getStartPosition())
startLocationInRefForHaplotypes = haplotype.getStartPosition();
else if (startLocationInRefForHaplotypes > haplotype.getStopPosition())
startLocationInRefForHaplotypes = haplotype.getStopPosition();
final long indStart = startLocationInRefForHaplotypes - haplotype.getStartPosition();
final long indStop = stopLocationInRefForHaplotypes - haplotype.getStartPosition();
if ( indStart >= indStop )
// commented out here because we need to make this method static for unit testing
//if (DEBUG)
// System.out.format("indStart: %d indStop: %d WinStart:%d WinStop:%d start: %d stop: %d\n",
// indStart, indStop, ref.getWindow().getStart(), ref.getWindow().getStop(), startLocationInRefForHaplotypes, stopLocationInRefForHaplotypes);
// get the trimmed haplotype-bases array and create a new haplotype based on it. Pack this into the new map
final byte[] trimmedHaplotypeBases = Arrays.copyOfRange(haplotype.getBases(), (int)indStart, (int)indStop);
final Haplotype trimmedHaplotype = new Haplotype(trimmedHaplotypeBases, haplotype.isReference());
trimmedHaplotypeMap.put(a, trimmedHaplotype);
return trimmedHaplotypeMap;