* @return the probability under the hypothesis that all sequences are equally likely of finding a set-two entry preceding a set-one entry "u" times.
@Requires({"m > 0","n > 0","u >= 0"})
@Ensures({"result != null","! Double.isInfinite(result.getFirst())", "! Double.isInfinite(result.getSecond())"})
public static Pair<Double,Double> calculatePRecursively(int n, int m, long u, boolean twoSided, ExactMode mode) {
if ( m > 8 && n > 5 ) { throw new GATKException(String.format("Please use the appropriate (normal or sum of uniform) approximation. Values n: %d, m: %d",n,m)); }
double p = mode == ExactMode.POINT ? cpr(n,m,u) : cumulativeCPR(n,m,u);
//p *= twoSided ? 2.0 : 1.0;
double z;
try {
if ( mode == ExactMode.CUMULATIVE ) {
z = APACHE_NORMAL.inverseCumulativeProbability(p);
} else {
double sd = Math.sqrt((1.0+1.0/(1+n+m))*(n*m)*(1.0+n+m)/12); // biased variance empirically better fit to distribution then asymptotic variance
//System.out.printf("SD is %f and Max is %f and prob is %f%n",sd,1.0/Math.sqrt(sd*sd*2.0*Math.PI),p);
if ( p > 1.0/Math.sqrt(sd*sd*2.0*Math.PI) ) { // possible for p-value to be outside the range of the normal. Happens at the mean, so z is 0.
z = 0.0;
} else {
if ( u >= n*m/2 ) {
z = Math.sqrt(-2.0*(Math.log(sd)+Math.log(p)+LNSQRT2PI));
} else {
z = -Math.sqrt(-2.0*(Math.log(sd)+Math.log(p)+LNSQRT2PI));
} catch (MathException me) {
throw new GATKException("A math exception occurred in inverting the probability",me);
return new Pair<Double,Double>(z,(twoSided ? 2.0*p : p));