Package org.bouncycastle2.jce.provider.util

Examples of org.bouncycastle2.jce.provider.util.NullDigest

        if (key instanceof ElGamalPublicKey)
            ElGamalPublicKey    k = (ElGamalPublicKey)key;

            return new ElGamalPublicKeyParameters(k.getY(),
                new ElGamalParameters(k.getParameters().getP(), k.getParameters().getG()));
        else if (key instanceof DHPublicKey)
            DHPublicKey    k = (DHPublicKey)key;

            return new ElGamalPublicKeyParameters(k.getY(),
                new ElGamalParameters(k.getParams().getP(), k.getParams().getG()));

        throw new InvalidKeyException("can't identify public key for El Gamal.");
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                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
        else if (params == null)
            param = new KeyParameter(key.getEncoded());
        else if (params instanceof IvParameterSpec)
            if (ivLength != 0)
                param = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(key.getEncoded()), ((IvParameterSpec)params).getIV());
                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
                param = new KeyParameter(key.getEncoded());
        else if (params instanceof RC2ParameterSpec)
            RC2ParameterSpec    rc2Param = (RC2ParameterSpec)params;
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        else if (params instanceof IvParameterSpec)
            if (ivLength != 0)
                param = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(key.getEncoded()), ((IvParameterSpec)params).getIV());
                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
                param = new KeyParameter(key.getEncoded());
        else if (params instanceof RC2ParameterSpec)
            RC2ParameterSpec    rc2Param = (RC2ParameterSpec)params;

            param = new RC2Parameters(key.getEncoded(), ((RC2ParameterSpec)params).getEffectiveKeyBits());

            if (rc2Param.getIV() != null && ivLength != 0)
                param = new ParametersWithIV(param, rc2Param.getIV());
                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
        else if (params instanceof RC5ParameterSpec)
            RC5ParameterSpec    rc5Param = (RC5ParameterSpec)params;

            param = new RC5Parameters(key.getEncoded(), ((RC5ParameterSpec)params).getRounds());
            if (rc5Param.getWordSize() != 32)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("can only accept RC5 word size 32 (at the moment...)");
            if ((rc5Param.getIV() != null) && (ivLength != 0))
                param = new ParametersWithIV(param, rc5Param.getIV());
                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
            throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("unknown parameter type.");

        if ((ivLength != 0) && !(param instanceof ParametersWithIV))
            if (random == null)
                random = new SecureRandom();

            if ((opmode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE) || (opmode == Cipher.WRAP_MODE))
                byte[]  iv = new byte[ivLength];

                param = new ParametersWithIV(param, iv);
                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
                throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("no IV set when one expected");
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        else if (params instanceof RC2ParameterSpec)
            RC2ParameterSpec    rc2Param = (RC2ParameterSpec)params;

            param = new RC2Parameters(key.getEncoded(), ((RC2ParameterSpec)params).getEffectiveKeyBits());

            if (rc2Param.getIV() != null && ivLength != 0)
                param = new ParametersWithIV(param, rc2Param.getIV());
                ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)param;
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        else if (params instanceof RC5ParameterSpec)
            RC5ParameterSpec    rc5Param = (RC5ParameterSpec)params;

            param = new RC5Parameters(key.getEncoded(), ((RC5ParameterSpec)params).getRounds());
            if (rc5Param.getWordSize() != 32)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("can only accept RC5 word size 32 (at the moment...)");
            if ((rc5Param.getIV() != null) && (ivLength != 0))
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    static RSAKeyParameters generatePublicKeyParameter(
        RSAPublicKey    key)
        return new RSAKeyParameters(false, key.getModulus(), key.getPublicExponent());

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            RSAPrivateKey    k = key;

            return new RSAKeyParameters(true, k.getModulus(), k.getPrivateExponent());
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        if (key instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey)
            RSAPrivateCrtKey    k = (RSAPrivateCrtKey)key;

            return new RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters(k.getModulus(),
                k.getPublicExponent(), k.getPrivateExponent(),
                k.getPrimeP(), k.getPrimeQ(), k.getPrimeExponentP(),                            k.getPrimeExponentQ(), k.getCrtCoefficient());
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                    .getExtensionValue(attrCert, TARGET_INFORMATION));
            catch (AnnotatedException e)
                throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException(
                    "Target information extension could not be read.", e);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException(
                    "Target information extension could not be read.", e);
        for (Iterator it = pkixParams.getAttrCertCheckers().iterator(); it
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                        dps = crldp.getDistributionPoints();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException(
                            "Distribution points could not be read.", e);
                        for (int i = 0; i < dps.length
                            && certStatus.getCertStatus() == CertStatus.UNREVOKED
                            && !reasonsMask.isAllReasons(); i++)
                            ExtendedPKIXParameters paramsPKIXClone = (ExtendedPKIXParameters) paramsPKIX
                            checkCRL(dps[i], attrCert, paramsPKIXClone,
                                validDate, issuerCert, certStatus, reasonsMask,
                            validCrlFound = true;
                    catch (AnnotatedException e)
                        lastException = new AnnotatedException(
                            "No valid CRL for distribution point found.", e);

                 * If the revocation status has not been determined, repeat the
                 * process above with any available CRLs not specified in a
                 * distribution point but issued by the certificate issuer.

                if (certStatus.getCertStatus() == CertStatus.UNREVOKED
                    && !reasonsMask.isAllReasons())
                         * assume a DP with both the reasons and the cRLIssuer
                         * fields omitted and a distribution point name of the
                         * certificate issuer.
                        DERObject issuer = null;

                            issuer = new ASN1InputStream(
                                ((X500Principal) attrCert.getIssuer()
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new AnnotatedException(
                                "Issuer from certificate for CRL could not be reencoded.",
                        DistributionPoint dp = new DistributionPoint(
                            new DistributionPointName(0, new GeneralNames(
                                new GeneralName(GeneralName.directoryName,
                                    issuer))), null, null);
                        ExtendedPKIXParameters paramsPKIXClone = (ExtendedPKIXParameters) paramsPKIX
                        checkCRL(dp, attrCert, paramsPKIXClone, validDate,
                            issuerCert, certStatus, reasonsMask, certPathCerts);
                        validCrlFound = true;
                    catch (AnnotatedException e)
                        lastException = new AnnotatedException(
                            "No valid CRL for distribution point found.", e);

                if (!validCrlFound)
                    throw new ExtCertPathValidatorException(
                        "No valid CRL found.", lastException);
                if (certStatus.getCertStatus() != CertStatus.UNREVOKED)
                    String message = "Attribute certificate revocation after "
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Related Classes of org.bouncycastle2.jce.provider.util.NullDigest

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