* Setup AES encryption based on pwBytes using WinZipAES approach
* with SALT and pwVerification bytes based on password+salt.
public AESEncrypterBC( byte[] pwBytes ) throws ZipException {
PBEParametersGenerator generator = new PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator();
this.saltBytes = createSalt();
generator.init( pwBytes, saltBytes, ITERATION_COUNT );
// create 2 byte[16] for two keys and one byte[2] for pwVerification
// 1. encryption / 2. athentication (via HMAC/hash) /
cipherParameters = generator.generateDerivedParameters(KEY_SIZE_BIT*2 + 16);
byte[] keyBytes = ((KeyParameter)cipherParameters).getKey();
this.cryptoKeyBytes = new byte[ KEY_SIZE_BYTE ];
System.arraycopy( keyBytes, 0, cryptoKeyBytes, 0, KEY_SIZE_BYTE );
this.authenticationCodeBytes = new byte[ KEY_SIZE_BYTE ];
System.arraycopy( keyBytes, KEY_SIZE_BYTE, authenticationCodeBytes, 0, KEY_SIZE_BYTE );
// based on SALT + PASSWORD (password is probably correct)
this.pwVerificationBytes = new byte[ 2 ];
System.arraycopy( keyBytes, KEY_SIZE_BYTE*2, pwVerificationBytes, 0, 2 );
// create the first 16 bytes of the key sequence again (using pw+salt)
generator.init( pwBytes, saltBytes, ITERATION_COUNT );
cipherParameters = generator.generateDerivedParameters(KEY_SIZE_BIT);
// checksum added to the end of the encrypted data, update on each encryption call
this.mac = new HMac( new SHA1Digest() );
mac.init( new KeyParameter(authenticationCodeBytes) );